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ISP Protects Subscribers From Piracy “Fishing Expedition”
« on: November 17, 2014, 07:53:54 am »

Working for prominent clients such as Warner Bros. and BMG, Rightscorp began sending DMCA subpoenas to dozens of smaller local ISPs in the United States this year.

Unlike regular subpoenas these are not reviewed by a judge and only require a signature from the court clerk. This practice raises questions because federal courts have long decided that DMCA subpoenas are not applicable to file-sharing cases.

Perhaps unaware of the legal precedent most ISPs have complied with the requests, but the tide is slowly changing. Earlier this year Texas provider Grande Communications protested a broad subpoena and now Atlanta-based ISP CBeyond has followed that lead.

CBeyond, owned by Birch Communication, is refusing to hand over its customer data. The ISP has filed a motion to quash the subpoena at a federal court in Georgia arguing that Rightscorp is on a piracy fishing expedition.

“Rightscorp served an invasive and overly broad Subpoena on CBeyond seeking personal identifying information of more than a thousand of CBeyond’s subscribers,” CBeyond writes.

“This Court should not allow Rightscorp to use the federal court system as a vehicle to embark on a fishing expedition, and instead should quash Rightscorp’s Subpoena,” the company adds.

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Re: ISP Protects Subscribers From Piracy “Fishing Expedition”
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2014, 04:38:07 pm »
Yet another case of abuse of process, we see the same old cases year in and year out and yet where is the govt that supposedly represents the general consensus in all of this ?

It seems there are few if any lawmakers with a backbone and many with an enlarged wallet just sitting idly by.

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