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MPAA Secretly Behind Pirate Bay Arrest
« on: December 25, 2014, 05:55:56 pm »
Its no suprise to me but one of the reporters over at torrentfreak seems surprised   :/

In an email dated the day before Neij’s arrest was made public, the MPAA advised chiefs at Disney, Paramount, Sony, Warner Bros, NBC Universal and FOX of the Swede’s arrest. But things went deeper than that.

Already there had been rumors in Thai media that “U.S. movie companies” had hired a lawfirm to track down Neij and that a house on the island of Phuket plus a bank account containing five million baht ($153,000) had been discovered. Emails seen by TF confirm the MPAA’s involvement, but also that they didn’t want that noticed in public.

Another email confirmed the MPA’s intention to lie low, but that it might already be too late to hide any involvement.
“Huge win! Don’t know if hackers will retaliate,” an email from a studio begins. “MPA is laying low and quiet, but the pirate blogs are attributing the pursuit to movie studios.”

“Two laptop computers were seized from Neij at the time of his arrest, and may provide additional evidence against Neij and others in the ongoing TPB investigation in Sweden,” the MPAA writes.

All as expected then, its a shame the laptops where stolen and handed over to third parties to tamper with but that's the dirty game played by the copyright cartel in its war against those trying to break its global monopoly on artists and creators.

I think its pretty clear the hackers have retaliated, Sonys data anyone ..

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