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WinMX World :: Forum  |  Discussion  |  WinMx World News  |  Any Current News/Updates for WinMx and/or OurMx...Would Be Nice...

Author Topic: Any Current News/Updates for WinMx and/or OurMx...Would Be Nice...  (Read 4715 times)

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 :walk: :walk: :walk: ... Time for Mx to start running and come back to life...
"Stand on what can-not be fathomed and wander where there is nothing at all"

Offline GhostShip

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Re: Any Current News/Updates for WinMx and/or OurMx...Would Be Nice...
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2016, 06:22:26 am »
I agree.

A few hours before your post I set about starting a new update page for ourmx fixes and updates so far, however its morning for me here and so I wont be able to populate the page till later but news is on the way and I heartily agree we need to get our minds focused in restorative action, we are getting a lot nearer to the goal post now and a decent push could see us score some points at last.

Offline KHUFU

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Re: Any Current News/Updates for WinMx and/or OurMx...Would Be Nice...
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2016, 09:37:01 pm »
Ghostship aka king bullshit and I quote.

"A few hours before your post I set about starting a new update page for ourmx fixes and updates so far, however its morning for me here and so I wont be able to populate the page till later but news is on the way and I heartily agree we need to get our minds focused in restorative action, we are getting a lot nearer to the goal post now and a decent push could see us score some points at last."

This user asked a question over 4 weeks ago and still no reply.

You said you were "just about to update ourmx" HAHAHAHAHAHA.

I see Imesh posts, torrent posts and all sorts of useless information but you still
have not answered this users question.

Why dont you admit that that POS ourmx will never be done and let winmx die a natural death.

I suggest you close this site down (as it is worse than useless) admit you lied to the community
that you are full of shit , let winmx die and dump that POS ourmx which is laughable.

I will continue to expose your lies.

Offline GhostShip

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Re: Any Current News/Updates for WinMx and/or OurMx...Would Be Nice...
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2016, 09:58:27 pm »
I believe I said WE need to refocus our efforts, that doesn't just mean myself, as I have pointed out to you under 5 different names so far nothing is stopping you doing anything to assist the community, sniping from the shadows under different names means your more likely an employee of some rights group desperate to annoy us and hoping  thus to sabotage our community, get used to being ignored if that's your goal.

I am not sitting idle however and I did make a half hearted effort to add further updates to a new updates page, if you took a bit longer to look you will find the new page and the date it was created. Whilst I make it clear we are critically short handed you seem to expect i have nothing else to do all day except work on every aspect of matters here, whilst I do try to wear a few hats its in fact time consuming to do many of the tasks personally and not just in one sphere of operations, currently I am trying to gain some traction for our next project stage and that means community support, if we don't gain that support I shelve the idea and move onto the next project but all the while OurMX is being tinkered with reworked and improved, and that is all I can guarantee until further hands come to take up some of the OurMx workload.

Whilst lazy & anti winmx folks such as yourself talk down winmx and want nothing more than the network to close we here have other plans, I will continue with the others here to do our best not just to finish ourMx but also to build an infrastructure so that others can take up the battle if we fall by the wayside, 

Even if this site closes today the network will continue due to the geo-positioning of the peer caches and worse for your ilk if that was ever likely we will distribute new tools to make self connecting possible so folks wont even need to use the peer caches, in short then nothings going to close this network till all the folks leave and theres no one left, you have a nice day now  8) 8) 8)

Offline KHUFU

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Re: Any Current News/Updates for WinMx and/or OurMx...Would Be Nice...
« Reply #4 on: June 26, 2016, 10:08:59 pm »
So where is the reply the user asked for over 4 WEEKS AGO?

Offline GhostShip

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Re: Any Current News/Updates for WinMx and/or OurMx...Would Be Nice...
« Reply #5 on: June 26, 2016, 10:14:47 pm »
Here, the page was linked to an older updates page but I am pretty busy and dont always have the time to lead the faithful to the gold, but I think its clear I have tried to keep up with things here even when I'm rather busy working on OurMx and other winmx related side projects that folks have asked for and expect also to see at some stage.

Offline Pri

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Re: Any Current News/Updates for WinMx and/or OurMx...Would Be Nice...
« Reply #6 on: June 27, 2016, 05:28:51 pm »
Why dont you admit that that POS ourmx will never be done and let winmx die a natural death.

I suggest you close this site down (as it is worse than useless) admit you lied to the community
that you are full of shit , let winmx die and dump that POS ourmx which is laughable.

I will continue to expose your lies.

Is this shit your job?

You have made the suggestion to close this site down, how about you leave GhostShip alone and stop posting here instead. It's not up to you or any other single individual to decide when it's time to be taken out back and shot. The users will vote with their participation and while there are still people online many of us that host rooms, forums, software, peercaches and other necessary infrastructure will keep doing so regardless of what you or any other individual says.

I may not always see eye to eye with some people on here when it comes to technical details but I'm not arrogant enough to say lets shut it down just because things might not go the way I want. The community comes first over petty squabbles, turning things off is never on the table for debate.

No real user of our community would ever make such a statement, plenty of people still enjoy WinMX and those who don't like yourself have no reason to be here badgering those who want to keep it alive.

Offline Khayu

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Re: Any Current News/Updates for WinMx and/or OurMx...Would Be Nice...
« Reply #7 on: June 28, 2016, 12:12:51 pm »
That link is to a BETA version and that is nowhere near a beta version.

Stop telling lies.

Offline Khayu

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Re: Any Current News/Updates for WinMx and/or OurMx...Would Be Nice...
« Reply #8 on: June 28, 2016, 12:22:29 pm »
Why dont you admit that that POS ourmx will never be done and let winmx die a natural death.

I suggest you close this site down (as it is worse than useless) admit you lied to the community
that you are full of shit , let winmx die and dump that POS ourmx which is laughable.

I will continue to expose your lies.

Is this shit your job?

You have made the suggestion to close this site down, how about you leave GhostShip alone and stop posting here instead. It's not up to you or any other single individual to decide when it's time to be taken out back and shot. The users will vote with their participation and while there are still people online many of us that host rooms, forums, software, peercaches and other necessary infrastructure will keep doing so regardless of what you or any other individual says.

I may not always see eye to eye with some people on here when it comes to technical details but I'm not arrogant enough to say lets shut it down just because things might not go the way I want. The community comes first over petty squabbles, turning things off is never on the table for debate.

No real user of our community would ever make such a statement, plenty of people still enjoy WinMX and those who don't like yourself have no reason to be here badgering those who want to keep it alive.

The only people left on winmx are people with nothing else to do but sit in chat rooms
greeting people that also have nothing else to do.

Winmx is dead, ourmx is a mere embryo and will stay that way.

Offline Khayu

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Re: Any Current News/Updates for WinMx and/or OurMx...Would Be Nice...
« Reply #9 on: June 28, 2016, 12:23:53 pm »
I forgot to add BANNED AGAIN for telling the truth.

Offline GhostShip

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Re: Any Current News/Updates for WinMx and/or OurMx...Would Be Nice...
« Reply #10 on: June 28, 2016, 06:29:01 pm »
I haven't banned you at any time but I have seen that you where banned before for what your continuing to do here again by another member of the forum staff, frankly your acting like a petulant child, it would not surprise me if you got banned again for your rudeness and calling everyone who does not agree with you a "liar".

We have spoken many times in regard to matters that occur on this forum and your efforts to sabotage the work on ourmx by wasting the time of those working on it are not gaining you any advantage or friends, if you have moved on from this network then please be on your way, leave us alone and enjoy your new online home wherever that is, we owe you nothing and will never agree with your wish to close either this site or ask anyone else involved in the support groups to close the network infrastructure till it really is unused, currently the network is in fact in usage and thus the folks expect us to honour our word to continue our efforts to ensure things stay that way, whilst this may scare or annoy you its basically what we have resolved to do many years ago, perhaps when you where at junior school, keeping this short:  we wont be changing course and ask you nicely to desist from wasting both my time and abusing the forum users good will, if you wish to discuss please do so, we don't bite as you already know and I do understand that your annoyed and upset some bad man gave away irresponsibly data to help others and himself attack the network you used to enjoy, theres little anyone here can do to fix that hurt for you but once again I ask nicely that you try to get over this pain elsewhere and with my blessing.

Re: Any Current News/Updates for WinMx and/or OurMx...Would Be Nice...
« Reply #11 on: June 29, 2016, 02:49:59 am »
you're not welcome here, I banned you and will keep doing so.
you spend a lot of time here for somewhere you think is a waste of time.

it's easy, close your browser and never come back, then the truth for you will be that wmw and the winmx community no longer exist

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