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Soulseeks Problems With Paypal
« on: June 12, 2018, 05:44:47 am »
Yet another blind attack on P2p based on little more than Paypal wanting to avoid bad publicity.

The Arbels run an online community called Soulseek. Originally intended to be a dating service, Soulseek today consists of various chat rooms that also allow users to share files. It’s a place where community and relationships have flourished. The site is particularly popular with underground musicians, their fans, and other creative types, who can easily chat with each other and share their work online.

Soulseek isn’t focused on profit, but the Arbels do take donations to offset their expenses from running the site. Those donations were processed by PayPal until the payment service abruptly terminated Soulseek’s service in February—with virtually no explanation and no coherent appeal process.

What the Arbels are experiencing is a form of financial censorship that has, unfortunately, become increasingly widespread. Following the law isn’t enough—PayPal apparently expects a small message board service with a file-sharing function to do far more than the law requires.

PayPal explained to us that they will cut off sites that “allow for the transfer or download of copyrighted material.”

If Paypal where more open with their anti-P2P policy folks could have the choice to avoid using their services, vote with your feet folks and if possible choose a payment processor who remembers whos money its handling.

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