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Author Topic: Further Dangerous "Big Brother Internet " Proposals From The EU  (Read 1609 times)

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Offline GhostShip

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Another year another set of bribes paid  ?  :suspious:

Memes, remixes and other user-generated content could disappear online if the EU's proposed rules on copyright become law warn experts. Digital rights groups are campaigning against the Copyright Directive, which the European Parliament will vote on later this month.

Article 13 states that platform providers should "take measures to ensure the functioning of agreements concluded with rights-holders for the use of their works".
Critics say this will, in effect, require all internet platforms to filter all content put online by users, which many believe would be an excessive restriction on free speech.

The Electronic Frontier Foundation and 56 other rights organisations sent an open letter to European lawmakers in October outlining their concerns about Article 13.
"Article 13 appears to provoke such legal uncertainty that online services will have no other option than to monitor, filter and block EU citizens' communications if they are to have any chance of staying in business," it read.

Once again the selfish media monopolists whom exploit both creator and consumer are at work here to try to set the rules of the game in  favour of the "Palm Greaser" (aka Rights Holder) and to win we the various groups of citizens merely have to sit silently whilst highly paid corporate lobbyists pay for "trips & holidays" and offer other incentives for EU law makers to see things their way, they rely on your ignorance of these activities folks so get complaining now while you can.

I hope this demonstrates once and for all why a decentralised platform such as the WPN is a something to be guarded and maintained, if we cannot communicate openly with our fellow human beings due to censorship the world becomes a place of fear and mistrust, some govts might wish to see that sort of environment grow to exert further controls over their populace but we all know the way to smash such artificial barriers is to communicate amongst ourselves as human beings and share our viewpoints, while the EU routinely proposes such scary regulations and most are discarded for being flawed we are all safe but we must never allow ourselves to get lazy or complacent  :no:

Offline White Stripes

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Re: Further Dangerous "Big Brother Internet " Proposals From The EU
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2018, 09:12:34 am »
i could see this both causing sites to quit doing business with the EU, and its citizens to massively increase VPN usage....
...add to that the UK 'porn pass' law and .. well.. VPNs might become the only way to surf in europe...

Jim Killock, executive director of the UK's Open Rights Group, told the BBC: "Article 13 will create a 'Robo-copyright' regime, where machines zap anything they identify as breaking copyright rules,

i take this to mean they are filtering at the ISP level??? WPN file transfers are not encrypted... so this begs the question... will the WPN and others like it even survive this? how deep are they going to monitor traffic? they dont mention p2p services but it seems a logical next target....???

Offline GhostShip

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Re: Further Dangerous "Big Brother Internet " Proposals From The EU
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2018, 12:29:09 pm »
If they take aim at anything WPN related then they can expect some positive movement to thwart their plans, I wont be sitting idle thats for sure  :evil:

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Re: Further Dangerous "Big Brother Internet " Proposals From The EU
« Reply #3 on: June 12, 2018, 11:32:14 am »
Since the GDPR came in a lot of American sites are blocking EU visitors. I can't view a lot of news sites like the anymore. I do use a VPN so I could get around it if I wanted but I'm just talking to Stripes point about businesses blocking EU access etc

WinMX World :: Forum  |  Discussion  |  WinMx World News  |  Further Dangerous "Big Brother Internet " Proposals From The EU

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