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WinMX World :: Forum  |  WinMX Help  |  Upload/Download Issues  |  failure to upload on v.3.53

Author Topic: failure to upload on v.3.53  (Read 3503 times)

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Offline jagster57

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failure to upload on v.3.53
« on: October 15, 2018, 07:38:41 pm »
 :oops: No matter I have tried I have been unable to share any of my thousands of files and have been blocked for it from a lot of  users.  Once in a blue moon it will let me share but that is very rare indeed. Is there any way to correct it? I have tried newer versions in the past but with them I am really constrained by how many uploads and downloads you can run at a time.

Offline GhostShip

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Re: failure to upload on v.3.53
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2018, 09:57:03 pm »
I think most users have had this happen to them at one time or another so dont be disheartened Jagster.

What have you tried so far in terms or ports you use and whether they are forwarded in your router etc ?
Is the problem one thats occuring all the time or at intervals ?

I do advise you use the most up to date version of WinMx (3.54b4) simply because it has some protections not found in older versions, tbh it wont matter much atm due to the current cessation of network attacks so its your choice really, also have you popped by one of the chat rooms and asked someone to upload from you directly as this is the best way to get feedback on potential error messages that might not be seen on your end.

WinMX World :: Forum  |  WinMX Help  |  Upload/Download Issues  |  failure to upload on v.3.53

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