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Offline GhostShip

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Iran's Internet Blackout
« on: November 20, 2019, 04:44:30 pm »
Following on from a recent wave of civil unrest after an unexpected and unwelcome fuel price rise internet connectivity into and out of Iran was shut off and remains so at this time.

The details are sketchy on what has been done and why but it is likely the Iranian Govt has taken this action to prevent unrest being created and organised via social media platforms/services.

The disconnection still allows citizens to use internal country wide facilities and web sites but anything outside the country is effectively blocked, this is the same system Russia and China operate to control domestic unrest when it suits them however theres an economic cost to this activity and so this is likely to be simply a warning to Iranian citizens not to get involved in protests.

Let us hope our fellow netizens are reconnected with us soon eh folks, national borders and divisive rhetoric can be so annoying at times.

Get more specific data on this blackout from here folks

Offline GhostShip

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Re: Iran's Internet Blackout
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2019, 05:11:33 pm »
Internet access for most Iranians has been mainly restored at this time  :-D :-D

Network data from the NetBlocks internet observatory confirm that connectivity has been restored with multiple fixed-line providers across much of Iran, allowing users to get online via wifi. Current connectivity levels have risen to 64% after earlier flatlining at 5% for several days. Mobile internet remains generally unavailable.

Network measurements indicate that most social media remain blocked in line with long-running Iranian policy, although access is possible using VPN software.
The shutdowns began on Friday, 15 November amid protests against rising fuel prices. The disruptions progressed to a total internet blackout on Saturday, cutting off Iranians from the rest of the world.

It is a sorry state of affairs when leaders are concerned overly with the reach of social media and other server based people to people networks but given the well publicised lack of objective truth found on such networks I can see why they got worried, If only they had use a decentralised network eh folks  ;)

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