Yups, basicly dotz da case mon

I found these files to be Exact Duplicate Files
These duplicate files are also reflected in the md5 sums displayed on
the "OLD WSX FILES" subdirectoy page
28,913 PUBLIC 20050427 20050428 20050429 20050430(1)(1).wsx
these 2 are the same file as the above
28,913 PUBLIC 20050427 20050428 20050429 20050430(9)(2).wsx
28,913 PUBLIC 20050427 20050428 20050429 20050430(1)(1)(1).wsx
28,955 !!! [SIC] - [PART 5] PUBLIC 20050208 20050209 20050210 20050211 20050212 20050213 20050214(2).wsx
same as the above file
28,955 !!! [SIC] - [PART 5] PUBLIC 20050208 20050209 20050210 20050211 20050212 20050213 20050214(2)(1).wsx
31,149 !!! [SIC] - [PART 4] PUBLIC 20050208 20050209 20050210 20050211 20050212 20050213 20050214.wsx
same as the above file
31,149 !!! [SIC] - [PART 4] PUBLIC 20050206 20050207 20050208 20050209 20050210 20050211(1).wsx
32,767 MEGA PUBLIC 20031107 20031108 20031109 20031110 20031111 20031112 20031113.wsx
same as the above file
32,767 _Jackals Total server list_119 servers_PUBLIC 20021006 20021007 20021008 20021009(1).wsx
32,753 Server OpenNap PUBLIC 20030906 20030907 20030908 20030910(1).wsx
same as the above file
32,753 Server OpenNap PUBLIC 20030906 20030907 20030908 20030910(1)(1).wsx
Thats 6 files that could be deleted with ZERO data lost to anyone that tries these
this file is too large, winmx will not import it.
35,247 PUBLIC 20050513 20050514 20050515 20050516.wsx
There is no 'Oh there it is' reason that jumps out at first look to explain why its so large,
However - a quick editing session removing 17 corrupted lines and removing the
260 duplicate entries as well as the redundant port information reduced the files size
9,500 bytes making it very import-able now.
both of these have a LOT of JUNK inside the file, the actual working part is much smaller
bad psychology at work here to pad the file size out to the max that winmx can import.
31,840 [Jaggers] PUBLIC -OK- 20050428 20050429 20050430 20050501(2).wsx
32,766 [Jaggers] PUBLIC -OK- 20050214 20050215 20050216 20050217(2).wsx
this one has been renamed From a JAGGERS file to a more normal wsx file name with a
slightly different total file size. It too suffers from worthless File size BLOAT
32,019 PUBLIC 20050428 20050429 20050430 20050501.wsx
With All of these one should pay close attention the file name at the end of the
name to be sure you get the right ones should you choose to clean up the mess.
Now I reach the Conundrum point that prompted me to address you folks.
Most all these files are OLD, yes I know that is the point of the particular
page BUT (yes a big BUT) I will analyze the files for potential workers at
this time.
Experience (for me) suggests a massive amount of this data will be totally
out of date and no longer serves anyone by allowing them to circulate anymore
as well as suffering from a massive duplication of potential connections.
below I'll report my reasons for this argument.
Many of these files suffered a crash or premature winmx close that altered
the opennap opennapconfig.dat file by corrupting the last bytes at the end
of the recovered data at some time before they ended up on your site.
Those errors got retained as users managed their wsx files and the corruption
ended up retained and passed along to other wsx files as they were shared.
I built a working file from all the collected .wsx files to purge and clean.
I found and removed 175 non ascii values, deleted 127 corrupted entries that
got garbaged when saved, removed 1800 padded spaces
that shouldn't have been at the line ends, 96 bad end of line notations, and
24,750 duplicated entries out of 29,250 across all the files.
Approximately a 77% reduction.
All before any testing to see if they are still out there.
Without any testing to see if the old hosts are still out there all the wsx files in the
"OLD WSX FILES" sub directory boiled down to 5 wsx files, all like groups merged
appropreiately and plenty of room so they are easily imported.
These results haven't even been tested against my current crop of wsx files for
duplicates or those that still work.
Paul of Pauls Public wsx files
I can suppy 5 replacement wsx files based upon these results that will still contain the potential
connection chances but with all the chaff removed. ergo No actual data loss but no opps moments
nor the duplications and leaving in those that are dead and gone.
Untested for 'is anyone out there'
As a whole my continued pursuits down this road (opennap) does show a large decrease in participation
as well as the rise of Private servers But not as many as there once was.
Recent update work hit 17 concurrent connections up from the 12 I was averaging several months ago.
I've always had the impressions the more the merrier.