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Author Topic: Strange Internet Outage Affects Middle East  (Read 1305 times)

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Offline GhostShip

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Strange Internet Outage Affects Middle East
« on: December 20, 2019, 08:17:46 am »
Something unusual  :suspious:

Severed fibre optic cables disrupted internet access in parts of eastern Europe, Iran and Turkey on Thursday.
The issue, which lasted for about two hours, was caused by multiple fibre cables being physically cut at the same time, a highly unusual thing to happen.

Google said its services were among those unavailable in the region for about 30 minutes.
The company told internet service providers to connect to its other servers to "route around the problem".
In a statement, the company blamed "multiple simultaneous fibre cuts", which are very rare.

BBC Monitoring confirmed that internet access in Bulgaria, Iran and Turkey had been disrupted for about two hours on Thursday morning.

I am pretty certain that this was not an accident based soley on the location affected, its not the first time such outages have occured in political hotspots and we all know which agency does this sort of "eavedropping operatiion", if its not them I would be more than surprised.

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