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BBC licence fee to be scrapped from 2028
« on: January 18, 2022, 01:58:25 am »
(archive link -- removes paywall restriction to a publication known as 'The Sunday Times')

BBC licence fee to be scrapped from 2028, says Dorries

Nadine Dorries has said that she wants to scrap the BBC licence fee as ministers seek to take away attention from the crisis gripping Boris Johnson’s premiership.
The culture secretary announced that she wants to keep the licence fee flat at £159 until April 2024, which represents a real-term cut to the corporation’s funding. After that it is expected to rise in line with inflation over the next four years.
Dorries subsequently went further on Twitter and said that she wants to scrap the licence fee from 2028 and find a new funding model for the BBC.

hmm... first radio broadcast was 1906... took till 2022 for the 'ministry of truth' to learn that the government decrees and gestapo practices aren't working to get the money for their 'service'...
i guess in 2028 it will finally be legal for UK citizens to own a 100+ year old piece of technology without having to pay a fee..

..yes.. i've hated the very concept of the BBC radio and tv 'licence' since i learned of it years ago... ...from an american point of view that would be like disney using the government to force me to pay for their 'over the air' abc television service just because i own a tv with a tuner..

She said: “This licence fee announcement will be the last. The days of the elderly being threatened with prison sentences and bailiffs knocking on doors are over. Time now to discuss and debate new ways of funding, supporting and selling great British content.”
(emphasis mine)

WinMX World :: Forum  |  Discussion  |  WinMx World News  |  BBC licence fee to be scrapped from 2028

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