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WinMX World :: Forum  |  WinMX Help  |  WinMX Connection Issues  |  Which IP address to use for port forwarding-need to set up again, but forgot..

Author Topic: Which IP address to use for port forwarding-need to set up again, but forgot..  (Read 126 times)

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Offline dapperwin

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I needed to replace my dlink dir-628 router, (I know, old school) and need to re-enter my port forwarding info. I added my 1st rule for the default gateway ip, for tcp/udp ports. I can download just fine. but no one is uploading. do I need to add a 2nd rule for that? which ip to I use, my static (ipx4)?

Offline White Stripes

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your winmx computer should have a static IP on your lan... port forward both UDP and TCP ports winmx is set to use to that ip to get full functionality.

Offline dapperwin

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thanks, but I guess the real question I have is which one is the static IP,  ipv4 ip or the default gateway IP ? I am using the default gateway in the port forwarding?

Offline dapperwin

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thanks, but I guess the real question I have is which one is the static IP,  ipv4 ip or the default gateway IP ? I am using the default gateway in the port forwarding?

Offline White Stripes

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static IP is the one you set manually on the computer running winmx...
gateway ip is how your computer accesses the internet...
you want to put the winmx computer ip as your ip for forwarding... gateway ip should be left where gateway ip goes in manual config...

your routers user manual should have the process for port forwarding an ip....

Offline White Stripes

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if you are connecting and downloading then you can chat... lets make this easy... join this room; HELP 4 your PC_C82C09B00FA1

Offline dapperwin

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finally got it..  thanks. this time, I'm saving the router config for next time!

Offline dapperwin

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finally got it..  thanks. this time, I'm saving the router config for next time!

WinMX World :: Forum  |  WinMX Help  |  WinMX Connection Issues  |  Which IP address to use for port forwarding-need to set up again, but forgot..

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