Yes Mac Sherwood is alive again!!
We have been working with RobinHood to get this back up to date and hes slaving away at his new release which addressed a problem some users had with legitimate primary, secondary, and transfer connections being refused.
I have restored the original post regarding Sherwood in the 'Other Software' thread on site, however been waiting to talk to Robin and get a official download link for his latest version. We are playing msn tag at the moment and I think hes it.. lol
Yes the old version of Sherwood has been updated to gain its block list from the WinMx World List every 12 hours. It has to convert it to its format, but so far all indications are that the older versions are working and updating.
As soon as I can confirm his newest release I will be recommending that users of Sherwood upgrade as its got some major bug fixes in it, and it also resolves the list more easily then the older versions can, leaving less to go wrong.