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AVI fix question...
« on: April 02, 2006, 04:50:06 am »
Just got done reading the thread talking about the preview issues related to avi videos and explorer.  I went ahead and tried the 2nd fix that Me Here talked about and no luck.  I was wondering do both of the fixes work on the same error?  Would it be worth it to try the first fix?  I really want to get this problem fixed, it is driving me nuts.....Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.....Thanks....

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Re: AVI fix question...
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2006, 08:48:34 am »
I think its worth a try to attempt the first one.. Could you be more specific about the exact symptoms your seeing also.. maybe we can find out more or see if ts related to this fix for you..


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Re: AVI fix question...
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2006, 11:31:54 pm »
I am trying to encode some avi's that I got using Tusnami TMPG to DVD format.  This program does not like it when the name of the avi has any "-" or "/" or any other odd character.  The moment I go into the folder containg the avi, i get the exploer has encountered an a problem and needs to close.  Then it goes through its motions and I get kicked back out. Liek I said, I tried the second fix with no luck, I also tried to minimize the details section of the folder along the left hand side to see if that would help, but again no luck.  I have tried to use a couple of different progams to change the name or use that avi file as it is and that then creates an error with that program causing it to stop or shut down.  I understand the reasoning behind the first fix, but want to get a little more help on the problem before I go messing with the registry.  Any help or info would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.....

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Re: AVI fix question...
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2006, 08:59:35 am »
If i may jump in here
It sounds to me like a look at this site might hold the answer.....

Take a look at the Delivery Codecs and the Authoring Codecs

This sounds very much to me like you have a incompatable codec problem 
And this may well hold the answer....
I hope this helps but if it does not please give me as much info on your system as you can and i will help you out some more.
I would need to know

Op system
When you last formated your pc
What converting programmes you use
Codecs (if any installed)
SP 1 or 2

This will help me get to the root of your problem before you need to touch anything else on your pc...


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Re: AVI fix question...
« Reply #4 on: April 04, 2006, 08:55:51 pm »
I checked out the site and it was very informative.  Out of the list of delivery/authoring codecs, I see only a couple installed on my system.  The follwoing are installed codecs, if I am missing a particular one, what would be a good place to get one?  There are ton of them out there, but who can you trust?  Thanks so far for the help.....

cinepak codec
huffyuv lossless codec
indeo codec
indeo video
microsoft rle codec
microsoft video 1
vfapi reader codec v1.01


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Re: AVI fix question...
« Reply #5 on: April 05, 2006, 03:09:09 am »
Just a little more in....

Last formated on 2/12/05
OS is XP
I like usinf Tsunami MPEG suite
SP2 installed....


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Re: AVI fix question...
« Reply #6 on: April 05, 2006, 03:20:31 am »

You are the man.  I ran throught that list from the link you gave me.  I located the Xvid codec pack from  Installed the codec, pretty simpple and that cured my issue.  I appreciate everyones help on the issue. Just to let you all know, I asked the same question on a couple of other different sites and got nothing from them.  This place rocks and the people are great.  I will definetly be back and will recommend it to others.  Thanks again for you insight and help.....

WinMX World :: Forum  |  Video and Audio Help  |  Video Help  |  AVI fix question...

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