Windows XP Home Edition SP2
DSL Modem 2 Wire 1000HW
Secondary Connection
Zonealarm Firewall (MS Firewall turned off)
I just recently started using WinMX again and have a problem with download queued peers rapidly timimg out, except for current downloads in progress. All queud peers are fiine and then start timiing out within seconds one after another until all are red. Searching for peers to reconnect to brings no results, just sits there waiting for results and after a few minutes seems to stabilize and works fine for awhile then does it again.
I installed the 3.53 w/ MXpie v2.9 patch, uninstalled -reinstalled/ uninstalled 3.53 and pie and reinstalled 3.53 with 2.2 -noMX patch/ uninstalled that one and used installer 2.2 WinMX that installs 3.54 w/patch. I tried shutting down firewall, tweaking the timeout settings, and a number of things to no avail and V@mpyre is gettin' ticked. The only thing I can think of is that my DSL is unstable and is dropping out, but not sure (based on broadband tests coming back with 3 different answers)
Any HELP on this topic would be greatly appreciated!!