Following hot on the heels of the lame BPI smokescreen earlier on in the week we have this poll that shows how ineffectual the law has become. poll has spotlighted the folly of current copyright law in the UK.
Fifty-nine per cent of respondents in the National Consumer Council (NCC) commissioned poll thought copying their own CDs was perfectly legal, and 55 per cent said they have done so.
However, current law states that it is illegal to rip CDs to any other media.
The NCC also sniped at industry moves to push for an extension on the rule which states that copyright lapses on sound recordings after 50 years. Submission author Jill Johnstone said: "Current terms already provide exessive protection of intellectual property rights at a cost to consumers."
As I Mentioned previously folks the main headline is just a smokescreen for the push to steal musical works away from the public by copyright time extension, they are in effect stealing a public work and selling it back to us.
Legal ? Perhaps. Fair ? I think not.