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Author Topic: 3.0 Patch release removes the fake files from your search!  (Read 33057 times)

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Offline Bearded Blunder

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Re: 3.0 Patch release removes the fake files from your search!
« Reply #20 on: June 09, 2006, 01:07:05 am »
Yes there is a reason why you have less secondaries, (give it time the numbers should rise) the reason they built quickly is that they were Macrovision file flooders, who connect very quickly to unprotected primaries, partly to keep legitimate users out of those slots & to flood fakes, it's actually a GOOD thing that the numbers build more slowly. I don't know Kaspersky firewall, so i'm unable to advise more than seeing if it has any help file that could shed some light.  However, the way you say "& just use the one from Windows" implies that you have both enabled at once, running 2 firewalls concurrently often causes problems with them interacting & strange things can happen... & it's no more secure than running one decent one.
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Re: 3.0 Patch release removes the fake files from your search!
« Reply #21 on: June 10, 2006, 04:20:56 am »
Thank's for the quick answer. I've been running WinMx off and on for several days now and things appear normal. Although I "moved" to bit torrent at the start of the year I still use WinMx for individual mp3s. Of all the P2P programs I have used going back to Napster WinMx has always been my favorite. Just the ability to browse other people's files is a fantastic aspect of the program. Probably 75% of my music was discovered that way. WinMx is alive and well!

Offline KickerRick

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Re: 3.0 Patch release removes the fake files from your search!
« Reply #22 on: June 29, 2006, 02:36:55 am »
Well that didn't last long! My search for Sting had to include
-E: -F: -gioel -OLDPC -Musica -Desktop
to get rid of flooders just now...eeechh!

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Re: 3.0 Patch release removes the fake files from your search!
« Reply #23 on: June 29, 2006, 08:10:27 am »
Kicker in order to filter them now you would have to do this :

how to filter fakes using pie..   -c: -d: -e: -f: -g: -h: -i: -j: -k: -l: -m: -n: -o: -p: -q: -r: -s: -t: -u: -v: -w: -x: -y: -z: -<keyword1> -<keyword2>.............. -<keywordn> 
ofc you get 0 results

Honestly if you look through the new tactics post I made recently, there is NO way to filter them with words exclusions now.. the only way to actually filter them 99.9% of the time now is to use the new patch 3.0 from .

Offline KickerRick

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Re: 3.0 Patch release removes the fake files from your search!
« Reply #24 on: June 30, 2006, 06:31:55 am »
Oy, forget that crap. Just installed the .dll. Cleaned all the flooders out.
 How does it work, does it stay updated with recently changing IPs somehow?

Kicker in order to filter them now you would have to do this :

how to filter fakes using pie..   -c: -d: -e: -f: -g: -h: -i: -j: -k: -l: -m: -n: -o: -p: -q: -r: -s: -t: -u: -v: -w: -x: -y: -z: -<keyword1> -<keyword2>.............. -<keywordn> 
ofc you get 0 results

Honestly if you look through the new tactics post I made recently, there is NO way to filter them with words exclusions now.. the only way to actually filter them 99.9% of the time now is to use the new patch 3.0 from .

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Re: 3.0 Patch release removes the fake files from your search!
« Reply #25 on: June 30, 2006, 06:47:18 am »
Kicker we have some special tools that allow me to do searches for content that I know will be filled with fakes, then gather the real IPs they are using to connect to primary users of hosts files,  I take these IPs and do some further investigations, when I am satisfited there is no way this is a real user, we add them to the list that the Dll calls home and gets, on 3.0 patch you have this is every five minutes.

The only time your going to see fakes is when our small team of folks that detect them are sleeping, and since we have shifts that are global.. well that wont be often at all...


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Re: 3.0 Patch release removes the fake files from your search!
« Reply #26 on: September 09, 2006, 03:20:25 am »
Thanks for all your hard work. Just installed the 3.0 patch. The difference is unbelievable. No more fakes. Searching is now so easy & 100% better & faster results. Everyone should be using it.


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Re: 3.0 Patch release removes the fake files from your search!
« Reply #27 on: October 09, 2006, 02:30:31 am »
TY,TY,TY... the patch works great and oh so quick and easy to install. No more gazillion Alisha Keys and Bo Bice flooding!

Offline SamSeeSam

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Re: 3.0 Patch release removes the fake files from your search!
« Reply #28 on: October 09, 2006, 08:19:06 am »
Glad to hear :)

Cheers :P
Reconnect to winmx with the blocking patch :)
Patch link :

Spread the word now :)

Offline chiquitita

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Re: 3.0 Patch release removes the fake files from your search!
« Reply #29 on: January 04, 2007, 06:18:37 pm »
Which one do I download?


 x x

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Re: 3.0 Patch release removes the fake files from your search!
« Reply #30 on: January 04, 2007, 06:24:32 pm »
This one is best Install-3.0-MultiVer.exe since we dont know what version of MX your using now.

Just be sure during installation you choose your current WinMX Version then let it install.

Offline chiquitita

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Re: 3.0 Patch release removes the fake files from your search!
« Reply #31 on: January 04, 2007, 06:25:38 pm »
ok thanks x


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Re: 3.0 Patch release removes the fake files from your search!
« Reply #32 on: January 08, 2007, 07:40:54 am »
I haven't been to winmx forums for about a year where I found them after the shutdown. Not been using winmx much lately and mostly used hosts file. Getting too many fake files and going to try dll patch but forgot what to do with windows system dll, rename or leave it? Unfortunately winmx is obsolete but I still use it when I want. Closest thing I could find was shareaza, others I know use limewire. Wll look around again for other programs for few files I want.

Offline GhostShip

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Re: 3.0 Patch release removes the fake files from your search!
« Reply #33 on: January 08, 2007, 08:20:05 am »
If you use the installer mentioned above it places the file in the winmx folder in Program Files\Winmx, there is no need to touch any of your system folders.

Can I also ask you to read this as is shows why we ask you not to use a host file and what damage it does to the network and other users.


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Re: 3.0 Patch release removes the fake files from your search!
« Reply #34 on: January 08, 2007, 07:25:40 pm »
I read that. I don't like execs for winmx, I use manual patches. I have two ws2_32.dll files, system and patch, do they co-habitate? The windows hosts file is renamed, what about the system dll? Curious if you guys use other programs, what happened to vladd's forum, I read pie was sliced, what is "official" winmxunlimited site and why we need to enter email to post. That's all.

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Re: 3.0 Patch release removes the fake files from your search!
« Reply #35 on: January 08, 2007, 09:51:28 pm »
Hi Guest,

The exe file is an installer that will install WinMX for those that dont have it already, if you do it simply finds your folders, installs the correct patch file, it will also remove pie entries from your hosts file and replace them with the correct entry for the update bar. 

I think your a bit confused, we dont need you to rename files and doing so could cause your Operating System not to operate correctly.  Thousands of ppl are using the installer, its harmless to your system and does exactly as Ghost likes to say 'what it says on the can'.

Im not sure what ws2_32.dll file your referring to at this time.  As mentioned there is a system file by that name (do not touch this).  There are files used by RCMS and BendMX that use this file, the patch for third party programs is made from file and lastly the older versions of the WinMXGroup Patch used that file.  Where yours is, just saying 'patch' doesn't help me much, and how to fix you is getting difficult.

I would like to say 'trust me' or if not that say trust the literally 10's of thousands that have changed to the WinMX Group patch and used the installer to help reverse the effects of the Fake files.. It takes literally seconds to install and thats it your done and protected. 

If you still feel you just simply can not take the word of the many many posters on the site here or myself contact me here again and we'll figure out a way but its alot of work to reverse the hosts file, and get you set up correctly so that you get the full enjoyment of WinMX the way it should be, that said if your willing so am I, Im quite confident that once you get switched and set up you will be a happy WinMXing person again.


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Re: 3.0 Patch release removes the fake files from your search!
« Reply #36 on: January 08, 2007, 11:16:34 pm »
I'll try to be clearer. I have winmx, don't want the installer, downloaded the manual winmxgroup dll patch  and put in winmx folder like I've done before. I disabled the pie hosts file and have the original   system host file which was renaming.  The question is I have two ws2_32.dll files, the winmxgroup patch and the original system file. I don't remember, do I leave both dll files running named the same ws2_32.dll?  I tried winmx with dll patch, got few results with no fakes then with another search got flooded and the update bar is blank page.

Offline nylly444

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Re: 3.0 Patch release removes the fake files from your search!
« Reply #37 on: January 09, 2007, 01:26:58 am »

that's because the ws2_32.dll doesn't contain any blocking/filtering.
I'ts purely for connecting with 3rd party apps like bots and room servers.

But to answer your original question:
The patched dll needs to go into your winmx folder, the original windows one has to be left intact.
Winmx will look in that folder first and use the one it finds in there, so please do not delete the other one.
This makes sure that the new dll gets used only for winmx and nothing else.

The current dll is not available on it's own because the executable makes sure that any other patches are uninstalled first as well as that winmx is shut down while applying it.
Therefor it has been decided to only release an installer because it's the easiest thing for the most poeple.

I suggest you get yourself a monitoring program to keep track of the installation if you don't trust the installer - although it tells you exactly what it does and where.
There's nothing suspicious with that installer though - and a dll has executable code too you know, so it doesn't really make sense.

If you come by our chatroom someone might be able to let you have the new, blocking dll on it's own, but we still prefer people to just install it.
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Re: 3.0 Patch release removes the fake files from your search!
« Reply #38 on: January 09, 2007, 01:47:25 am »
**Edit** I see Nylly has also answered your questions but im going to post this anyway as ive given you the links and instructions to manually install.

Guest let me be more clear also.. if you downloaded that patch recently its not got any filtering in it.. if you have an older manual install version of ws2_32.dll it also has no filtering in it.. the patch listed on the WinMX Group site that says patch only is also not a ws2_32.dll file but you might be able to get away with a simple install at this time.. since you have made the changes to the hosts file your self.. although I'm still confused what you mean about renaming that.  If its not named 'Hosts'  its not going to be seen right.  Don't rename any files.  If you have RCMS or Bendmx installed the Ws2_32.dll files you find in the C:\Program Files\WinMX folder are for those.  If not they are old or not-for WinMX patch, or an old patch.

The patch only version of install is still just that its an exe file and a installer.

So I'm having trouble deciding how to proceed. 

Do you refuse to use an installer of any kind? (winmx related)
Have you downloaded a patch recently?  This 'downloaded the manual winmxgroup dll patch'  what this will be is either an outdated patch w/o filtering functions or a third part tools patch (for bots, chat servers) w/o filtering functions.

The new patch that filters fakes is a OLEDLG.DLL file.. if you don't have that file in your Program Files\WinMX folder your not patched., and if you don't use RCMS or BendMX you can delete the ws2_32.dll file that is inside your WinMX Folder ONLY!! do not delete that file from anywhere else on your system.

Ok so here it is.. I have uploaded here on site the Patch Only for the new 3.0 WinMX Group Patch.

You can right click this and choose save link as, then save it to your C:\Program Files\WinMX folder, with your WinMX.exe file.   Once this is finished please open your hosts file in  C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc  folder for XP users and Open the hosts  file with Notepad.  There you will see several entries with a '#' in front.. then under that if you have got the original Hosts file you will see an enter like this       localhost          please copy and paste the following entry underneath that

(The Above line is for your Update bar to work only.)
There should be no other entries that are winmx related.

Now you may need to reboot your Computer but you should be able to get a connection and update bar and have the benefits of fake file filtering .  Post back and let me know.  Remember do not rename hosts file or ws2_32.dll files.. just follow the above instructions regarding them.

Or if you'd like to accomplish the same thing without the maual hassle I'll offer you this link as well.. for Patch Only installs


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Re: 3.0 Patch release removes the fake files from your search!
« Reply #39 on: January 09, 2007, 05:15:03 am »
Definitely I won't delete system dll. The renaming hosts file was the pie way, system host to hostold so pie host could work. That's undone. I just got the dll patch from winmxgroup and saw some reference to oledlg.dll. I'm not suspicious about the winmx installer, it's that alot of patches come out and I don't want to install alot of programs because windows will eventually have a breakdown. Thanks for your help everyone.

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