This is not a big discussion it seems or a stating of cases for and against monopolising content dramatically. Picture Association President Dan Glickman locks horns with Electronic Frontier Foundation's John Perry Barlow over big media's war with the internet.
The hackers want to break Hollywood on the wheel of their collective ingenuity and show the suits who is in charge.
Big media wants to make money from the internet like it does with every other outlet, or at the very least not have piracy forever draining away their profits.
And they have been hammering away at each other for years now.
There follows an exchange of views but heres my favourite bit
JPB: I've got good news and bad news and good news. And the good news is that you guys have managed to buy every major legislative body on the planet, and the courts are even with you. So you've done a great job there and you should congratulate yourself.
But you know the problem is - the bad news is that you're up against a dedicated foe that is younger and smarter that you are and will be alive when you're dead. You're 55 years old and these kids are 17 and they're just smarter than you. So you're gonna lose that one.
But the good news is that you guys are mean sons of bitches and you've been figuring out ways of ripping off audiences and artists for centuries.....
I think he has made the case for relaxing some of the over-bearing legislation fairly well there