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WinMX World :: Forum  |  WinMX Help  |  WinMX Connection Issues  |  For users of old hosts file patches.

Author Topic: For users of old hosts file patches.  (Read 30019 times)

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Offline GnarlySnarly

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Re: For users of old hosts file patches.
« Reply #40 on: July 23, 2007, 12:08:19 pm »
For simplicity I shall  post once more here why I dont wish DLL Cache IP addresses to be posted on this site, as of course I have no control over other sites.

Dll cache hosts of which there are now 10 are predominantly user caches, run for the community by commited users, as the majority of winmx users are aware in most cases the IP,s in use are not permanently fixed and are regularly updated by the server team to ensure an efficient connection to the WPN is obtained by dll users.

To claim its helpful to add many dynamic IP,s to a static list that has no such team ensuring its updated is in my opinion reckless and irresponsible, whilst you seem more than happy to add any of these IP,s to your list regardless of whether or not there is a cache at the address as you believe,  I am not and will not encourage anyone else to act in this senseless way.

If you feel you have been singled out Gnarly feel free to provide your own references from this site rather than try to keep wasting the valuable time of those helping,  I personally believe disrupting the community is your primary aim in posting here.

Again, the IPs of the PCS HAVE been posted on this site on numerous occasions since Sept 2005 and also made available as a hosts list download from this site and, as far as I have seen, none of the IPs have ever been edited out until my posts to this thread.  This makes me believe other forces are at work, such as personal animosity and/or to sabatage host list users by making it more difficult for them to get the accurate information they need to keep their hosts lists current.

I never suggested that a hosts list containing lots of dynamic IPs should be distributed.  But the IPs in use should be made readily available to those who are capable of and interested in maintaining their own hosts list.  Sure, they can spend a little time and figure it out by several means, but why make it a drudge?  This was not an issue until KM pulled the plug and took down his peer cache status page with gave the IPs of many servers including those he didn't operate or use in his DLL.  Do you think posting such a composite list was harmful or a disservice to the users?

Those capable of editing their own hosts list are capable of keeping them up to date.  But to facilitate that they need to know what IPs are currently in use.  You say they shouldn't have this information.  I disagree.  It should be made readily available some how, else attempts to keep ones host list up to date is frustrated.  Who does that help?


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Re: For users of old hosts file patches.
« Reply #41 on: July 23, 2007, 12:46:48 pm »
The current 'in use' IP addresses that the various DNS records in the dll point to, have been provided for use by various individuals for dll users, by choosing to connect your WinMX Clients by means of a 'bespoke' hosts file, you and others who choose to use this method of connection have taken on the responsibilty to resolve such hostnames in an effort to keep upto date with DNS records  :!:

Offline GhostShip

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Re: For users of old hosts file patches.
« Reply #42 on: July 23, 2007, 01:00:33 pm »
Gnarly your becoming mind numbingly tiresome, has it not occured to you that the caches now in use are not the same ones as shown by KM on his list ?

Must we all suffer for your ineptitude ?

I have no interest in your politics or plans, those are for you alone to take care of but attempting to sabotage our network operations and connectivity for some users by posting IP,s that could well be out of date before you even finished obtaining them is sheer stupidity, what the real agenda Gnarly ?

Must I repeat once more for the third time why its irresponsible to give folks a quantity of dynamic IP,s to add to a static list ?

If your happy with what your doing which sounds so far like using out of date caches and helping deliver fake files to folks then let that stop with you, encouraging others to selfishly act like that is something we are not happy to do.


Offline Lagerlout666

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Re: For users of old hosts file patches.
« Reply #43 on: August 02, 2007, 11:54:51 am »
Its funny, i thought things where moving forward, yet i see no supportive Pie members returning to give their supportive 2 pennys worth. I sure as well hope that their becomes a unified open source patch. As a cache runner for KM for over 2 years all I wanted was the best for winmx, and a fully blocking .dll was the best at the time. Quicks most of the time gets results between the factions and if he says their is a team working on a open source patch ive never actually known him to lie about stuff like that so im sure their is.

   Just would be nice to see some the pie team runners back here, An gnarly, most of what you have said about the winmx working's is very very wrong, but maybe you should be better enlightened upon its working's as you must have some intrest to try work out what you have so far.

But anyway, Id call for the stopping of bickering in this post, most are sceptical, most just need a break away to recollect on what has happened, and what is happening. But their is no excuse now for this arguing, and even less so if this patch is released.
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Re: For users of old hosts file patches.
« Reply #44 on: August 02, 2007, 03:00:50 pm »
here here...  :wink:
* Me Here holds up drink

Offline jamek

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Re: For users of old hosts file patches.
« Reply #45 on: November 13, 2007, 11:20:54 am »
i I am having trouble connecting so have been finding my way through your suggestions. i happened upon this contribution and thought that I might have been having problems because of an outdated patch. I followed the suggested ling of but received the following message. "No site configured at this address..." Any suggestions? I have also downloaded the 3.4 Beta patch in the hope that this may work. Here's hoping.

Offline reef

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Re: For users of old hosts file patches.
« Reply #46 on: November 13, 2007, 11:46:08 am »
If your still having problems connecting visit this site....

Download Setup for Existing Installs of WinMX

Make sure winmx is closed and run that patch.... restart winmx

Please post back if you continue to have problems and somebody will get you sorted out

Good luck

Offline jamek

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Re: For users of old hosts file patches.
« Reply #47 on: November 13, 2007, 12:01:40 pm »
Thanks for the help. Does this mean that the Beta version that I downloaded id not the one to run?

Offline reef

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Re: For users of old hosts file patches.
« Reply #48 on: November 13, 2007, 12:12:10 pm »
If you downloaded winmx 3.54 patched from that same site you should be fine

Bur if you already have winmx installed on your pc,the 1 i mentioned above will patch
your winmx without you having to re-install it

What version do you currently have installed?

Offline jamek

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Re: For users of old hosts file patches.
« Reply #49 on: November 19, 2007, 12:00:42 pm »
The version says 3.54 Beta4. so it seems to be working. The problem now is an interminable time for downloading and uploading. Thanks for the help.

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