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Author Topic: Enough Is Enough!!  (Read 19927 times)

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Enough Is Enough!!
« on: August 26, 2006, 03:57:03 am »
I am sick over this and I hope that all of you who read this are just as appalled as myself..

It wasn't bad enough that Vladd and co have had payMX sites pasted all over the downloads pages where users are being scammed trying to get a free WinMX and a working patch.. oh no.. that must not been enough to pay his ..what is it.. $6.95 a month hosting fees????

Tonite among all the other crap going on with the single server of Pie going down leaving thousands (once again) stranded without Connections.. I found this:

                                            Pay Pal Buttons everywhere:
Quote from: site download page
Please Help us recover some of our costs. A donation of any size would be greatly appreciated. This site provides and will continue to provide all your WinMX connection needs for FREE.

First of all he doesn't run a cache or a server Sabre does.
Sabre has mentioned he wants no part of this type of activity.
Vladd doesn't have any 'out of pocket' expenses over the banner ads for WinMX.
What kind of F*cktard do you have to be to sleep at nite charging people for a free program.

Thats it ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.. is a scam site.. spyware and I pesonally find this pathetic and the last straw..

Offline Cerebral

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Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2006, 04:10:49 am »
to damn greedy?
maybe its time to attack?
open source all the way

Offline GhostShip

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Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2006, 04:34:20 am »
I think I speak for all users here, this is going too far and misleading users into thinking Vladd actually provides some service to the users, he does not, as far as I can make out his site has Google ads to offset any site costs, If vladd can provide a reason why he is in urgent need of this cash then we are all ears but its my firm belief that it is for his pocket and no other project, as mx pie have done nothing since last year i can see nothing that could justify any expenditure.

I wish to hold a poll folks to see if we have a consensus for action, if we do gain a positive action vote a plan will be drawn up to penalise those who profit from winmx users excessively, please take time to vote and leave a comment in this thread

Thank you all. :|

Offline chuck

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Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #3 on: August 26, 2006, 04:49:46 am »
None of  this is a suprise to me.

Well just that it took this long to come out in to the open.
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Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #4 on: August 26, 2006, 07:09:33 am »
i have for a long time been very um how shall i put this vocal in my opposition to vladd and pie in general..............
while others have sort to try to make peace and find comon ground, i have always said that pie have to go.........
from pies litany of lies and deciet, they have sought to bring this network to its knees and even worse some have sought profit by this...........not looking at you vladd and gem.............
is it any wonder that vladd has now tried to do what he intended all along and that was to sell pies patch cough piece of shit unsuspecting users..........but since he has no patch and revenues from his help site have fallen off due to lack of foot traffic, he nows seeks donations from users for what exactly , please vladd name one cost you have regarding winmx that you need revenues for,...............
no one should be surprised by vladds or any of the maggots actions..................this scam is just another reason why pie must go and those that have sought to profit and or assisted pie in anyway should be run off winmx...........they are a disgrace.............

Offline Neutron

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Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #5 on: August 26, 2006, 09:43:44 am »
It's pretty clear that vladd is trying to make it sound like he is running WinMX and that he's losing money on it. He makes it sound like WinMX will be gone if users don't donate to keep it running. This is no more than a scam, users paying for something that is free, and something that isn't true. I never expected vladd to be such a scammer. From now on I will treat him and his site like any of the other WinMX scam sites. What makes vladd's site any different from the other scam sites? Yep yep, time for vladd to go. Die pie die!

Offline SamSeeSam

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Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #6 on: August 26, 2006, 12:36:17 pm »
Yeah in addition to that, here's what I got in the FAQ section:

8. I currently use the .dll patch; it seems to work ok, should I remove it?

As a user you have a choice of which patch to use. Removing it would be entirely at your discretion. There are some advantages to using the PIE Patch however. Nothing in the patch is hidden from a user in any way. The hosts file can be opened with Notepad and the entries viewed by anyone. There are no hidden IP blocks and the WinMX software is not modified in any way.

And now the big one:

10. I have heard Pie is blocking secondarys from connecting, is this true? If so why?

This is false. PIE servers do not block secondary users from connecting, however due to a heavy load of secondary users on the network it may take a little longer to connect.


Any you are suppose to donate for that -.-

Cheers :P
Reconnect to winmx with the blocking patch :)
Patch link :

Spread the word now :)


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Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #7 on: August 26, 2006, 12:45:41 pm »
yep, a fixed IP Address in a hosts file that has nothing to do with him is better than several servers that can be freely moved around and more added to without anyone even noticing... so donate to him for not even having that IP Address... lol

Offline Josh

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Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #8 on: August 26, 2006, 09:55:55 pm »
With those two websites gone, its almost like smooth sailing to victory lol
- Josh

Offline TheMacDaddy

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Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #9 on: August 26, 2006, 11:28:55 pm »
The only victory i see is the victory of seeing scum like vladd and crew stopped from ripping innocent users of from there hard earned cash
There is on place in this world for low lifes like that last time i saw thing that low i was scrapping it of my boot!!!!!!

Offline chuck

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Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #10 on: August 27, 2006, 02:38:25 am »
I thought id go in the vladd44 room and just see what they had to say and Love was quick to tell that vladd was paying someone to make a new patch and that is why the pay pal link is on the page. and guess what the new patch will block fakes and its legal too! LMAO

I have met alot of dumb asses in my life but love takes the cake.  Im sorry there is so much more id like to say about this bs but i dont know where to start so ill just close.
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Offline GhostShip

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Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #11 on: August 27, 2006, 04:02:39 am »
Did she mention if it would be pay patch or open source ?

I think we have a good idea of which it will be.  :roll:

Offline chuck

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Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #12 on: August 27, 2006, 04:17:22 am »
GhostShip i asked her a few things and i dont think she knows any thing she did say it would be free to the users.

She said nothing about open source.

She did say it was going to be like the host file . and i asked her how it was going to block files and update all she could say was wait till next week.

She said it was coustom made LOL and i told her all the patches made for mx so far were as well.

She is not one to ask much of and think you will get any real info from she is a big vladd fangirl.

I allso asked just how much money he needed being that he has google ad's saleing mx on his site and now needed to beg for pay pal as well. She tried to say at first it was gem asking for the money and i asked why it was on the .com site and not the .info site she never said any more.

There were a bunch of people from the vladd44 rome asking the same things so they are not that happy with it eaither. But some are just fan boys and go with any thing vladd. So i guess we have to wait a few days so vladd can come up with a good lie for why he needs the money.
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Offline Mick832

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Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #13 on: August 27, 2006, 07:23:42 am »
With those two websites gone, its almost like smooth sailing to victory lol

Is this in reference to Vladds site.   Was the dll patch from this site used, with WinMX users attacking Vladds site.   This was what Pie people said would happen.

I am NOT saying that I dissaprove of any action taken, and my WinMX is still running using your patch, but if I am indirectly knocking websites down I would just like to know.


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Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #14 on: August 27, 2006, 07:42:01 am »
The facts play out rather differently ofc

Offline GhostShip

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Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #15 on: August 27, 2006, 08:44:31 am »
Kepping the users informed of course is the respectable thing to do, lets not go down the "I know better than anyone else road" Nobby.

Mick, I share your concerns but it does seem that you are jumping the gun in assuming any activity after reading a post from Josh who is no longer on the staff here.

When vladd tells us why his site is offline we will surely share the information with you, good bad or ugly.


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Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #16 on: August 27, 2006, 09:37:51 am »
Yet again people we are brought here speaking about Vladd44 and his team. This topic and simular have been doing there rounds on winmxworld for some time now and i have been quite over the matter but now i think it is time to be honnest.

When the WinMX Peer Caches shutdown (we all should be albe to remember this) two groups of how many people is not relevent made two patchs one being a Host file modification and the other being a dll patch, both of these patchs where supposed to be a temp solution untill something better cam along.

WinMX Group Patch
well in my eyes this is the patch that users should be using soley because now we have a built in filtering and blocking solution.

MXPie Patch
Well in my eyes this is a total waste of time when using this you need to run Peer Guardian or something simular so what you are actually doing is using a small partion of your System Processes to do something that could be done using next to no System Processes.

Now please please please we have gave the users time to think and we have gave users more than enough time to re consider what patch they use i think now its time to block MXPie Cache and have done with it.

Please excuse my spelling it was never one of my strong points and more than that sorry if anyone is offended by this post but i am sick and tired of reading the same posts over and over again knowing that the issue can be sorted but is not being sorted.

Offline TheMacDaddy

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Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #17 on: August 27, 2006, 10:30:47 am »
I agree

But for as long as i can remember WinMx has always been free and if someone wants paying (as Love says) to make a patch for vladd and team then i have no time Vladd44 and MXPie what so ever

Nobby i am sure in my heart that you feel WinMx is and always should remain free NO MATTER what is the reason is behind MXpie's idea for chasing donations?

Lets face facts the short and tall of it all here is simple

MXPie didnt want blocking to start with then changed there minds
MXPie claimed to always be here for the users , the very same users they now wish to try and scam with paypal icons for doantions

I give me time freely to WinMx  always have and always will and i have always tried to be fair
I am not banned from vladds site,yet i have had in the past moaned about certain things on there but always tried to keep it fair

I recall not to long ago i prog that allowed you to flood WinMx scam sites? in my eyes MXPie site is now no better then any off them and i see no reason why it shouldnt be added to the list of scam sites.

I am sorry but this is my opinion and i dont care how it is twisted or turned or what ever reasons they come up with now



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Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #18 on: August 27, 2006, 10:42:49 am »
I agree with all of your points WinMX started off free and i see no reason why users should pay for WinMX now. I see Love's point when she says vladd is paying someone to make a new patch but why not out of his own pockets not ours.

This topic as been played with to many time jesus christ we have the technology and the chance to stop all of this why not use what we have.

KM you know me i speak my mind please my friend do something about this.

Offline Mick832

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Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #19 on: August 27, 2006, 11:22:26 pm »
Kepping the users informed of course is the respectable thing to do, lets not go down the "I know better than anyone else road" Nobby.

Mick, I share your concerns but it does seem that you are jumping the gun in assuming any activity after reading a post from Josh who is no longer on the staff here.

When vladd tells us why his site is offline we will surely share the information with you, good bad or ugly.

I could go and ask in Vladds room, but I guess I will be told it is KM's fault.   If I ask in Vladds room why my town has not had decent rainfall for 7 years, I will be told it is KMs fault and I should follow the Love formula to make it rain.

I do not think I am jumping the gun.   Time after time I have seen posts on Vladds site blaming KM for everything bad that happens everywhere.

All I asked was a simple question.   Is anyone here responsible for Vladds site being down?

Again I add, I am NOT saying that I dissaprove of any action taken, and my WinMX is still running using your patch, but if I am indirectly knocking websites down I would just like to know.

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