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Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #80 on: September 05, 2006, 07:25:23 am »
guess I just needed to say that twice to make sure I got my point across
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Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #81 on: September 05, 2006, 08:03:06 am »
This is stupid.. by Nobby's (dubious) reasoning, we're all guilty for voting..
By that reasoning, if some workers vote to take action in an industrial dispute & a third party (say a dissatisfied customer) bombs the offices.. that makes the workers all guilty?
Or is it the actual perpetrators who are?
Even if the workers stand cheering & hold a dance to celebrate while the offices burn.. it makes them IN NO WAY guilty..
Come off it Nobby, I'd taken you for one of the more intelligent ones.. you're doing a good job of disproving that...
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Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #82 on: September 05, 2006, 09:07:26 am »
Come off it Nobby, I'd taken you for one of the more intelligent ones.. you're doing a good job of disproving that...

And you and 13 others have shamed yourselves by sanctioning and condoning "action" against a legal and innocent site, its dissapointing that this site as so often attempted to take the moral high ground, and in some cases rightly so, but are happy to support imoral and illegal acts when it suits, its hypocracy of the worst kind.

To those than keep asking me for IPs and who did what, why bother me? Most of you dont beleive me anyway, so instead, why not just go ask KM who attacked the sites, as its clear he knows.

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Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #83 on: September 05, 2006, 09:33:43 am »
And you and 13 others have shamed yourselves by sanctioning and condoning "action" against a legal and innocent site, its disappointing that this site as so often attempted to take the moral high ground, and in some cases rightly so, but are happy to support immoral and illegal acts when it suits, its hypocrisy of the worst kind.

To those than keep asking me for IPs and who did what, why bother me? Most of you don't believe me anyway, so instead, why not just go ask KM who attacked the sites, as its clear he knows.

No one will believe anyone unless there is proof... And I think Ip's will settle the matter for once and for all... that KM did not attack the site...
As for KM knowing the IP's.. I can't think how long it will be before someone tells (to KM)," How do I know what you are saying is true? You could have also been one of the perpetrators.... "

That's why we all want the Ip's from you....

Quote from:  nobby
You can see for yourself exactly what he stated Mac, he made it clear if more than 50% voted in support, further action would be taken, if he was not able to do this himself, or was not in contact with the perpetrator, then there is no way he could have predicted further action would occur, in fact just a handful of hours later a DDOS took place, firstly on vladd, then a while later on me.
You have denied that you have explicitly accused winmxworld or KM of attacking... But is there not something called implicit as well???? You may have not said,"Km attacked the site" But this does also suffice in letting us knowing what you mean.....

A reminder for that as well :

Maybe we all did vote for action, but how about posting the IP's that did it so that we all know who did it? Then we will know who did it even if he does not admit it...
And if the Ip's do not match the ones we know off, then you can drop the accusations against winmxworld and espicially KM...

lol, are you not able to read?? I have not accused anyone of the attack, merely of supporting the action, much like i don't accuse Tony Blair of dropping bombs, i do however still hold him responsible for sanctioning the bombers into the sky, the same applies here.
Yes I can read quite clearly.
*puts on his spectacles
and reads again

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Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #84 on: September 05, 2006, 10:05:39 am »
there was no attack so how can ip,s be posted for something that never happined..........
nobbys email doesnt prove anything except his domain hosts are useless,,,,,,,
if vladd was dossed where is the evidence.........f/wall logs etc...........
if nobby was attacked where is the evidence...........f/wall logs................
none why because there was no attack..............
there domain host simply fucked up the dns records nothing more nothing less................
no one will own upto something they didnt do.............
anyone who knows something about computing wil no that a dos or ddos attack doesnt change or alter dns records it simplt denys bandwidth.............soon as the attack stops the website will work again ...............and please dont tell me km or anyone else attacked thru dos for 3 days and not one ip was logged.................
only explanation for vladds website not working is his domain host fucked up ther dns record relating to for 3 days..........then tried to cover up there mistake by saying those sites were attacked and this mysteriously changed the dns records...........yea right..............get a real domain fact email and ill host ya domain for a small fee say every penny you lame asses have scammed off winmx users for the last 6 yrs..................

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Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #85 on: September 05, 2006, 10:36:07 am »
lol Bug, i'll grant you something, your quite funny, in a court jester, villiage idiot type of way.


I did not say KM knew the IPs, perhaps he does, perhaps its doesnt, but what i do know is, he made it quite clear he knows who carried out the attack, without that knowledge he would not be able to make the threat or indeed prediction of the impending attack.


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Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #86 on: September 05, 2006, 12:27:29 pm »
prove it..............
and dns doesnt lie dickhead........winmx wouldnt work without it ....................

Offline Bearded Blunder

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Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #87 on: September 05, 2006, 12:35:38 pm »
I'm ashamed of nothing, yes I and others here voted that action should be taken, had persons unknown not taken action of their own (if they did, I've only seen allegations), having agreed action should be taken, doubless the nature of said action would then have been discussed.  
However, events overtook us, were the site in question actually still there, I'm sure what to do about it would be discussed, since whatever action we may have taken was preempted by events, you are not in a position to pass judgement.

Personally I'm pleased a clear scam site (not innocent) is no longer there, I'm not prepared to sit crying that events saved us the trouble of taking action, but there is nothing hypocritical about being pleased by something that happened outside my control or influence.

We're more in the position of students, who having voted that the school bus driver was bad & action should be taken, are then pleased that his bus was stolen.. but those students didn't say steal the bus.. & aren't in any way responsible for it being missing.. or even wrong in hoping it's never recovered.

You cannot judge our intentions by the actions of others, only a fool would do so, well you can make such a judgement I suppose, but all you do is show yourself up as that fool.
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Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #88 on: September 05, 2006, 01:48:43 pm »
prove it..............

Are you suggesting, a short while after kms promise of further action, an attack occurred against the same site by an totally unrelated party??

KM, go buy a lottery ticket your lucks in.

I'm ashamed of nothing, yes I and others here voted that action should be taken

Who gave you the right to pass judgement, especially as you were not even aware of the facts?

How happy would you be if 14 random users decided to vote that they didnt like something you said or did, even though it was totally legal and sound in intent, and the vote was passed and a few hours later an attack on you occured??  Would you be so happy to stand behind the shield of "democracy in action" then??? lol i doubt it.

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Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #89 on: September 05, 2006, 02:31:18 pm »
I am perfectly aware of these facts..
Donations were being asked for for the stated reason of "covering costs" NOT the fairy tales come up with since.. your current "explanation" being about the fourth, since the other stories were invented I have no reason to belive this one, especially as it's associated with pie, who have lied to users consistently for the largest part of a year.

I can't speak for others on the subject of "democracy in action" MY defense is very simple, I voted my disapproval of a scam, should the scam reappear I stand by my approval that action be taken, action can mean many things, & what action hasn't been determined.

Any alleged attack that may have taken place is entirely irrlevent & also coincidental.

As to your "facts" since they don't even match what was stated on the scam site.. I'm forced to conclude they're just another of MxLie's Pies
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Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #90 on: September 05, 2006, 03:04:37 pm »
Bearded, you are making conclusions without the facts, you cannot possibly know what vladd is or isnt paying for, you cannot possibly know what options for payments with freelancers have been discussed.You cannot possibly know what other projects were discussed. Hence you sanctioned actions without knowing the facts, you can dress it up however you like, but that is an actual FACT.

As for my explanations, i have written all the actual REAL FACTS out all in 1 post for you, too avoid any confusion, i suggest you read it if you truely seek the facts, or perhaps your more confortable hiding behind assumptions, or ofc you could just focus on Bugs posts for some amusing works of fiction.


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Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #91 on: September 05, 2006, 03:42:43 pm »
nobby have you asked vladd just how much money he SCAMMED from users yet? did he lie to you as well?

Offline Bearded Blunder

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Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #92 on: September 05, 2006, 03:47:02 pm »
I can certainly know any number of things vladd isn't paying for, they've been stated earlier, those costs have already been met & could be "recovered", except they wern't met by vladd...

Since payment for services is made on delivery, & I see no patch, it can't be recovered as it hasn't been incurred yet.

Of course when that was pointed out.. several stories were then invented, finishing with the current story about paying programmers, were this the case.. then that's what would have been stated in the first instance.. frankly I'm sick of all the Pies coming from a certain MxLie team, & so is everyone else.
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Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #93 on: September 05, 2006, 05:21:10 pm »
 From August the 26th we have had to hear from you nothing but accucations as to who if anyone did a DOS on the pie site.
You say we are makeing  conclusions without the facts well the facts are we are not makeing conclusions becouse we dont know that the pie site was hit with a Dos. We all have a word processer and can write up a email stating the site was Dos. Not saying you would sink that low.
That would be a conclusion with out facts.

Ok here are some facts taken from your post here on this thread.

     Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #46 on: September 03, 2006, 01:35:02 pm »
   Reply with quote
ok, lets go over a few issues here, with an overview of the actual facts:

#1 i left the pie team as i was unhappy with a number of issues, these included:

- the fact they will never support blocking
- the lies given out in help
- they dont even push pg2
- the fact they have no answers to give users who are suffering with fake files (for the record i directed the users to winmxgroup, nobody from pie team replied, as they had no answer)

     Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #62 on: September 04, 2006, 03:15:33 pm »
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Those that voted for the action ARE here, they are as guilty as those who carried it out. As i already said, the Cabnet vote for "action" the armed forces carry it out, the resposibility lays firmly with those that sactioned the action.

From these facts and your way of thinking i can only come up with You are a lier.
You stated that members of a team that you were a member of lied to the users and in reply # 62 you stated that those that go along with some thing are just as guilty . You did say you quit the team over some of these reasons so i guess your are just 1/2 a lier? Is that fair?

This has come from your own words,Your facts,If we cant beleave what youve said so far how can we beleave any thing ealse you say?

     Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #48 on: September 03, 2006, 04:37:02 pm »
Funny though, considering the users that "voted"  (just over a dozen of them) on "behalf" of all winmx users, and then some, perhaps even some of them took direct action in the form a DDOS against the site, why is nobody claiming resposibility??

We dont know.Ask someone ealse.

     Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #59 on: September 04, 2006, 10:24:23 am »

And Nooky, Vladd is more than capable of defending himself, i am merely defending myself, as if your not aware, i was attacked just the same as vladd, and just for bug i have posted the evidence my account was shut down due to the attack on, that was sanctioned by users here, a truely disgraceful act on the part of the users on this site that approved this action  by vote.

You have voiced your distaste for sites running buy mx ad's in the past.And that they should be stoped.
 Are you now saying you are disgraceful?

     Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #65 on: September 04, 2006, 06:15:05 pm »
   Reply with quote
Firstly Chuck, i will standby anything i have put my name to, those 14 people put their name to an attack.

Wrong they put their name on a vote not on a attack you are jumping to
conclusions with out facts.

     Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #69 on: September 04, 2006, 09:46:58 pm »

More jumping to conclusions with out facts. You even say Thats easy Mac, i would firstly see who was behind the attack, and find some evidence, i would then, once i had the evidence discuss the matter with my legal representative.

Where is your evidence? More jumping to conclusions with out facts.

     Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #82 on: Today at 10:07:26 AM »
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Quote from: Bearded Blunder on Today at 09:03:06 AM
Come off it Nobby, I'd taken you for one of the more intelligent ones.. you're doing a good job of disproving that...

And you and 13 others have shamed yourselves by sanctioning and condoning "action" against a legal and innocent site, its dissapointing that this site as so often attempted to take the moral high ground, and in some cases rightly so, but are happy to support imoral and illegal acts when it suits, its hypocracy of the worst kind.

I referer you to post Reply #46 on: September 03, 2006, 01:35:02 pm »
the lies given out in help

By your way of thinking they are not innocent they are liers.

So far the only people that have stated that there is a new patch in the makeing are Love and you. and youve said over and over again that members of pie and people that support pie are liers.

Useing you way of thinking how can anyone beleve any thing you are any of pie say?

fact Pie site and vladd44 site has scam mx google ad's that vladd says make no money. IF they are not makeing money why have them?

Fact pie site had a donation link for pay pal to pay for a patch that was being paid for up front by vladd. You and love said that but then again youve said your all liers so who knows.

Youe been shown that other sites have threads stateing that they think Vladd is a POS and if you look in the room list there are rooms up as of last nite stateing vladd is a lier and they are not ran by Mxworld.
Gem and Jim founders and members of the original pie team have stated their thoughts on vladd. God knows with all these people tired of vladd who couldnt have Ran a DOS on his sites.

But you come here with out facts and cry when you have a forum of your own but i know no one goes there any more so you use a forum that was movement to spam with your crying.

And you as you stated if you are a part of a team or a vote are guilty of offering $1ooo for KM's info so if a law was broken by doing that you should be at fault as well? Come on knobby untill you come here with facts as in ip's i ask the supervisors of this site to mark your post as Spam and a rant.

The users of mx are tired of Liers ,Scammers and spammers.

And your Guilty By Association way of thinking has labeled you a lier.
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Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #94 on: September 05, 2006, 05:29:58 pm »
I am not sure wether i should post this or not.

I'm working as a freelancer for more than twenty years now, had contacts to most of the well known pionieers and state-of-the-art-developers, a lot of freaks and nearly everyone who did something special in this scene. Therefore i believe to know much about conditions one has to face in this market.

IMHO Noone is able to pay a freelancer for something like that. Those who have got the necessary skill-level are much to expensive, and most of them won't decide to start with a project for monetary reasons. Those one could pay, usually don't have any skill-level at all.

I never even discussed any projects details in cases i had no personal interest in and if so my price is from E600 a day upwards. At least count two weeks to get familiar with details before i even start to work of something.

Maybe there are some lowskilled students of informatics working at the next bar or as taxi-driver, but...
do you think, they'd even think about taxidriving or serving if they' be able to create something worthy???

If there'd be someone to match the needs in this case i think it must be someone freaky, just working on P2P for idealistic reasons. Those who of this kiind would never ever work for someone like vladd and the'd see no sense in producing just another filter.

So i believe this story is just talking about without even knowing basics like almost everything i hear from that corner. Remember that stupid talk about invisible WinMX-Source-Code. Having no clue offen means having no clue how transparent things can be.
still somehow freightened when i shall get inserted


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Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #95 on: September 05, 2006, 10:30:24 pm »
like everything associated with pie, its just one lie after another...........
from bogus programmers and flat out lieing to winmx users...........
from pay for winmx adds to paypal buttons for services not supplied..................
to fictious dos attacks...............where not a single shred of proof has been supplied to support these claims...............were expected to believe that neither vladd nor nobby who both claim they were attacked yet in 3 days not one ip was logged,,,,,,,,,,,they cant even show that any attack took place let alone that km or anyone associated with winmxworld was involved...............let alone there domain host who obviously fucked up the dns records,no other way for three days a website would resolve to another unless the records were wrong............but of course the maggots will accuse km or others of breaking into a domain host altering dns records and were so clever that the domain host didnt notice.................
and pie expect users to believe that poor old pie who have lied denied and decieved were attacked....................
reality is pie no one believes you..............your track record for lieing means your word isnt good enough,hard undeniable facts is what is required to support your accusations, and yet like your so called patch were all still waiting, whats wrong no evidence is there.........
its all just another lie fabricated by those who specialize in lieing denying and decieving

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Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #96 on: September 06, 2006, 07:01:09 am »
rofl..........@bug, do you do songs too as well as jokes??


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Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #97 on: September 06, 2006, 10:00:49 am »
only ones laughing is us nobby at you..................
not one post has been in support of anything you have said,your not playing with the winning team.................................
in fact your allegations have been refuted..................
your scam site exposed..................
and once again the lie that is pie is seen by all....................
your continual posting of complaints/ gripes/ you no friends when there made without any evidence to support your accusations.................
your patch has been exposed as a lie..................
your website a scam......................
and your reputation is in tattors..............
and for what ,so vladd can carry out his personnal vehndetta and constant attempts to scam money from winmx users, even the other pie team cant stand you...............
go figure it out nobby..............


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Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #98 on: September 06, 2006, 01:27:52 pm »
i just noticed that is now pointing to google, of course as everyone knows the person who has taken it offline in this way is quite obvious... any claims that this was done by anyone other than the domain owner are rubbish (Note: DNS servers have been changed at the registrar as well, so not even just some admin with a lot of access, but someone with access to the domain registration itself... aka vladd)


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Re: Enough Is Enough!!
« Reply #99 on: September 06, 2006, 01:37:40 pm »
never thought of vladd himself, assumed wrongly it would seem that it was his domain host ,but the point remains the dns has been changed..........
this seriously undermines there claims of being it would seem that not only is it a lie but deliberately setup by vladd and perhaps nobby to once again attack km,s reputation..............
and as usuall the maggots have FAILED....................

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