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WinMX World :: Forum  |  WinMX Help  |  Upload/Download Issues  |  HELP Please, windows VISTA. WIinMX vertan of 3 years now can not share

Author Topic: HELP Please, windows VISTA. WIinMX vertan of 3 years now can not share  (Read 2610 times)

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I have DSl and am always sharing at least a few thousand Videos and songs. I have been on WinMX for years and I always had the usual sporatic connection problems. I loaded windows Vista about 2 weeks ago now I can not upload or Download.  I can search, and I know you see me  but we always time out. I know my search results are starange now also, very rarely will there be more than 2 or 3 of the same song when before there were many. I have tried all the patches, made sure my firewall is allowing winMX, Tried different ports, loged into my modem and all looks good there, I have tried primary connection with same results. Searches ok, never connects to user.  I have uninstalled and reinstalled winmx many times, tried all the compatibility modes.  I want my winmx back, I want to be a primary also if possible.  I also tried al the tcpip connection things and the port forwarding software, no luck.  Any Ideas?

Offline SamSeeSam

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Try the winmx 3.1 beta patch. And see if that helps...t has an auto port forward feature. Just to be sure.
It has a small bug with opennap. But otherwise, it'a great

Cheers :P
Reconnect to winmx with the blocking patch :)
Patch link :

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vista has a built in firewall (which that patch won't do anything with) which could be blocking the uploads, check that first (or disable it if it'll let you... not sure if it does let you turn it off or not though, they might not give you permission to do that on your own computer in vista)


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I am having the exact same problem.... :(

I have tried everything too including numerous versions of patch and mx, to the point where i have tried using no firewall or virus software but it makes no difference. It says I am connected and people can see me (they even send me pms thinking i keep cancelling them) but I cannot d/l or u/l anything. Files dont connect. I am not using vista just simple xp - tried port forwarding, tried everything i could possibly think of.... have resorted to using BitComet but find it second rate compared to mx and really want to go back to sharing the thousands of files (more than 150GB) that I have.

Somebody please help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I came here thinking maybe I had missed out on the latest patch or something weird had happened to the whole thing - I have been like this for a couple of months - I cant take it anymore - I am desperate!!!!!!


Offline Bearded Blunder

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The beta patch mentioned above might be woth a shot, otherwise it's down to some problem either with your firewall settings or port forwarding.. it's very easy to miss for example, that your local ip changed, the forwarding rules will still be there, but will cause your modem/router to forward that traffic to the old ip rather than the current one, the solution there is to set your pc to use a static ip
Blessed is he who expecteth nothing, for he shall not be disappointed.


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Thanks- the beta patch seems to have solved the problem at the moment but keep your fingers crossed for me cuz it wont be the first time things have looked good and turned pear-shaped! Happy d/l  :D

Offline SamSeeSam

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That indicates that ports are the problem....
Mabye Xp blocks the ports somehow, I suspect that the firewall is the reason. There might be (as usual) some hidden option or flaw. lol
Anyways, if you have the beta patch and things are working, then that's the best thing :)

Cheers :P
Reconnect to winmx with the blocking patch :)
Patch link :

Spread the word now :)


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ok - by working i now mean we are better but not perfect. I seem to manage to connect, people seem to connect to me..... for about 2 seconds and then everything just falls off!! no u/l or d/l can ever be completed. it looks great but then it says 'connection reset by peer' or just 'disconnected' etc all firewalls are off as far as i can tell........ any other ideas?? One thing I have noticed is that although my p=8, s=0!!! Could this have an effect and can i resolve it???

Offline sst75tss

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Have you checked your internet security options? The ones where the options are, very secure/paranoid, moderate/medium, light/minimum, and custom?

win98 user, so I wouldn't know where you would look, but I would find it under| IE |tools |internet options |security tab, or through the control panel.

Offline Me Here

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This sounds alot like the symptoms of when an ISP is throttling or manipulating your P2P experience.. not to say that is for sure what is  happening here..

To answer your question about the S=, If you're using the Winmxgroup patch 3.x then its likely your S= will fill up slowly, this is actually normal activity and not a way to measure if things are working correctly.  S= are where you would see the flooders connecting to you to upload fakes and the WMG 3.x patch blocks them its a feature not a flaw  :P
If your Uploads, Chat Channel List, and Search results are working then S=0 is ok and will go up.


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Re: HELP Please, windows VISTA. WIinMX vertan of 3 years now can not share
« Reply #10 on: October 24, 2006, 02:48:00 pm »
I think you are right..... 'This sounds alot like the symptoms of when an ISP is throttling or manipulating your P2P experience'

Double checked security - everything is open now (worryingly so) and although my d/l stay connected a bit longer I have NO current u/ls which is ridiculous when you consider that I used to have 100 in my Q regularly.

D/l speeds are relatively good but nothing special. They are still having connection trouble but not as bad. I am managing to get a few bytes here and there. I am also able to keep a connection on secondary which was impossible before. Currently on primary and not worried about s=0 now you have explained it but it is worth noting that when s=0 nobody connects to me or Qs up - cant be normal!

Still very frustrated - if it is my isp (which i suspect very strongly) is there anything i can do?? :?: :roll:

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Re: HELP Please, windows VISTA. WIinMX vertan of 3 years now can not share
« Reply #11 on: October 24, 2006, 02:57:53 pm »
You can try to change port numbers, its very very difficult to find ones that might not be blocked or shapped, because when this activity first started they depended on the default ports, now its software that sees the packets from WinMX and works that way.

Some good ones to try are
TCP 80
UDP 120

TCP 1720
UDP 3338

TCP 62000
UDP 62001  or just really high ones

Frankly its almost impossible to get around this without changing ISP at this time.  When you try these remember that you must change them in any firewalls that required them, router or modems and in WinMX Settings.  Then restart MX.. I hope you find ones that work if this is ISP related


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Re: HELP Please, windows VISTA. WIinMX vertan of 3 years now can not share
« Reply #12 on: October 24, 2006, 03:02:20 pm »
thanks for the advice - please keep your fingers crossed for me!  :|

Offline Me Here

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Re: HELP Please, windows VISTA. WIinMX vertan of 3 years now can not share
« Reply #13 on: October 25, 2006, 11:34:37 am »
* Me Here crosses things for Odd   :wink:


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Re: HELP Please, windows VISTA. WIinMX vertan of 3 years now can not share
« Reply #14 on: November 03, 2006, 07:34:40 pm »
odd back with even more problems than before....

after our last chat i decided to put my pc in to a technician friend to double check that everything was ok with my pc etc - sure enough its fine.

i went into the vladd44 help room because people still could not stay connected and vice versa, like before, just to get their take on it. They suggested I get their new pie auto updater which i did and have tried with about 4 different versions of mx, i have uninstalled and reinstalled patches and updaters and mx versions even back to my original config but cannot connect at all now!!!!

Thats a slight exaggeration but not much - basically i connect with p=4 s=0 spm=8190 (at present) but nobody connects to me (the 5 that are currently trying) and I dont connect to anyone and I cannot get any chat list at all

currently my config is back to its original state with mx 3.1 & pie patch 3.2

Please help me before i kill the dog! :shock:


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Re: HELP Please, windows VISTA. WIinMX vertan of 3 years now can not share
« Reply #15 on: November 03, 2006, 07:45:50 pm »
PS - just tried the beta patch again too and its better but still not keeping my connections!

all suggestions very welcome

.... its ok - the dog is still ok!  :mrgreen:

Offline Bearded Blunder

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Re: HELP Please, windows VISTA. WIinMX vertan of 3 years now can not share
« Reply #16 on: November 03, 2006, 07:49:06 pm »
Your ports are evidently either blocked (firewall or norton worm protection) or not forwarded properly, if the beta patch from us Install-3.1-MultiVer.exe doesn't solve it, then you need to visit, look for your modem/router in the list & then follow the instructions for winmx (link on next page after clicking router), i strongly recommend sticking with the patch i mentioned to try, as opposed to pie, as it is both more reliable, better at blocking AND filters fake results from your searches (once you get them working).

*edit direct link to no longer available beta installer altered so clicking brings up winmxgroup front page  BB
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Re: HELP Please, windows VISTA. WIinMX vertan of 3 years now can not share
« Reply #17 on: November 03, 2006, 08:30:52 pm »
you are of course right but I have worked with port forward before - they are aware of my router and although it is not on their list they have helped me to access my settings etc.

from what I understand the only patch which appears to allow me to connect at all is your beta patch and the rest of my problems are isp related. There are some more companies available compared to when i first moved here so maybe my last resort is to change isp

Thanks for all the help


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