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Offline birdman

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ASCII bot ?
« on: August 23, 2009, 12:34:48 pm »
I was wondering if anyone has a mettis bot setup with ascii pics loaded with a triggers list they would like to share for wcs  if that makes any difference :) i know there is mettis game bots floating around that someone has made.

Offline ]2aven (R.I.P.)

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Re: ASCII bot ?
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2009, 03:02:05 pm »
I made an ascii bot a while back birdman .. it's posted on my site and also on reefs in the metis / bot section.

Offline birdman

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Re: ASCII bot ?
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2009, 03:57:36 pm »
Thankyou Raven :)

Offline Pri

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Re: ASCII bot ?
« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2009, 04:28:38 am »
If you want a script that can read in your Ascii and display it in-room and also index what Ascii you have available try this:

I wrote this ages ago. Sorry for plugging my forum but the download link is there and no sign up is necessary to download it. It's a useful script that is highly commented for others to learn and all the variables are explained.

A fuller description of the script is included in that post as-well. But just to be clear it does not contain any Ascii itself, it is just a script to display Ascii you already have.

Offline birdman

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Re: ASCII bot ?
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2009, 11:49:11 am »
The script of yours does not seem to work for me pri and i use test 207 6 and changed the lines to the location of the pics  :(  the Raven Bot works well but i tried to make it run via my main mettis bot but theres something tying it down to the ascii bot folder  ive changed lines in the pics.xml to my own folder locations too but no joy it will only work with havin the ascii bot in progam folders too i guess i will av to run 2 mettis`s

Offline Pri

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Re: ASCII bot ?
« Reply #5 on: August 24, 2009, 12:11:23 pm »
I'm surprised it doesn't work as I know a friend of mine is using it without issue. What part of the script does not work for you maybe there is a bug I have overlooked.

Offline birdman

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Re: ASCII bot ?
« Reply #6 on: August 24, 2009, 12:18:03 pm »
It keeps saying it cannot find index.of.ascii.ini   but ive created that file  inside the folder with all the pics in (fastascii  add ons) and listed the pics in it ,is there a set formula for the pics to be listed

The path to the folder with the pics in is this;

C:\Program Files\Ascii Bot\Plugins\FastASCII Add-Ons

As regards the ASCII bot i copied the contents of the plugins folder to my main mettis folder, changed the lines in pics.xml   added the includeline, to my mettis plugins folder but for some reason it will only work if the ascii bot is in programs folder, ive looked through all the files for a file path to change but cant find it  only the lines in the pics.xml lol

Offline ]2aven (R.I.P.)

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Re: ASCII bot ?
« Reply #7 on: August 24, 2009, 01:46:14 pm »
In order to add the pics from the Ascii bot I made you will have to move fast ascii into your plugins folder and resave all the art because the xml's have a directory inside from which the xmls are read. or .. Edit all the xml's to your new directory. Opening them with note pad and using the edit replace all function will make it somewhat painless..

Offline birdman

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Re: ASCII bot ?
« Reply #8 on: August 24, 2009, 02:18:44 pm »
Thanks Raven i will get onto that ;)  iam now also scouring web sites for coulred ascii art to add to the list lol

Offline F£¥è®

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Re: ASCII bot ?
« Reply #9 on: August 25, 2009, 02:06:10 pm »
@ Pri,
This script worked fine,the only issue (for me) is that the index doesn't show if its a text file,
so I deleted the strrem .txt line in the index section to remedy this (anyone wanting to do the same
rem to alter the goto line to -4).

I also added a command to write the index file from the room (this should be limited to a usergroup),
just change the directory to point to your pics folders location.

Code: [Select]
// This command is to add pic. names to the index file (rem to add .txt to text files). It will create the file if not already present.
<command type = "script">
<in>!addpic %PARAM%</in>
<out type = "push" extdata = "newpic">%PARAM%</out>
<out type = "file" mode= "a" extdata = "J:\Pics\index.of.ascii.ini">$newpic$\n</out>
<out>#c16#aFile name added to index</out>
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Offline Pri

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Re: ASCII bot ?
« Reply #10 on: August 26, 2009, 02:53:26 am »
Thanks Feyer, nice edit :)

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