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Author Topic: Accumulator Script?  (Read 7343 times)

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Offline PenMax

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Accumulator Script?
« on: December 19, 2006, 01:38:39 pm »

Does any1 have, or know of, an 'Accumulator Script' for Metis Bots?

I need a 'score keeper' (script) for someone playing one of my chatroom's games while he/she plays it. 

Also, once he/she stops playing that particular game for a preset time frame his/her score needs to revert to nil (i.e. be reset to nil).

Keeping my fingers crossed  ... :wink:

Movie-Music-Merlin<|Á|>_924DFE7C1A29 (FXS)
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Offline Lagerlout666

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Re: Accumulator Script?
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2006, 01:58:43 pm »
Hi their are a few scripts i know of that do that but the best one i use is the Banker script.

here is a link to the banker script

This is made by rockerfella skank and is made up in lots of my game scripts.

Any probelems let me know
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Offline Lagerlout666

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Re: Accumulator Script?
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2006, 02:32:26 pm »
Code: [Select]

<command type="script">
<in>Your Game</in>
### put directory in here                    ###   \\\ Put this bit at top of script////
<out type="push" extdata="directory">"C:\Program Files\RoboMX\"</out>   /* Choose your directory \*

######Your game script here#######

<out>Congrats %NAME% you won $GAMES SCORE$  //// change this too your variable of score but change the variable below to what it is as well  \\\\\\\

<out type="push" extdata="1"><operator type="readfile" nvalue="$directory$%NAME%.txt" lvalue="l" rvalue="1"/></out>
<out type="push" extdata="NEWSCORE"><operator type="+" lvalue="$1$" rvalue="$GAMES SCORE$"/></out> \\\\If you want it to subtract replace the + in this line with - /////
<out type="file" mode="t" extdata="$directory$%NAME%.txt">$NEWSCORE$</out>

<command type="script">

<out type="push" extdata="20"><operator type="readfile" nvalue="$directory$%NAME%.txt" lvalue="l" rvalue="1"/></out>
<out>%NAME% your score is... USERVAR[20]% wins <out>

I dont know if this will work properly ive just had a mess to be honest and i havent tested it but should work ok.

Hope this works if not post back ill check it over again
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Offline PenMax

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Re: Accumulator Script?
« Reply #3 on: December 19, 2006, 02:48:22 pm »
Thanx Tîñý4èvå ...

I've downloaded and been analysing the 'Banker Script' u suggested earlier, to cull what's of use to me out of it. It's certainly going to need some work  :lol: ... but I'm sure I'll learn a few thingz along d way.

PS: I'll try out ur latest offering as well and let u know how I go.

Cheers  :D

Movie-Music-Merlin<|Á|>_924DFE7C1A29 (FXS)
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Offline PenMax

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Re: Accumulator Script?
« Reply #4 on: December 19, 2006, 04:00:30 pm »
Hi Again Tîñý4èvå ...

Ok ... this is wot I have so far ... (and it doesn't work yet ... LOL)

Code: [Select]
///My RPS Accumulator #1

<command type="script">

<out type="push" extdata="directory">"C:\RPS Score\*"</out>

<in>YOU WIN!!!</in>
<out type="push" extdata="NEWSCORE"><operator type="readfile" nvalue="$directory$%NAME%.txt" lvalue="YOU WIN!!!" rvalue="1"/></out>
<out type="push" extdata="NEWSCORE"><operator type="+" lvalue="$1$" rvalue="1"/></out>

<in>It's a DRAW!</in>
<out type="push" extdata="NEWSCORE"><operator type="readfile" nvalue="$directory$%NAME%.txt" lvalue="It's a DRAW!" rvalue="0"/></out>

<in>I WIN!!!</in>
<out type="push" extdata="NEWSCORE"><operator type="readfile" nvalue="$directory$%NAME%.txt" lvalue="I WIN!!!" rvalue="1"/></out>
<out type="push" extdata="NEWSCORE"><operator type="-" lvalue="$1$" rvalue="1"/></out>
<out type="file" mode="t" extdata="$directory$%NAME%.txt">$NEWSCORE$</out>


<command type="script">


<out type="push" extdata="20"><operator type="readfile" nvalue="$directory$%NAME%.txt" lvalue="l" rvalue="1"/></out>

<out>%NAME% your score is... %USERVAR[20]%</out>


The '%NAME%.txt' thing doesn't seem to be happening as far as I can tell.

Also, I've got a feeling that the initial triggers have something to do with it and/or the use of the wildcard '*'.

Movie-Music-Merlin<|Á|>_924DFE7C1A29 (FXS)
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Offline Maxe

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Re: Accumulator Script?
« Reply #5 on: December 19, 2006, 04:50:01 pm »
You can't just use %NAME% as a file name as it might contain invalid chars. I posted a script some time back on MXControl that took care of that using substitution. You might want to go and look for it as I'm not at home and can't look for the script on my PC. I think I used it in my Welcome Back script so just do a search on my posts there and look at that one.

Offline Lagerlout666

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Re: Accumulator Script?
« Reply #6 on: December 19, 2006, 04:54:30 pm »
Code: [Select]
<command type="script">

### put directory in here ###
<out type="push" extdata="directory">"C:\RPS Score\"</out>

<out type="push" extdata="RPS">%NAME%</out>
<out type="push" extdata="ROCK">0</out>
<out type="push" extdata="PAPER">0</out>
<out type="push" extdata="SCISSORS">0</out>
<out type="push" extdata="GUESS">%PARAM%</out>
<out type="push" extdata="ROCKGUESS" condition="==" lvalue="$GUESS$" rvalue="Rock">1</out>
<out type="push" extdata="PAPERGUESS" condition="==" lvalue="$GUESS$" rvalue="Paper">1</out>
<out type="push" extdata="SCISSORSGUESS" condition="==" lvalue="$GUESS$" rvalue="Scissors">1</out>
<out type="self">!go1</out>

<command type="random" users="_BOT_SELF_TRIGGER_">
<out type="self">It's Rock!</out>
<out type="self">It's Paper!</out>
<out type="self">It's Scissors!</out>

<command type="script" users="_BOT_SELF_TRIGGER_">
<in>It's Rock!</in>
<out type="push" extdata="WIN">It's Rock!</out>
<out type="push" extdata="ROCK">1</out>
<out type="self">!go2</out>

<command type="script" users="_BOT_SELF_TRIGGER_">
<in>It's Paper!</in>
<out type="push" extdata="WIN">It's Paper!</out>
<out type="push" extdata="PAPER">1</out>
<out type="self">!go2</out>

<command type="script" users="_BOT_SELF_TRIGGER_">
<in>It's Scissors!</in>
<out type="push" extdata="WIN">It's Scissors!</out>
<out type="push" extdata="SCISSORS">1</out>
<out type="self">!go2</out>

<command type="script" users="_BOT_SELF_TRIGGER_">
<out type="push" extdata="ROCK2" condition="==" lvalue="$GUESS$" rvalue="Rock">1</out>
<out type="push" extdata="PAPER2" condition="==" lvalue="$GUESS$" rvalue="Paper">1</out>
<out type="push" extdata="SCISSORS2" condition="==" lvalue="$GUESS$" rvalue="Scissors">1</out>
<out type="push" extdata="ROCK3" condition="==" lvalue="$ROCK$" rvalue="1">rock</out>
<out type="push" extdata="PAPER3" condition="==" lvalue="$PAPER$" rvalue="1">paper</out>
<out type="push" extdata="SCISSORS3"condition="==" lvalue="$SCISSORS$" rvalue="1">scissors</out>
<out type="self" condition="==" lvalue="$ROCK3$" rvalue="rock">!go3</out>
<out type="self" condition="==" lvalue="$PAPER3$" rvalue="paper">!go4</out>
<out type="self" condition="==" lvalue="$SCISSORS3$" rvalue="scissors">!go5</out>

<command type="script" users="_BOT_SELF_TRIGGER_">
<out>/notice #c1#$WIN$</out>
<out condition="==" lvalue="$GUESS$" rvalue="!rock">#c1#Congratulations, #c4#$RPS$#c1#!</out>
<out type="push" condition="==" extdata="1"><operator type="readfile" nvalue="$directory$$RPS$.txt" lvalue="l" rvalue="1"/></out>
<out type="push" condition="==" extdata="NEWSCORE"><operator type="+" lvalue="$1$" rvalue="1"/></out>
<out type="file" mode="t" extdata="$directory$$RPS$.txt">$NEWSCORE$</out>

<out condition="!=" lvalue="$GUESS$" rvalue="!rock">#c8#Sorry #c4#$RPS$#c8#, better luck next time!</out>
<out type="push" condition="!=" extdata="1"><operator type="readfile" nvalue="$directory$$RPS$.txt" lvalue="l" rvalue="1"/></out>
<out type="push" condition="!=" extdata="NEWSCORE"><operator type="-" lvalue="$1$" rvalue="1"/></out>
<out type="file" mode="t" extdata="$directory$$RPS$.txt">$NEWSCORE$</out>

<out type="self">!clear</out>

<command type="script" users="_BOT_SELF_TRIGGER_">
<out condition="==" lvalue="$GUESS$" rvalue="!paper">#c1#Congratulations, #c4#$RPS$#c1#!</out>
<out type="push" condition="==" extdata="1"><operator type="readfile" nvalue="$directory$$RPS$.txt" lvalue="l" rvalue="1"/></out>
<out type="push" condition="==" extdata="NEWSCORE"><operator type="+" lvalue="$1$" rvalue="1"/></out>
<out type="file" mode="t" extdata="$directory$$RPS$.txt">$NEWSCORE$</out>

<out condition="!=" lvalue="$GUESS$" rvalue="!paper">#c8#Sorry #c4#$RPS$#c8#, better luck next time!</out>
<out type="push" condition="!=" extdata="1"><operator type="readfile" nvalue="$directory$$RPS$.txt" lvalue="l" rvalue="1"/></out>
<out type="push" condition="!=" extdata="NEWSCORE"><operator type="-" lvalue="$1$" rvalue="1"/></out>
<out type="file" mode="t" extdata="$directory$$RPS$.txt">$NEWSCORE$</out>

<out type="self">!clear</out>

<command type="script" users="_BOT_SELF_TRIGGER_">
<out condition="==" lvalue="$GUESS$" rvalue="!scissors">#c1#Congratulations, #c4#$RPS$#c1#!</out>
<out type="push" condition="==" extdata="1"><operator type="readfile" nvalue="$directory$$RPS$.txt" lvalue="l" rvalue="1"/></out>
<out type="push" condition="==" extdata="NEWSCORE"><operator type="+" lvalue="$1$" rvalue="1"/></out>
<out type="file" mode="t" extdata="$directory$$RPS$.txt">$NEWSCORE$</out>
<out condition="!=" lvalue="$GUESS$" rvalue="!scissors">#c8#Sorry #c4#$RPS$#c8#, better luck next time!</out>
<out type="push" condition="!=" extdata="1"><operator type="readfile" nvalue="$directory$$RPS$.txt" lvalue="l" rvalue="1"/></out>
<out type="push" condition="!=" extdata="NEWSCORE"><operator type="-" lvalue="$1$" rvalue="1"/></out>
<out type="file" mode="t" extdata="$directory$$RPS$.txt">$NEWSCORE$</out>

<out type="self">!clear</out>

<command type="script" users="_BOT_SELF_TRIGGER_">
<out type="push" extdata="ROCK">0</out>
<out type="push" extdata="ROCK2">0</out>
<out type="push" extdata="ROCK3">o</out>
<out type="push" extdata="PAPER">0</out>
<out type="push" extdata="PAPER2">0</out>
<out type="push" extdata="PAPER3">0</out>
<out type="push" extdata="SCISSORS">0</out>
<out type="push" extdata="SCISSORS2">0</out>
<out type="push" extdata="SCISSORS3">0</out>
<out type="push" extdata="ROCKGUESS">0</out>
<out type="push" extdata="PAPERGUESS">0</out>
<out type="push" extdata="SCISSORSGUESS">0</out>
<out type="push" extdata="WIN">0</out>

<command type="script">

<out type="push" extdata="20"><operator type="readfile" nvalue="$directory$%NAME%.txt" lvalue="l" rvalue="1"/></out>

<out>%NAME% your score is... USERVAR[20]% wins <out>

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Offline Lagerlout666

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Re: Accumulator Script?
« Reply #7 on: December 19, 2006, 04:57:30 pm »
Only issue with this i can think off is the


In the script. im not sure if it will allow you too put two variables in like that. if it doesnt work id try replacing the $directory$ with the full path instead and clear the top part of the script. im sorry i cant test this but it should work for you  :wink:
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Praise's daily at the church of "Kopimi"

Offline Lagerlout666

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Re: Accumulator Script?
« Reply #8 on: December 19, 2006, 05:29:46 pm »
Right i had a play with this, was great fun trying to do it i opened a temp room and tested it and it worked great to a degree.
It doesnt seem to like illegal caracters in the name when saving it as a text document so not everyones scores will save. But dont worry lol i have a few ideas how to get round that but im affraid my nights messin is up. Ill post the working script ive got below and you can have a play

Code: [Select]
<command type="script">

<out type="push" extdata="RPS">%NAME%</out>
<out type="push" extdata="ROCK">0</out>
<out type="push" extdata="PAPER">0</out>
<out type="push" extdata="SCISSORS">0</out>
<out type="push" extdata="GUESS">%PARAM%</out>
<out type="push" extdata="ROCKGUESS" condition="==" lvalue="$GUESS$" rvalue="Rock">1</out>
<out type="push" extdata="PAPERGUESS" condition="==" lvalue="$GUESS$" rvalue="Paper">1</out>
<out type="push" extdata="SCISSORSGUESS" condition="==" lvalue="$GUESS$" rvalue="Scissors">1</out>
<out type="self">!go1</out>

<command type="random" users="_BOT_SELF_TRIGGER_">
<out type="self">It's Rock!</out>
<out type="self">It's Paper!</out>
<out type="self">It's Scissors!</out>

<command type="script" users="_BOT_SELF_TRIGGER_">
<in>It's Rock!</in>
<out type="push" extdata="WIN">It's Rock!</out>
<out type="push" extdata="ROCK">1</out>
<out type="self">!go2</out>

<command type="script" users="_BOT_SELF_TRIGGER_">
<in>It's Paper!</in>
<out type="push" extdata="WIN">It's Paper!</out>
<out type="push" extdata="PAPER">1</out>
<out type="self">!go2</out>

<command type="script" users="_BOT_SELF_TRIGGER_">
<in>It's Scissors!</in>
<out type="push" extdata="WIN">It's Scissors!</out>
<out type="push" extdata="SCISSORS">1</out>
<out type="self">!go2</out>

<command type="script" users="_BOT_SELF_TRIGGER_">
<out type="push" extdata="ROCK2" condition="==" lvalue="$GUESS$" rvalue="Rock">1</out>
<out type="push" extdata="PAPER2" condition="==" lvalue="$GUESS$" rvalue="Paper">1</out>
<out type="push" extdata="SCISSORS2" condition="==" lvalue="$GUESS$" rvalue="Scissors">1</out>
<out type="push" extdata="ROCK3" condition="==" lvalue="$ROCK$" rvalue="1">rock</out>
<out type="push" extdata="PAPER3" condition="==" lvalue="$PAPER$" rvalue="1">paper</out>
<out type="push" extdata="SCISSORS3"condition="==" lvalue="$SCISSORS$" rvalue="1">scissors</out>
<out type="self" condition="==" lvalue="$ROCK3$" rvalue="rock">!go3</out>
<out type="self" condition="==" lvalue="$PAPER3$" rvalue="paper">!go4</out>
<out type="self" condition="==" lvalue="$SCISSORS3$" rvalue="scissors">!go5</out>

<command type="script" users="_BOT_SELF_TRIGGER_">
<out condition="==" lvalue="$GUESS$" rvalue="!rock">#c1#Congratulations, #c4#$RPS$#c1#!</out>
<out type="push" condition="==" lvalue="$GUESS$" rvalue="!rock" extdata="CS"><operator type="readfile" nvalue="E:\$RPS$.txt" lvalue="l" rvalue="1"/></out>
<out type="push" condition="==" lvalue="$GUESS$" rvalue="!rock" extdata="NEWSCORE"><operator type="+" lvalue="$CS$" rvalue="1"/></out>
<out type="file" mode="t" extdata="E:\$RPS$.txt">$NEWSCORE$</out>

<out condition="!=" lvalue="$GUESS$" rvalue="!rock">#c8#Sorry #c4#$RPS$#c8#, better luck next time!</out>
<out type="push" condition="!=" lvalue="$GUESS$" rvalue="!rock" extdata="CS"><operator type="readfile" nvalue="E:\$RPS$.txt" lvalue="l" rvalue="1"/></out>
<out type="push" condition="!=" lvalue="$GUESS$" rvalue="!rock" extdata="NEWSCORE"><operator type="-" lvalue="$CS$" rvalue="1"/></out>
<out type="file" mode="t" extdata="E:\$RPS$.txt">$NEWSCORE$</out>

<out type="self">!clear</out>

<command type="script" users="_BOT_SELF_TRIGGER_">
<out condition="==" lvalue="$GUESS$" rvalue="!paper">#c1#Congratulations, #c4#$RPS$#c1#!</out>
<out type="push" condition="==" lvalue="$GUESS$" rvalue="!paper" extdata="CS"><operator type="readfile" nvalue="E:\$RPS$.txt" lvalue="l" rvalue="1"/></out>
<out type="push" condition="==" lvalue="$GUESS$" rvalue="!paper" extdata="NEWSCORE"><operator type="+" lvalue="$CS$" rvalue="1"/></out>
<out type="file" mode="t" extdata="E:\$RPS$.txt">$NEWSCORE$</out>

<out condition="!=" lvalue="$GUESS$" rvalue="!paper">#c8#Sorry #c4#$RPS$#c8#, better luck next time!</out>
<out type="push" condition="!=" lvalue="$GUESS$" rvalue="!paper" extdata="CS"><operator type="readfile" nvalue="E:\$RPS$.txt" lvalue="l" rvalue="1"/></out>
<out type="push" condition="!=" lvalue="$GUESS$" rvalue="!paper" extdata="NEWSCORE"><operator type="-" lvalue="$CS$" rvalue="1"/></out>
<out type="file" mode="t" extdata="E:\$RPS$.txt">$NEWSCORE$</out>

<out type="self">!clear</out>

<command type="script" users="_BOT_SELF_TRIGGER_">
<out condition="==" lvalue="$GUESS$" rvalue="!scissors">#c1#Congratulations, #c4#$RPS$#c1#!</out>
<out type="push" condition="==" lvalue="$GUESS$" rvalue="!scissors" extdata="CS"><operator type="readfile" nvalue="E:\$RPS$.txt" lvalue="l" rvalue="1"/></out>
<out type="push" condition="==" lvalue="$GUESS$" rvalue="!scissors" extdata="NEWSCORE"><operator type="+" lvalue="$CS$" rvalue="1"/></out>
<out type="file" mode="t" extdata="E:\$RPS$.txt">$NEWSCORE$</out>
<out condition="!=" lvalue="$GUESS$" rvalue="!scissors">#c8#Sorry #c4#$RPS$#c8#, better luck next time!</out>
<out type="push" condition="!=" lvalue="$GUESS$" rvalue="!scissors" extdata="CS"><operator type="readfile" nvalue="E:\$RPS$.txt" lvalue="l" rvalue="1"/></out>
<out type="push" condition="!=" lvalue="$GUESS$" rvalue="!scissors" extdata="NEWSCORE"><operator type="-" lvalue="$CS$" rvalue="1"/></out>
<out type="file" mode="t" extdata="E:\$RPS$.txt">$NEWSCORE$</out>

<out type="self">!clear</out>

<command type="script" users="_BOT_SELF_TRIGGER_">
<out type="push" extdata="ROCK">0</out>
<out type="push" extdata="ROCK2">0</out>
<out type="push" extdata="ROCK3">o</out>
<out type="push" extdata="PAPER">0</out>
<out type="push" extdata="PAPER2">0</out>
<out type="push" extdata="PAPER3">0</out>
<out type="push" extdata="SCISSORS">0</out>
<out type="push" extdata="SCISSORS2">0</out>
<out type="push" extdata="SCISSORS3">0</out>
<out type="push" extdata="ROCKGUESS">0</out>
<out type="push" extdata="PAPERGUESS">0</out>
<out type="push" extdata="SCISSORSGUESS">0</out>
<out type="push" extdata="WIN">0</out>

<command type="script">

<out type="push" extdata="20"><operator type="readfile" nvalue="E:\$RPS$.txt" lvalue="l" rvalue="1"/></out>

<out>%NAME% your score is... %USERVAR[20]% wins </out>

You will need to change the save directory again as i have too many harddrives lol.
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Offline PenMax

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Re: Accumulator Script?
« Reply #9 on: December 19, 2006, 11:13:51 pm »
Hi Maxe ...


You can't just use %NAME% as a file name as it might contain invalid chars. I posted a script some time back on MXControl that took care of that using substitution. You might want to go and look for it as I'm not at home and can't look for the script on my PC. I think I used it in my Welcome Back script so just do a search on my posts there and look at that one.

The link for ur script is:

I think I'm experiencing the issue u alerted me to re %NAME%, and I am unsure of what to pick out of ur script and how to incorporate in it in mine to resolve the issue.

In any case, my hunch is that it can be done somehow with whatever characters are in a name as illustrated in the use of the commands 'SCORE' and 'RANKING' in Trivia. Both work for me using the same unusually charactered name and moreover they also prove that accumulation works without seemingly having to create a file for each. Has any1 got inside Trivia to find out how itz done??

Cheers & Thanx 4 Ur Post in Reply  :)

Movie-Music-Merlin<|Á|>_924DFE7C1A29 (FXS)
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Offline PenMax

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Re: Accumulator Script?
« Reply #10 on: December 20, 2006, 12:08:43 am »
Hey Tîñý4èvå ...

I really appreciate u trying to help me out, but I feel a bit overwhelmed by ur enthusiasm and efforts. U seem to have taken my original simple concept and blown it out in the process, and I'm not sure that I necessarily want the complexity of ur variant of the game for the purposes of my ChatRoom.

I did however copy & paste and try out each of ur latest two scripts as they came along. Neither worked for me. I think, as Maxe alluded to below, a resolution of this issue revolves around the effective creation of a file for each user to facilitate the accumulatation of their individual scores.

I however also wanted it to go further and allow reseting of the total to 'nil' as each user exits my ChatRoom. So perhaps the 'Banker Script', mentioned early in this topic, with itz 'OnEnter' command file creation may be the way to go (presumably using the 'OnLeave'command to reset/delete the file).

Me, I still pine for a 'Trivia' approach.  'Trivia' accepts whatever unusually charactered name u throw at it, and is able to seemingly accumulate without individual files being created while delivering SCORE, RANKING & RESET outcomes. However, I'm not sure whether 'Trivia' would handle negative values (i.e. '-1' for a Bot win) in the accumulation process.

There must be a way!  :)

Movie-Music-Merlin<|Á|>_924DFE7C1A29 (FXS)
Movie-Music-Merlin<|Á|>_924DFE7C1A2A (WCS)

Offline PenMax

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Re: Accumulator Script?
« Reply #11 on: December 20, 2006, 04:05:04 am »
OK Guyz ...

This is what I've arrived at so far:

1. This script goes in Bot A's mxc.xml file (MY REF:
[Note: Ensure that you include the trigger "!rps" in your Chat Room's MOTD (or equivalent), or make it otherwise known to your visitors.]
Code: [Select]
///Simply-Coded !Rock/!Paper/!Scissors Game V2 - Created by PenM@X///

<command type="script">
<out>  #c54#'Rock-Paper-Scissors' Game  #c9#Created by #c54#PenM@X</out>
<out>#c9#Welcome to the 'Rock-Paper-Scissors' Game.</out>
<out> </out>
<out>#c9#Type ... #c69#!rock #c9#OR #c69#!paper #c9#OR #c69#!scissors#c9#.</out>
<out> </out>
<out>#c9#Rock beats Scissors beats Paper beats Rock ... </out>
<out> </out>
<out>#c9#(that's all there is to it).</out>

<command type="script">
<out type="push" extdata="rock">%RANDOMNUM[3]%</out>
<out type="push" extdata="rock" condition="==" lvalue=$rock$ rvalue=0> #c9#Rock! ...#c10# It's a DRAW!</out>
<out type="push" extdata="rock" condition="==" lvalue=$rock$ rvalue=1> #c9#Paper! ...#c8# I WIN!!! #c9#... It's a SAGE thing.</out>
<out type="push" extdata="rock" condition="==" lvalue=$rock$ rvalue=2> #c9#Scissors! ...#c69# YOU WIN!!! #c9#... #c2#Congratulations!!!</out>
<command type="script">
<out type="push" extdata="paper">%RANDOMNUM[3]%</out>
<out type="push" extdata="paper" condition="==" lvalue=$paper$ rvalue=0> #c9#Rock! ...#c69# YOU WIN!!! #c9#... #c2#Congratulations!!!</out>
<out type="push" extdata="paper" condition="==" lvalue=$paper$ rvalue=1> #c9#Paper! ...#c10# It's a DRAW!</out>
<out type="push" extdata="paper" condition="==" lvalue=$paper$ rvalue=2> #c9#Scissors! ...#c8# I WIN!!! #c9#... It's a SAGE thing.</out>
<command type="script">
<out type="push" extdata="scissors">%RANDOMNUM[3]%</out>
<out type="push" extdata="scissors" condition="==" lvalue=$scissors$ rvalue=0> #c9#Rock! ...#c8# I WIN!!! #c9#... It's a SAGE thing.</out>
<out type="push" extdata="scissors" condition="==" lvalue=$scissors$ rvalue=1> #c9#Paper! ...#c69# YOU WIN!!! #c9#... #c2#Congratulations!!!</out>
<out type="push" extdata="scissors" condition="==" lvalue=$scissors$ rvalue=2> #c9#Scissors! ...#c10# It's a DRAW!</out>

2. This script goes in Bot B's mxc.xml file
Code: [Select]

///My RPS Accumulator Beta#2

<command type="script">

<in>YOU WIN!!!</in>
<out type="push" extdata="60">$SCORE$</out>
<out type="push" extdata="SCORE"><operator type="+" lvalue="%USERVAR[60]%" rvalue="1"/></out>

<out>Your score is... $SCORE$</out>


<command type="script">

<in>It's a DRAW!</in>
<out type="push" extdata="60">$SCORE$</out>

<out>Your score is... $SCORE$</out>


<command type="script">

<in>I WIN!!!</in>
<out type="push" extdata="60">$SCORE$</out>
<out type="push" extdata="SCORE"><operator type="-" lvalue="%USERVAR[60]%" rvalue="1"/></out>

<out>Your score is... $SCORE$</out>



Now, this all works fine together accumulating a score both up and down as one plays. However, the accumulation is 'generic' and 'not specific' to the individual.

So just the one thing remains to be coded to totally resolve this issue!

Movie-Music-Merlin<|Á|>_924DFE7C1A29 (FXS)
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Offline PenMax

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Re: Accumulator Script?
« Reply #12 on: December 20, 2006, 05:16:02 pm »
PS: I've updated my Bot B 'RPS Accumulator Beta#2' script to include a RESET command/trigger ...

Code: [Select]

///My RPS Accumulator Beta#2

<command type="script">

<in>YOU WIN!!!</in>
<out type="push" extdata="60">$SCORE$</out>
<out type="push" extdata="SCORE"><operator type="+" lvalue="%USERVAR[60]%" rvalue="1"/></out>
<out>Your score is... $SCORE$</out>


<command type="script">

<in>It's a DRAW!</in>
<out type="push" extdata="60">$SCORE$</out>
<out>Your score is... $SCORE$</out>


<command type="script">

<in>I WIN!!!</in>
<out type="push" extdata="60">$SCORE$</out>
<out type="push" extdata="SCORE"><operator type="-" lvalue="%USERVAR[60]%" rvalue="1"/></out>
<out>Your score is... $SCORE$</out>


<command type="script">

<out>Rock-Paper-Scissors has been RESET</out>
<out type="pop" extdata="SCORE"/>



Cheers  :D

Movie-Music-Merlin<|Á|>_924DFE7C1A29 (FXS)
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Offline Lagerlout666

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Re: Accumulator Script?
« Reply #13 on: December 20, 2006, 06:36:36 pm »
After only seeing your part showing of the game i assumed you where modifying the already created version of the game, i just showed you a way of modifying that game to allow scoring. I tested this out and it worked fine and still works fine but only if you have standard characters in your name no ACSI etc. But if you are making your own version of the game then thats cool too, just was no way of me to know that, hope you get it sorted anyway
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Offline PenMax

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Re: Accumulator Script?
« Reply #14 on: December 20, 2006, 07:47:33 pm »
NP & Thanx Again for ur input & support Tîñý4èvå  :D

Movie-Music-Merlin<|Á|>_924DFE7C1A29 (FXS)
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Offline PenMax

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Re: Accumulator Script?
« Reply #15 on: December 25, 2006, 11:22:34 am »
Okay ... Here's another update for both parts of my  Becoming-Not-So-Simple Rock/Paper/Scissors Game ...

1. This script goes in Bot A's mxc.xml file (MY ORIGINAL REF:
[Note: Ensure that you include the trigger "!rps" in your Chat Room's MOTD (or equivalent), or make it otherwise known to your visitors.]
Code: [Select]
///Rock-Paper-Scissors - Created by PenM@X///

<command type="script">
<out> &nbsp;#c54#'Rock-Paper-Scissors' Game &nbsp;#c9#Created by #c54#PenM@X</out>
<out>#c9#Welcome to the 'Rock-Paper-Scissors' Game.</out>
<out>#c9#Type ... #c69#!rock #c9#OR #c69#!paper #c9#OR #c69#!scissors#c9#.</out>
<out>#c9#Rock beats Scissors beats Paper beats Rock ... </out>
<out>#c9#(that's all there is to it).</out>
<out>#c9#NB: Scores are kept for Members only! ...</out>
<out>#c9#&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;For 'ALL Scores' (Members) type ... #c69#!as#c9#.</out>

<command type="script">
<out type="push" extdata="rock">%RANDOMNUM[3]%</out>
<out type="push" extdata="rock" condition="==" lvalue=$rock$ rvalue=0> #c9#Rock! ...#c10# It's a DRAW! %NAME%</out>
<out type="push" extdata="rock" condition="==" lvalue=$rock$ rvalue=1> #c9#Paper! ...#c8# I WIN!!! %NAME% #c9#... It's a SAGE thing.</out>
<out type="push" extdata="rock" condition="==" lvalue=$rock$ rvalue=2> #c9#Scissors! ...#c69# YOU WIN!!! %NAME% #c9#... #c2#Congratulations!!!</out>
<command type="script">
<out type="push" extdata="paper">%RANDOMNUM[3]%</out>
<out type="push" extdata="paper" condition="==" lvalue=$paper$ rvalue=0> #c9#Rock! ...#c69# YOU WIN!!! %NAME% #c9#... #c2#Congratulations!!!</out>
<out type="push" extdata="paper" condition="==" lvalue=$paper$ rvalue=1> #c9#Paper! ...#c10# It's a DRAW! %NAME%</out>
<out type="push" extdata="paper" condition="==" lvalue=$paper$ rvalue=2> #c9#Scissors! ...#c8# I WIN!!! %NAME% #c9#... It's a SAGE thing.</out>
<command type="script">
<out type="push" extdata="scissors">%RANDOMNUM[3]%</out>
<out type="push" extdata="scissors" condition="==" lvalue=$scissors$ rvalue=0> #c9#Rock! ...#c8# I WIN!!! %NAME% #c9#... It's a SAGE thing.</out>
<out type="push" extdata="scissors" condition="==" lvalue=$scissors$ rvalue=1> #c9#Paper! ...#c69# YOU WIN!!! %NAME% #c9#... #c2#Congratulations!!!</out>
<out type="push" extdata="scissors" condition="==" lvalue=$scissors$ rvalue=2> #c9#Scissors! ...#c10# It's a DRAW! %NAME%</out>
*** The difference here is the added reference to Scoring for Members ONLY.

2. This script goes in Bot B's mxc.xml file
Code: [Select]
///My RPS Accumulator Beta#2

<usergroup name="PenMax">

<usergroup name="members">


<command type="script">

<in>YOU WIN!!! &lt;|Á|&gt;Pendragon_VI&lt;|Á|&gt;</in>
<out type="push" extdata="60">$SCORE60$</out>
<out type="push" extdata="SCORE60"><operator type="+" lvalue="%USERVAR[60]%" rvalue="1"/></out>
<out>&lt;|Á|&gt;Pendragon_VI&lt;|Á|&gt;, your score is... $SCORE60$</out>


<command type="script">

<in>It's a DRAW! &lt;|Á|&gt;Pendragon_VI&lt;|Á|&gt;</in>
<out type="push" extdata="60">$SCORE60$</out>
<out>&lt;|Á|&gt;Pendragon_VI&lt;|Á|&gt;, your score is... $SCORE60$</out>


<command type="script">

<in>I WIN!!! &lt;|Á|&gt;Pendragon_VI&lt;|Á|&gt;</in>
<out type="push" extdata="60">$SCORE60$</out>
<out type="push" extdata="SCORE60"><operator type="-" lvalue="%USERVAR[60]%" rvalue="1"/></out>
<out>&lt;|Á|&gt;Pendragon_VI&lt;|Á|&gt;, your score is... $SCORE60$</out>



<command type="script">

<in>YOU WIN!!! Viviane</in>
<out type="push" extdata="61">$SCORE61$</out>
<out type="push" extdata="SCORE61"><operator type="+" lvalue="%USERVAR[61]%" rvalue="1"/></out>
<out>Viviane, your score is... $SCORE61$</out>


<command type="script">

<in>It's a DRAW! Viviane</in>
<out type="push" extdata="61">$SCORE61$</out>
<out>Viviane, your score is... $SCORE61$</out>


<command type="script">

<in>I WIN!!! Viviane</in>
<out type="push" extdata="61">$SCORE61$</out>
<out type="push" extdata="SCORE61"><operator type="-" lvalue="%USERVAR[61]%" rvalue="1"/></out>
<out>Viviane, your score is... $SCORE61$</out>



<command type="script">

<in>YOU WIN!!! Gwenhwyfar</in>
<out type="push" extdata="62">$SCORE62$</out>
<out type="push" extdata="SCORE62"><operator type="+" lvalue="%USERVAR[62]%" rvalue="1"/></out>
<out>Gwenhwyfar, your score is... $SCORE62$</out>


<command type="script">

<in>It's a DRAW! Gwenhwyfar</in>
<out type="push" extdata="62">$SCORE62$</out>
<out>Gwenhwyfar, your score is... $SCORE62$</out>


<command type="script">

<in>I WIN!!! Gwenhwyfar</in>
<out type="push" extdata="62">$SCORE62$</out>
<out type="push" extdata="SCORE62"><operator type="-" lvalue="%USERVAR[62]%" rvalue="1"/></out>
<out>Gwenhwyfar, your score is... $SCORE62$</out>


/////ALL Scores------------------------------------------------------

<command type="script" usergroup="PenM@X">
<out type="push" extdata="60">$SCORE60$</out>
<out type="push" extdata="61">$SCORE61$</out>
<out type="push" extdata="62">$SCORE62$</out>
<out extdata="60" condition="!=" lvalue=$SCORE60$ rvalue="">&lt;|Á|&gt;Pendragon_VI&lt;|Á|&gt; = $SCORE60$</out>
<out extdata="61" condition="!=" lvalue=$SCORE61$ rvalue="">Viviane = $SCORE61$</out>
<out extdata="62" condition="!=" lvalue=$SCORE62$ rvalue="">Gwenhwyfar = $SCORE62$</out>

/////RPS RESET--------------------------------------------------

<command type="script" usergroup="PenMax">

<out>All Rock-Paper-Scissors Scores have been RESET</out>
<out type="pop" extdata="SCORE60"/>
<out type="pop" extdata="SCORE61"/>
<out type="pop" extdata="SCORE62"/>


*** Notable here, though a little tedious to add code for each new member, are: the addition of a 'members' usergroup; the 'stencil' for adding each new member where u really just cut & paste and alter the 'name' references as well as the ref number alongside any appearance of 'score' & 'uservar' for that user; an 'ALL Scores' listing trigger for Members ONLY use; and finally a re-jigged 'RPS RESET'.

*** The thing here is that with the compromise of limiting the scoring part of the game to Members one can avoid the issue of odd-character-names as well as arrive at an individual progress score which appears with each response to each and every individual player's triggering/play.

I'm now looking for a an xml code to RANK the 'All Scores' list.  SUGGESTIONS & HELP WITH THIS WOULD BE MOST WELCOME!

Cheers and a VERY MERRY XMAS TO ALL!  :D

*Edited by Samseesam on request as specified

Movie-Music-Merlin<|Á|>_924DFE7C1A29 (FXS)
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Offline PenMax

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Re: Accumulator Script?
« Reply #16 on: December 25, 2006, 11:58:25 am »

Just noticed some needed corrections to the Second Code of my previous-to-this posting.

I've amended the Second Code and included the 'corrected' version below for your convenience.

2. This script goes in Bot B's mxc.xml file
Code: [Select]
///My RPS Accumulator Beta#2

<usergroup name="PenMax">

<usergroup name="members">


<command type="script">

<in>YOU WIN!!! &lt;|Á|&gt;Pendragon_VI&lt;|Á|&gt;</in>
<out type="push" extdata="60">$SCORE60$</out>
<out type="push" extdata="SCORE60"><operator type="+" lvalue="%USERVAR[60]%" rvalue="1"/></out>
<out>&lt;|Á|&gt;Pendragon_VI&lt;|Á|&gt;, your score is... $SCORE60$</out>


<command type="script">

<in>It's a DRAW! &lt;|Á|&gt;Pendragon_VI&lt;|Á|&gt;</in>
<out type="push" extdata="60">$SCORE60$</out>
<out>&lt;|Á|&gt;Pendragon_VI&lt;|Á|&gt;, your score is... $SCORE60$</out>


<command type="script">

<in>I WIN!!! &lt;|Á|&gt;Pendragon_VI&lt;|Á|&gt;</in>
<out type="push" extdata="60">$SCORE60$</out>
<out type="push" extdata="SCORE60"><operator type="-" lvalue="%USERVAR[60]%" rvalue="1"/></out>
<out>&lt;|Á|&gt;Pendragon_VI&lt;|Á|&gt;, your score is... $SCORE60$</out>



<command type="script">

<in>YOU WIN!!! Viviane</in>
<out type="push" extdata="61">$SCORE61$</out>
<out type="push" extdata="SCORE61"><operator type="+" lvalue="%USERVAR[61]%" rvalue="1"/></out>
<out>Viviane, your score is... $SCORE61$</out>


<command type="script">

<in>It's a DRAW! Viviane</in>
<out type="push" extdata="61">$SCORE61$</out>
<out>Viviane, your score is... $SCORE61$</out>


<command type="script">

<in>I WIN!!! Viviane</in>
<out type="push" extdata="61">$SCORE61$</out>
<out type="push" extdata="SCORE61"><operator type="-" lvalue="%USERVAR[61]%" rvalue="1"/></out>
<out>Viviane, your score is... $SCORE61$</out>



<command type="script">

<in>YOU WIN!!! Gwenhwyfar</in>
<out type="push" extdata="62">$SCORE62$</out>
<out type="push" extdata="SCORE62"><operator type="+" lvalue="%USERVAR[62]%" rvalue="1"/></out>
<out>Gwenhwyfar, your score is... $SCORE62$</out>


<command type="script">

<in>It's a DRAW! Gwenhwyfar</in>
<out type="push" extdata="62">$SCORE62$</out>
<out>Gwenhwyfar, your score is... $SCORE62$</out>


<command type="script">

<in>I WIN!!! Gwenhwyfar</in>
<out type="push" extdata="62">$SCORE62$</out>
<out type="push" extdata="SCORE62"><operator type="-" lvalue="%USERVAR[62]%" rvalue="1"/></out>
<out>Gwenhwyfar, your score is... $SCORE62$</out>


/////ALL Scores------------------------------------------------------

<command type="script" usergroup="PenM@X">
<out type="push" extdata="60">$SCORE60$</out>
<out type="push" extdata="61">$SCORE61$</out>
<out type="push" extdata="62">$SCORE62$</out>
<out extdata="60" condition="!=" lvalue=$SCORE60$ rvalue="">&lt;|Á|&gt;Pendragon_VI&lt;|Á|&gt; = $SCORE60$</out>
<out extdata="61" condition="!=" lvalue=$SCORE61$ rvalue="">Viviane = $SCORE61$</out>
<out extdata="62" condition="!=" lvalue=$SCORE62$ rvalue="">Gwenhwyfar = $SCORE62$</out>

/////RPS RESET--------------------------------------------------

<command type="script" usergroup="PenMax">

<out>All Rock-Paper-Scissors Scores have been RESET</out>
<out type="pop" extdata="SCORE60"/>
<out type="pop" extdata="SCORE61"/>
<out type="pop" extdata="SCORE62"/>


*** Notable here, though a little tedious to add code for each new member, are: the addition of a 'members' usergroup; the 'stencil' for adding each new member where u really just cut & paste and alter the 'name' references as well as the ref number alongside any appearance of 'score' & 'uservar' for that user; an 'ALL Scores' listing trigger for Members ONLY use; and finally a re-jigged 'RPS RESET'.

*** The thing here is that with the compromise of limiting the scoring part of the game to Members one can avoid the issue of odd-character-names as well as arrive at an individual progress score which appears with each response to each and every individual player's triggering/play.

I'm now looking for a an xml code to RANK the 'All Scores' list.  SUGGESTIONS & HELP WITH THIS WOULD BE MOST WELCOME!

Cheers and a VERY MERRY XMAS TO ALL!  :D

PS: My Kingdom for an EDIT button LOL.

Movie-Music-Merlin<|Á|>_924DFE7C1A29 (FXS)
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Offline PenMax

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Re: Accumulator Script?
« Reply #17 on: December 28, 2006, 01:04:12 pm »
Well I've DONE it!!


!Rock-!Paper-!Scissors Game V.3 - Created by PenM@X

** Please CREDIT me/PenM@X/PenMax with any subsequent variation of whatever kind of this MY script!!

The product of a lot of time, hard work, focused concentration & focused thinking!!!

I've posted it here -

Movie-Music-Merlin<|Á|>_924DFE7C1A29 (FXS)
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