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WinMX World :: Forum  |  Technical  |  WinMX Client  |  Been away using 3.31 again as secondary. Did RCAA put out their own Winmx?

Author Topic: Been away using 3.31 again as secondary. Did RCAA put out their own Winmx?  (Read 4646 times)

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Been away for a few years and am damn please to have 3.31 working again. Bootleg rules. So what did the RCAA do?  Using 3.31 as that was before the RCAA , etc. to the say the least Maybe there are newer Winmx version that are somewho reporting to the RCAA lots of stuff. So what is the pie.  Oh I now about host files, routers, etc.  So and using the winmx host file. 
Question? The status of server page has ips which I don't find in the host file?  Why?
Additional is WinMx still using the server struct. Primaries come and go. 

Who decides what computers are hosting the host name ip names. ie doman name?
Found in the host files?

Where can i find the source for winmx.  Have been takling to Car computers so know lots about protocol, keys etc

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Hi Fasterbusa
Welcome back to WinMX..

First of all its the RIAA.  Recording Industry Association of America, second they sent the makers of WinMX a letter on or around Sept 2005 threatening them with litigation's.  Rather then face that (as you know WinMX Technologies never made any profit from WinMX) they elected to close the caches we all used to connect and they have since disappeared.

By Sept 23rd the Users had working caches set up.  Thats what happened... Now..

There are indeed newer versions of WinMX, the most recent being a beta released 12-12-2004 WinMX v3.54 beta 4, the most stable version to date.  The versions have nothing to do with 'contacting' the RIAA.  They are in use my most users now and are totally safe when used with the WinMX Group Patches.
Pie is an outdated method of connection via a hosts file.  Which was used temporarily in the early days to allow folks redirection to the new Caches.  Its no longer recommended as its leaves both the user and the network unprotected.  The real threat from the RIAA now, you can read more about by clicking HERE.  Because the Hosts file is an outdated method of connection, and because the WinMX Group patch utilizes a better method of redirection you should only see 1 entry in your Hosts file that pertains to and that is solely for your update bar.  All true patching functions are located in the files placed in the WinMX Folder.

WinMX has never used, ok.. well since it stopped being strictly an OpenNap client, Its not ever used a server struct.  Read more about how WinMX works by clicking Here

I have no idea what you mean by your question about "Who decides what computers are hosting the host name ip names. ie doman names?" I feel you must be misunderstanding how the WPN works.

The entry in your hosts file.. again.. is a redirect for your Update bar only and has nothing to do with actual patch functions.

WinMX is not and has never been open source and Kevin Hearn, who has always owned WinMX.exe and source, is as mentioned above missing in action.

Im pretty sure cars and WinMX don't speak quite the same language..mostly because cars don't need p2p type functions if you have other questions Im sure someone can help you here.

ip listerner

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The question is who is listening on the end of this ip.  Since the server structure has been removed than there must be one machine on at this ip to lilsten to return other ips for peers. Any ip must resolve to an active listner. Wonder if it is a WEB service?   interesting thought!!

Offline GhostShip

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Thats Sabre,s IP, found in the pie host file fix that helps flood the network with fakes.

As you may know WinMxGroup has its own set of peer caches.

WinMX World :: Forum  |  Technical  |  WinMX Client  |  Been away using 3.31 again as secondary. Did RCAA put out their own Winmx?

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