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WinMX World :: Forum  |  Third Party Stuff  |  Chat Servers  |  WCS Keeps Erroring

Author Topic: WCS Keeps Erroring  (Read 7988 times)

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Re: WCS Keeps Erroring
« Reply #20 on: June 28, 2007, 08:44:35 pm »
Why would you do it on ANOTHER server?
What if it is just a minor error theres so many errors within WCS
Try the replacements :) If one is too long server both crashes and wont open again until its fixed but you could spend awhile figuring that one out
Just if you KNOW what you are doing and if you are SMART enough to actually pay attention and look out for what server you use you should have no problems
Just WCS has been shit since FXS made its comeback :)

Marty: Stumped at who I am I seen that ho hum :P


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Re: WCS Keeps Erroring
« Reply #21 on: June 28, 2007, 08:54:45 pm »
erm, well the 2 things you claim are vulnerabilities that supposedly make WCS insecure and other servers secure, let's see:

default passwords - well this has been mentioned a couple of times, every single time in relation to fxserver, however it's nothing to do with the server in reality and down to users, but i have yet to hear of hosts not changing the password on WCS, so to say it's some widespread problem is deceptive at best...

join flood, well considering it is immune from such attacks, and in fact was the first server to become so... in fact the only way to cause a problem like that is in overloading the hosts connection, or of course by asking the host to politely change the default settings to allow you to attack (which if someone changes a setting that is labeled as an important security feature that should never be changed, it's their own damn fault... although even then the effects of this are even more greatly reduced in the latest versions even with protection disabled)

very rarely has any actual security issue with WCS been brought up, and if you know of any then the big question is of course how do you expect something to get fixed if you keep it secret? but the lack of any known vulnerabilities is the reason for its reputation as the most secure and most stable server available... i believe twice security threats have been found and both were fixed before they started getting exploited against real rooms, the most recent of which only effected rooms running a beta version using certain features anyway so left the normal rooms perfectly secure

even the handful of potential threats such as someone using dictionary attacks against really bad passwords was dealt with (although not in much of a rush as that wasn't really a big risk and was certainly nothing new, plus of course the other factor of encouraging hosts to use insecure passwords...)

as for invalid configs, as that can only be used by a host to crash a room it's not a security threat, it's not open to attack (ok, it is, but if someone has the ability to exploit that then you're pretty much screwed no matter which server you use as there's no way to stop them...), it's only an issue to people playing with settings on their main room, which isn't recommended anyway - however gradually sorting those out is something planned (the one most people seem to have a problem with is replaces, which i actually planned to increase the limit for in rc4 due to it having recently been brought up... it seems though that the only issue i've heard of there is people wanting to use a replace to change shareguard output, which is ridiculous to say the least, but whatever...)


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Re: WCS Keeps Erroring
« Reply #22 on: June 28, 2007, 09:25:28 pm »
Marty: Stumped at who I am I seen that ho hum :P

not at all, hence the 'ho hum'


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Re: WCS Keeps Erroring
« Reply #23 on: June 28, 2007, 09:34:44 pm »
Reveal An0n then o.o
Also KM oh yes it is there but why have them CHOOSE it?(Join Flood)
Some people are indeed stupid who host chat rooms =/
Awh Legion's bot that 'hacked' rooms how sweet but after the way we did it first was removed it was made again to work :)
I wont reveal how only 1 person has it now and cannot say whom for they dont even know they have it ahah
Very rarely any security issue has come up? Pffts the issues only come up when its done to someone who gets all butthurt and crys to someone else for help


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Re: WCS Keeps Erroring
« Reply #24 on: June 28, 2007, 09:45:05 pm »
Reveal anon? whats to reveal J, we all know who you are


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Re: WCS Keeps Erroring
« Reply #25 on: June 28, 2007, 09:55:12 pm »
Also KM oh yes it is there but why have them CHOOSE it?(Join Flood)
because there are cases (such as when testing and playing about locally for example) where it can be annoying, hence an option to disable it if you want to, but it states that it should be left enabled and not disabled, so anyone going and disabling it it's their own fault - just like it's someones own fault if they leave a default password (YourPassword is a pretty damn obvious hint to change it, as indicated by the lack of people suffering from that problem)

as for how to brute force a password, the only way to do that is to keep exiting and entering again every few guesses, which as well as being blocked by join flood would also be slightly obvious to everyone in the room, and of course would slow things down considerably - but simply using basic password rules makes brute force of any kind pretty ineffective, something as simple as adding a number to the end for example, if they know you've added a number to the end then you've made it 10 times harder to guess, if they don't know then you've made it thousands of times harder... (of course a number on the end is the first thing anyone would try after dictionary attacks, so numbers elsewhere works well... we actually use symbols for the full access logins in winmxworld)


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Re: WCS Keeps Erroring
« Reply #26 on: June 28, 2007, 09:57:44 pm »
Mmkay Marty :)
Anyways KM Join Flood should just be enabled constantly lol but whatever if people want to test how to crash their own servers or maybe testing a bot trying to get it to work properly of course their own choice not a smart one but aye

Bruteforcing the passwords aint so tough and you still have missed how it would go along there Mr King :)


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Re: WCS Keeps Erroring
« Reply #27 on: June 28, 2007, 10:21:17 pm »
anyone can claim to be able to do something, however actually being able to is a different matter - the simple fact is that 1. you wouldn't complain about something being too insecure and at the same time refuse to give any details on any vulnerabilities that need fixing, and 2. the fact that you are going around bragging indicates that if you indeed were aware of such a method you would not be merely saying it but would demonstrate it, and would have likely used it several times such that it would likely have been heard about

of course vulnerabilities almost certainly do exist (if anyone claims their software is completely secure, don't go near it as it's likely to be the least secure thing you've ever seen), and there is a chance you might know of such a vulnerability, however your manner strongly indicates that you do not and are merely making up claims in an attempt to enhance the size of your e-penis (btw they sell pills for that, check your local email inbox for further details...) of course i look forward to being corrected...


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Re: WCS Keeps Erroring
« Reply #28 on: June 28, 2007, 10:34:57 pm »
Why ruin the fun of telling you when you could just look at every aspect of it and find it yourself? How do you think we did
Im not bragging for shit either lol although it may take a very very long time for it to crack passwords and most rooms would have went down and came back up a few times before it may have gotten it I know of a way where it is indeed still possible for someone to brute force a password =/ me not wanting to say why ruins the fun once again for you not for me makes it all the more better if you have to actually think for yourself and find out the way to do it
Personally FXS > WCS lol So really no real need or necessity for me to tell you why I could for fun but it is in no grave danger to me

Ohhhhh yes saying yours is the most secure or the picture of perfection for secuirty is bullshit because within every version comes more bugs just some less obvious than others
Also make claims to "enhance" my e-penis? Naw I dont need this crap lol I just came back from a few months away from Mx
But really I dont want a big come back or anything might not even know me thats fine I am known merely for a few things and many know how I roll ahhh sounds weird
Anyways check my inbox will do you keep up that viagra subscription ya hear because you sir are still the biggest cock around ^_^

Offline Lagerlout666

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Re: WCS Keeps Erroring
« Reply #29 on: June 29, 2007, 08:32:18 am »
ha ha, what a boring moron, may as well sit here and say i can drop a server if i wanted, but i wont make any money from it by intimdating the server owner into paying me for not closing their site as its more pleasure them knowing i can do it. W.T.F planet you on, im glad you have been away from Mx. Its a damn shame you came back, why dont you go away and play little boy.
The Solution to 99% of winmx problems        -ONLINE again YAY!!!!!! :D

Praise's daily at the church of "Kopimi"

Offline GhostShip

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Re: WCS Keeps Erroring
« Reply #30 on: June 29, 2007, 09:01:04 am »
Liquid, Anon or whoever you calling yourself today, can you show me why you should not be banned for suggesting how to attack chat rooms ?

We are a community here of helpful folks and it seems you neither have any will to help folks or the knowledge required to do so, to refer to a rather lame bot script that can be blocked in the first 3 guesses shows me your not in the top IQ bracket either, heres the deal, go away and annoy someone else or continue here with the lame allegations and get banned for annoying folks.

Anyone with real information of problems should continue posting here as I,m sure KM is happy to assist in genuine cases.

Offline Mizz

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Re: WCS Keeps Erroring
« Reply #31 on: June 29, 2007, 09:10:24 am »
ah well the world is full of idiots huh :P

shame they aint got anything better to do then wright rubbish and make themselves seem important..alllll those claims An0n makes lol...makes me think of someone....

simple fact remains tho....act like an idiot An0n/liquid/.... and as usual u will get treated like one...

If God, in his infinite Wisdom, made me an Atheist...then who are you to Question him ?

Offline Snick512

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Re: WCS Keeps Erroring
« Reply #32 on: June 29, 2007, 11:05:44 am »
Well to be honest, any good host doesnt change configs on the room that is running, i have been a room host for 2 years and recently stopped hosting, but everytime i changed anything in the config it was always done on another server. Thats good practice, and although something like that might be annoying its not the end of the world if you use your head.

Not going against what you are saying, but Yea i see .. but not a lot of people think about it.

People do use his server a lot, a lot use FX aswell, and some use OUka (that seems to be the most outgoing servers atm so im using those 3) So in keeping to the topic, it would be good to Put the propper debugging in the config to better yet keep someones room from crashing.

It is something you should think about KM.

Cuz Victim had his server crash five times in a row or even more before he even noticed what was wrong with it, or even thought about what it was... I was there, i seen ti happen, very annoying lol. And it killed his users. If the config protection would've been there it wouldnt've happened

Offline GhostShip

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Re: WCS Keeps Erroring
« Reply #33 on: June 29, 2007, 11:28:34 am »
Should KM also make WCS undeletable in case someone accidently tries to delete it ?

Human error is something we all have to deal with and learn from, its not really something KM should be targetting at the expense of other things, after all most hosts can ask a friend to look the config over if they are not sure if thats the cause, or simply try a default one and modify the lines one at a time.

User errors are expected, bugs are program faults that are not, I think its only fair to ask KM to prioritise the second type of problem


Offline Victim

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Re: WCS Keeps Erroring
« Reply #34 on: June 29, 2007, 11:39:02 am »
Not going against what you are saying, but Yea i see .. but not a lot of people think about it.

People do use his server a lot, a lot use FX aswell, and some use OUka (that seems to be the most outgoing servers atm so im using those 3) So in keeping to the topic, it would be good to Put the propper debugging in the config to better yet keep someones room from crashing.

It is something you should think about KM.

Cuz Victim had his server crash five times in a row or even more before he even noticed what was wrong with it, or even thought about what it was... I was there, i seen ti happen, very annoying lol. And it killed his users. If the config protection would've been there it wouldnt've happened

Yep, snick is correct.

I think you should think about putting the propper debugging in the config.

But hey, your server. Do what the hell you want with it.



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Re: WCS Keeps Erroring
« Reply #35 on: June 29, 2007, 03:27:14 pm »
I love how you all go IDIOT FOOL ahaha makes me laugh
Now see I did not tell anyone ONCE how to attack a god damn chat room dont put words into my mouth(Yes its the internet but words well here too)
And see no one really knows how to block it because theres ALWAYS a flaw =/
Theres 1 that no one notices but ya know what I wont tell because we dont need chaos maybe I should tell KM? I dont know we will see
Mizz want to criticize me too? Yay! All the claims I make makes you think of whom? I want to know
Everyone on Mx knows me as Liquid/Latino simple enough I dont care anymore Marty posted and he knew who I was simply
I acted like a fool in my first post not the latter so shoosh

GhostShip once again Human error is nothing anyone can fix but making some things less susceptible to problems would be nice I think..
Anyways someone deletes it there is a reason WHY you get the prompt do you want to delete and then YOU CAN STILL RECOVER it just people are fools and dont notice things
But god damn I am not acting childish anymore dead seriousness people can still do it I dont support it but I wont say howto fix =/

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