Good news again folks
It seems another study has indicated more folks are sharing than last year, this is great news as it means your more likely to obtain a useful file or two from the mass of shared files online at any time,,2137465,00.htmlThe report says price is the key factor for the slowdown in legal downloading after sharp increases in 2005 and 2006. As the cost of CDs in shops has fallen the perceived cost advantage of digital downloads has been eroded. The report suggests one way to tackle that may be for music companies to consider introducing differential pricing. It said 84% of consumers agreed that older digital downloads should be cheaper and 48% claimed they would be prepared to pay more for newly released tracks.
John Enser, head of music at law firm Olswang, said: "As illegal downloading hits an all-time high and consumers' fear of prosecution falls, the music industry must look for more ways to encourage the public to download music legally."
While I notice this report makes mostly mention of illegal file sharing I,m sure the general trend encompasses file sharing in general, plus I,m sure that most of the folks on mx purchase any tracks they download to sample, technology is such a wonderful thing.