After the recent breakthroughs by hackers in many areas it seems no lesson is learned by the media fat cats. Rights Management, or DRM, is a technology that divides opinion.
For some campaigners, it is "defective" software that cripples products and should be abolished immediately.
To the record and film industry it is a "crucial" tool that allows them to protect and sell their goods online.
As a result, the software locks have become the focus of a game of digital cat and mouse. As each new or updated DRM system is released an army of hackers pores over the code and often releases a workaround within hours or days.
In short, Digital Rights Managements (DRM) the tool used by the media companies to
steal your rights from you is shown time and again to be broken or dangerous as well as not being fit for the task, it seems the Cartel are still intent on their moronic struggle against their customers, lets hope they don't learn before they go bankrupt.
Whilst they attempt to place more and more restrictions on purchased online media and yet charge a similar price for a physical object that contains none, they are just demonstrating they are happy to defraud their online customers, EMI has stepped up to become the only honest one of the four, lets ensure we back their move
by not purchasing DRM filled downloads from the 3 remaining cartel members, I'm sure they will get the message from their stocks and shares managers if no one else.