10+ years later here is an update
Notes: IPDB.dat updated March 7, 2024 by ®êêf 420
- This will work for WCS and RSWCS servers. The database has not been updated since 2013 i believe.
- The previous file contained 80,000 some lines, whereas this new database contains over 230,000
- Testing has been very brief, but seems stable and accurate, without seeing any "unknowns" for users country
Use at own risk, if any problems occur i take no responsability. Just make a copy of the old ipdb.dat just in case issues do

Anyways maybe some who still host (not many left) might find this useful, so Enjoy if you are one of them
* For those who don't know what this is, its just a file that is placed into the WCS folder and when used properly in the room it will show the country of the user who entered.