This is good news and one of the reasons you saw no april the first news folks Media, the ISP accused of doing a deal with the British Phonographic Industry to disconnect persistent file-sharers from the internet, has denied the reports. Calling such measures “draconian”, Virgin went on to say they raise both privacy and legal issues.
Last week it was reported by The Telegraph that UK ISP Virgin Media had done a deal with the British Phonographic Industry (BPI) to disconnect persistent file-sharers from the internet. Now, according to a Computer Active report, Virgin Media is denying it has reached an agreement.
A Virgin Media spokesperson said: “There is no pilot in place. There are no details to confirm as we haven’t come to any sort of agreement with the BPI. The BPI wants the Government and ISPs to adopt the three-strikes system, we don’t want to go down to that level as it raises questions about privacy and funding.”
And on that note peace and quiet have returned to many housholds and lawyers sigh at the prospect of an amazing amount of work they where looking forward to in privacy lawsuits slipping away, maybe another time guys.