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Author Topic: Basic Room Setup Guide  (Read 10224 times)

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Offline GhostShip

  • Ret. WinMX Special Forces
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Basic Room Setup Guide
« on: May 03, 2005, 12:17:18 am »
This is a link to help you set up a chat room on WinMX

Basic Visual Guide

If you dont have a flash player installed go to Shockwave Flash Player for a free one.

For a tutorial go to Basic Hosting on WinMX

Offline GhostShip

  • Ret. WinMX Special Forces
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Commands List
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2005, 06:22:34 am »
WinMX Channel Commands For version 3.53

Clears the local channel display.

/log [filename]
With parameter, starts logging all locally displayed text to filename.txt in the WinMX program folder.
Without parameter, stops logging.

Shows the name of the channel you are in (good for cut/paste).
Access Level Needed: 5

/level [<user>]
Without parameter, informs user of their own access level.
Access Level Needed:  any
With parameter, retrieves the access level of another user in the channel.
Access Level Needed:  190 by default, always the same as with /setuserlevel, change with /level_auth_setuserlevel

/login <passphrase>
Login with an assigned passphrase.
Access Level Needed:  20 by default, change with /level_auth_login

/action <text>
/me <text>
/emote <text>
Access Level Needed:  level needed for voice +10 (60 by default), change voice level with /setvoicelevel

/topic <new topic>
Access Level Needed:  110 by default, change with /level_auth_topic

/setmotd <new message-of-the-day>
Access Level Needed:  120 by default, change with /level_auth_setmotd

/opmsg <message>
Send a message only to operators in channel.
Access Level Needed:  130 by default, change with /level_auth_opmsg

/kick <user>
Access Level Needed:  140 by default, change with /level_auth_kick

/ban <user> [optional minutes, or 255 for forever]
The minutes parameter is only processed for calling users whose access level is above 160 (which can be changed with /level_override_defbanmin).  If the parameter isn't processed or one isn't provided, the duration will be 5 minutes by default or whatever has been set with /setdefbanmin.
Access Level Needed:  150 by default, change with /level_auth_ban

/kickban <user> [optional minutes, or 255 for forever]
Access Level Needed:  150 by default, or the lower of /level_auth_ban and /level_auth_kick

/banip <user> <ip>[/nm] [optional minutes, or 255 for forever]      ( nm = netmask 32-16 )
Same as /ban, except the user doesn't have to still be in the room, and an IP corresponding to the user must be specified.  An optional subnet parameter can make it possible to block large ranges of IPs up to /16 (65536 IPs).
Access Level Needed:  155 by default, change with /level_auth_banip

/unban <user>
Access Level Needed:  155 by default, change with /level_auth_unban


Access Level Needed:  160 by default, change with /level_auth_listbans

Access Level Needed:  170 by default, change with /level_auth_clearbans

<level 5-230>
Sets the minimum access level required for messages typed to be seen by other users in the channel.  The default is 50.  The minimum level for /action messages to be seen by others is 10 above the level for regular messages.
Access Level Needed:  170 by default, change with /level_auth_setvoicelevel

/setuserlevel <user> <level 5-230>
Sets a user's access level.  See also /level_slagm below for details.
Access Level Needed:  190 by default, change with /level_auth_setuserlevel

/setdeflevel <level 5-230>
Sets the level all users will be set to upon channel entry (default=65).
Access Level Needed:  190 by default, change with /level_auth_setdeflevel

or /setlimit <5-600 users>
Sets the user limit for the channel.  Once this limit is hit, new joins are rejected.  The /limit command without parameters displays the current limit.
Access Level Needed:  190 by default, change with /level_auth_setlimit

/kickall [<max access level to kick>]
/clearchannel [<max access level to kick>]
Access Level Needed:  200 by default, change with /level_auth_kickall

/watchcmds [<min level> <max level>]
Allows you to watch channel commands from other users.
Access Level Needed:  200 by default, change with /level_auth_watchcmds

/redirect <destination channel name>
Redirects all currently present users with level below 210 to destination channel.
Access Level Needed:  210 by default, change with /level_auth_redirect

/allowincomingredirect <0-1>
If this is set to 1, clients redirecting from other channels will fail to login.
[Note:  Incoming clients prior to v3.52 do not send referrer information to channel hosts and can not be blocked from redirecting.]
Access Level Needed:  210 by default, change with /level_auth_allowincomingredirect

/setchannelname <new channel name>
Access Level Needed:  215 by default, change with /level_auth_setchannelname

/setchannelvisible <0-1>
If set to 1 (the default), channel will show up in channel lists.
Access Level Needed: 220 by default, change with /level_auth_setchannelvisible

/mklogin <access level 5-230> <passphrase>
/rmlogin <passphrase>
Adds and removes logins.  Passphrase can contain spaces.
Access Level Needed:  220 by default, change with /level_auth_loginedit

List all logins.
Access Level Needed:  225 by default, change with /level_auth_lslogin

Clears all logins.
Access Level Needed:  225 by default, change with /level_auth_clearlogins

/level_disp_voice <level 5-255>
Users ABOVE (not equal to) this level will have a + next to their name to indicate they have a voice in a moderated environment, unless they qualify for a @ next to their name (see /level_dispop below.)  Default is 120.
Access Level Needed:  220

/level_disp_op <level 5-255>
Users ABOVE this level will have a @ next to their name to indicate they are an op/moderator.  Default is 120.
Access Level Needed:  220

/setdefbanmin <minutes 1-255>
Sets the default ban duration in minutes.  255 is non-expiring.  The default is 5 minutes.
Access Level Needed:  220

/level_override_defbanmin <level 5-230>
Users with this minimum level can override the default ban duration.  The default is 165.
Access Level Needed:  220

/setssbthreshsec <seconds 5-230>
A short-stay is defined as a visit under this many seconds.  The default value is 25 seconds.
Access Level Needed:  220

/setssbmin <minutes 1-230>
Sets the short-stay ban duration in minutes.  The default is 2 minutes.
Access Level Needed:  220

/level_override_ssb <level 5-230>
Users with this minimum level can't be banned for a short-stay.  The default is 120.
Access Level Needed:  220

/level_override_floodkick <level 5-230>
Users with access levels equal or better than this will not be auto-kicked for flooding.  Default is 190.
Access Level Needed:  220

/level_margin_kickban <level 5-230>
An admins access level minus this value is the highest level that can be kicked by that admin.
Access Level Needed:  220

/level_margin_setuserlevel <level 0-230>
The /setuserlevel max you can set others to is this value below your own access unless your level is >205.  The default value is 5.
Access Level Needed:  220

/level_margin_watchcmds <level 5-230>
An admins access level minus this value is the highest level that can have commands watched by that admin.
Access Level Needed:  220

/level_override_watchcmdsfilter <level 5-255>
Admins with access level above this will see raw commands without and login censoring or unknown command blocking.  (default=235)
Access Level Needed:  220

/level_view_opmsg <level 5-230>
This is the minimum access level needed to view all /opmsg.  (default=130)
Access Level Needed:  220

/level_view_joinips   <level 5-230>
Sets minimum level to see IPs when people join channel (default=120).
Access Level Needed:  220

/level_view_ownlevelchange <level 5-230>
Sets minimum level to be notified level has changed and admin who changed it.  (default=70)
Access Level Needed:  220

/level_view_alllevelchange <level 5-230>
Sets minimum level to be notified other users level has changed and admin who changed it.  (default=125)
Access Level Needed:  220

/level_view_maxlevelchange <level 5-230>
Level changes to higher level than this will not generate any notifications with admin name that is setting level.  (default=220)
Access Level Needed:  220

/level_view_ownlevelchangeanon <level 5-230>
Sets minimum level to be notified level has changed without admin name who changed it.  (default=40)
Access Level Needed:  220

/level_view_alllevelchangeanon <level 5-230>
Sets minimum level to be notified other users level has changed without admin name who changed it.  (default=55)
Access Level Needed:  220

<level 5-230>
Level changes to higher level than this will not generate any notifications without admin name who changed it.  (default=180)
Access Level Needed:  220

/level_view_kick <level 5-230>
Sets minimum level to see kick notifications with admin names.  (default=55)
Access Level Needed:  220

/level_view_kickanon <level 5-230>
Sets minimum level to see kick notifications without admin names.  (default=40)
Access Level Needed:  220

/level_view_kickmaxlevel <level 5-255>
An admin with a level above this will not generate any notifications when kicking.  (default=255)
Access Level Needed:  220

/level_view_ban <level 5-230>
Sets minimum level to see ban notifications with admin names.  (default=55)
Access Level Needed:  220

/level_view_bananon <level 5-230>
Sets minimum level to see ban notifications without admin names.  (default=40)
Access Level Needed:  220

/level_view_banduration <level 5-230>
If a user sees a ban notification and are at or above this level, they will see the duration of the ban. (default=40)
Access Level Needed:  220

/level_view_banmaxlevel <level 5-255>
An admin with a level above this will not generate any notification when banning.  (default=255)
Access Level Needed:  220

/level_view_adminflaggedmsgthresh<level 5-230>
Users at or above this level will have their channel messages with different color <brackets>.  (default=140)
Access Level Needed:  220

/level_view_adminflaggedmsg <level 5-230>
Users below this level will not see admin channel messages with different color <brackets>.  (default=40)
Access Level Needed:  220

/level_view_longusernames <level 5-255>
Users above this level will see user names with the trailing _12345 .  (default=255)
Access Level Needed:  220

/level_view_longusernamechanges <level 5-255>
Users above this level will see user name change notifications when a user name changes including the trailing _12345 .  (default=255)
Access Level Needed:  220

/level_auth_login <level 5-230>  (default 20)
/level_auth_loginedit <level 5-230>  (default 220)
/level_auth_lslogin <level 5-230>  (default 225)
/level_auth_clearlogins <level 5-230>  (default 225)
/level_auth_setvoicelevel <level 5-230>  (default 170)
/level_auth_setuserlevel <level 5-230>  (default 190)
/level_auth_setdeflevel <level 5-230>  (default 190)
/level_auth_topic <level 5-230>  (default 110)
/level_auth_setmotd <level 5-230>  (default 120)
/level_auth_kick <level 5-230>  (default 140)
/level_auth_ban <level 5-230>  (default 150)
/level_auth_unban <level 5-230>  (default 155)
/level_auth_banip <level 5-230>  (default 155)
/level_auth_listbans <level 5-230>  (default 160)
/level_auth_clearbans <level 5-230>  (default 170)
/level_auth_setlimit <level 5-230>  (default 190)
/level_auth_kickall <level 5-230>  (default 200)
/level_auth_redirect <level 5-230> (default 210)
/level_auth_allowincomingredirect <level 5-230> (default 210)
/level_auth_setchannelname <level 5-230>  (default 215)
/level_auth_setchannelvisible <level 5-230>  (default 220)
/level_auth_watchcmds <level 5-230>  (default 200)
/level_auth_opmsg <level 5-230>  (default 130)
Sets the required access level to use the respective / command.
Access Level Needed:  220

/savecfg <1-100>
Saves the current channel config to a text file in the WinMX program folder of the host.
Access Level Needed:  225

/loadcfg <1-1000>
Loads a channel config file from the host's WinMX program folder.  A higher parameter is allowed for this to allow hosts to create read-only config files.
Access Level Needed:  225

Offline Me Here

  • Ret. WinMX Special Forces
  • WMW Team
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  • We came, We Saw, We definitely Kicked Ass!
Basic Room Setup Guide
« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2005, 07:59:06 pm »
This is a basic configuration for a WinMX room.  You can copy and paste this into a notepad.txt , when you do save it, and name it chcfg<insert your own number here>.txt


After this you will need to place it in your C:\Program Files\Winxm folder, then you need to open it with Notepad and adjust  
"/setchannelname" with your room name.
"/topic"  Type what you want shown on the channel list as topic.
"/setmotd"  Type the Message of The Day here, its the light blue message people will see when they enter the room.

WinMX saved channel config

/setchannelname (Your Room Name here)

/setchannelvisible 1

/topic (Topic that will show on room list)

/setmotd (Welcome to the room.)

/setlimit 40
/allowincomingredirect 1

/setvoicelevel 5
/setdeflevel 65

/level_view_joinips 150

/level_override_floodkick 220
/level_auth_setvoicelevel 150

/level_margin_setuserlevel 5
/level_auth_setuserlevel 190

/level_auth_setdeflevel 220

/level_disp_voice 150
/level_disp_op 220

/level_auth_login 20
/level_auth_loginedit 220
/level_auth_lslogin 220
/level_auth_clearlogins 220

/setdefbanmin 5
/level_override_defbanmin 220

/setssbthreshsec 25
/setssbmin 0
/level_override_ssb 150

/level_auth_topic 220
/level_auth_setmotd 220

/level_auth_kick 150
/level_auth_ban 150
/level_auth_unban 150
/level_auth_banip 150
/level_margin_kickban 10

/level_auth_listbans 150
/level_auth_clearbans 150

/level_auth_setlimit 220
/level_auth_kickall 230
/level_auth_redirect 220
/level_auth_setchannelname 220

/level_auth_setchannelvisible 220
/level_auth_allowincomingredirect 220

/level_auth_watchcmds 230
/level_margin_watchcmds 10
/level_override_watchcmdsfilter 235

/level_view_longusernames 255
/level_view_longusernamechanges 255

/level_view_adminflaggedmsg 40
/level_view_adminflaggedmsgthresh 150

/level_auth_opmsg 65
/level_view_opmsg 150

/level_view_ownlevelchange 70
/level_view_alllevelchange 220
/level_view_maxlevelchange 220

/level_view_ownlevelchangeanon 65
/level_view_alllevelchangeanon 65
/level_view_maxlevelchangeanon 220

/level_view_kick 65
/level_view_kickanon 150

/level_view_ban 65
/level_view_bananon 150
/level_view_banduration 65


Once you have done this.. just go to the filter type in the name of the room, when it opens type
"/loadcfg" <1-1000>

"/loadcfg 2"

Load this up and it will give you the basics of what you need for your room to be up and running.  Then make any adjustments as you go and save the cfg ..

Easy...  :wink:


  • Guest
host a room with cable router
« Reply #3 on: September 03, 2005, 11:14:49 am »

im just wondering wether u can host a room on a cable router.
what it is the host atm is constantly hosting and i offered to help out if the router works.
but im not to sure
can anybody help me plz

thanks  :)

Offline Me Here

  • Ret. WinMX Special Forces
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Basic Room Setup Guide
« Reply #4 on: September 03, 2005, 12:02:32 pm »
Kaz I have started a thread for this information, please visit this one...

Offline GhostShip

  • Ret. WinMX Special Forces
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Re: Basic Room Setup Guide
« Reply #5 on: June 12, 2006, 12:12:30 pm »
I forgot this thread was here perhpas it should be made into a tutorial ?

What do you think Me_Here  :?

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