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Author Topic: General Knowledge: Interesting Article oO Vista UAC Settings  (Read 4483 times)

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Offline GhostShip

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This looked a very good guide to dealing with some of the annoying aspects of using Vista.

The User Account Control feature in Windows Vista has been known to drive normally level-headed people over the edge with frustration. If you find it annoying, you might be tempted to turn it off. According to Microsoft research, somewhere between 12 and 16 percent of all Windows Vista users do exactly that. But before you take such a radical step, it helps to understand what UAC is actually doing on your behalf and how you can tone down its hard edges without sacrificing its protection.

The biggest misconception I hear about UAC is that it’s just another silly “Are you sure?” dialog box that users will quickly learn to ignore. That’s only one small part of the overall UAC system. The point of UAC is to allow you to run as a standard user, something that is nearly impossible in Windows XP and earlier Windows versions. In fact, with UAC enabled (the default setting) every user account in Windows Vista runs as a standard user. When you try to do something that requires administrative privileges, you see a UAC consent dialog box. If you’re an administrator, you simply have to click Continue when prompted. If you’re running as a standard user, you have to provide the user name and password of a member of the Administrators group.

This is an interesting article that may help some of you understand whats going on when Vista message box clicking becomes tedious, their are plenty of tips and nice pictures to help relieve some of the annoying problems you may encounter.

Offline Falkai

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Re: General Knowledge: Interesting Article oO Vista UAC Settings
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2008, 08:09:56 pm »
lol i disabled that annoying program long ago being asked are you sure 200 times a day gets  old real fast,if your worried about security get behind a file wall and router face it folks 99.9 % of all virus worms spy ware ect comes from you dling and opening  programs and files  that where infected personally ive never had a issue with hacks or attacks just use your head.

Offline Haywire

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Re: General Knowledge: Interesting Article oO Vista UAC Settings
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2009, 10:09:00 pm »
lol i disabled that annoying program long ago being asked are you sure 200 times a day gets  old real fast,if your worried about security get behind a file wall and router face it folks 99.9 % of all virus worms spy ware ect comes from you dling and opening  programs and files  that where infected personally ive never had a issue with hacks or attacks just use your head.

I Totally Disagree with This Statement. If You use it properly It's a great Tool & Preventive Measure to ensure You really know what's trying to run what,etc. Caught many a bot & spyware with this tool. (And every User has complete access to Their Own or Shared Stuff) Better Than go in Blindly and letting any file run what its wants. (U can set prgs to have auto Permission, if U know them & truly trust them) The More U tweak with it the Less & less it will come up on You. Then if its does U can really take a look & research the file to see if it's Ok to run or not. But this is my experience with it. I run Vista Home Premium SP2 & Always, Always Kept Updated Daily.  -  Haywire
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Re: General Knowledge: Interesting Article oO Vista UAC Settings
« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2009, 02:03:42 pm »
Windows also has a nnice little annoying feature that so far I haven't found how to turn off called Data Execution Prevention or DEP for short since XP SP2. There is use for UAC but any somewhat knowledgable user shouldn't need it for what service it provides. Spyware and trojans and virus are all things better not let onto the computer to begin with. I agree that a lot of users pcs do become infected by some of their downloading habits but it's not 99% like an unknowing user would suspect it might be. The majority of trojans a user finds online is in web surfing and most trojans won't trigger UAC because they don't install anything. They will modify a registry setting now n then but I've never seen modding a reg setting set off UAC either. And for the record any user who thinks they've never had a problem with a trojan or a "hack" or attack is most likely using an infected machine at the time of making that statement. If you've never had an issue it was because you didn't know it when it happened, just nothing told you it was happening so you assumed it didn't. I have used hightened security on a pc to the point it made a good machine come to a crawl. I have seen some webpages I would never have thought would allow spyware and trojans linked to their site be crawling with them. Embedded in banner ads and shortcut links, or downloaded from the webpage into cache in something  you totally couldn't see without going through your cache.
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