Interesting Nook's and very concerning

Most people even on older versions of WMP would be better off uninstalling it anyway and replacing it with something like win-amp, this is primarily for a similar reason, there are certain file types that windows media player supports such as
.asf files etc that can be used to deliver a virus payload using the DRM checking feature.
This works by the interesting action of the file indicating it is DRM protected and having a URL embedded in it that instructs WMP to connect to a remote site and instead of downloading DRM licence information you end up with a trojan specially designed to infect your machine , I investigated this problem some years ago but there are machines out there that are still an open door for such a trick, by installing a stand alone player and removing the default
asf file opening as windows media player you completely remove the problem.
Most people who actually got hit by this swore they clicked on an MP3, what was really happening was that the title had .mp3 in the name with a quantity of spaces that ensured the end of the file was missed in the list view window sort of like this :
top pop sounds .mp3 .asf No windows media player, no liability