ZCS V1.01 July 27, 2008
What's New & Changelog
Fixed a little bug when you only type /topic
Fixed a bug when an hidden user left the room
Fixed a possible security issue with /setaccess
The /Sayall access as been changed to W instead of w
Added /Say (w access required)
Added /Mute command
Added /Voice command
Added /Logout command
Added /SetTopic command and now /Topic command is only showing the topic
Added exit message
Added rename message
Added client message
Added a little feature to fix a bug on shareguard >.> (Shareguard is now working)
Added /Help command
Added /Accesses (/Levels) command
Fixed bug with double users when the user start with + or @... Thanks Smokey for your help ;o)
Can unban with usernames
Added IPSend feature
Fixed a little bug in /setformat command
List of commands you can use:
/Login <Password> - To login in the room
/Logout - To get default access
/ZCS - To see the version of ZCS
/ChannelName - To see the channelname
/ForceLogin <UserName> <Password> - To login someone else
/Message <UserName> <Message> - To send a private message to someone
/Notice <Message> - To send a notice to the room
/Say <UserName <Message> - To speak with the name of someone else
/SayAll <Message> - All users will say the message
/PrivNotice <UserName> <Message> - To send a private notice to someone
/Hide - /Hide <UserName> - To hide yourself or someone else
/HideCmd <Command> - To hide a command
/Mute <UserName> - /Unvoice <UserName> - To mute someone
/Voice <UserName> - /Unmute <UserName> - To voice someone
/Bot - To enable or disable bot mode
/Colour - To see the available colors
/SetColour <Color number> - To set yourself a text color
/SetFormat <UserName> <Format> - To set a format to someone
/Access - /Level - To see your current access
/SetAccess <UserName> <Access> - To set an access to someone
/AddAccess <UserName> <Access> - To add an access to someone (Only one character is allowed)
/RemAccess <UserName> <Access> - To remove an access to someone (Only one character is allowed)
/Motd - To see the Motd
/Topic - To see the topic
/SetTopic <Topic> - To set a topic
/Limit <Number> - To set a limit of users on ZCS
/Ban <UserName> - To ban someone
/BanIP <IP> - To ban an IP
/ClearBans - To clear the list of banned users
/UnBan <UserName or IP> - To unban someone or an IP
/ListBans - To see all banned users
/KickBan <UserName> - To kick and ban someone
/Kick <UserName> - To Kick someone
/KickIP <IP> - To kick all users using the IP
/Stats - To see channel stats
/Stats <UserName> - To see user stats
/Peers - To see all peers connected by ZCS
/Who - To see the list of users with infos
/Accesses - /Levels - To see all access letters
/Help - To see this list
/Exile <UserName> <ChannelName> - To send an user to another room
/Redirect <ChannelName> - To redirect all users to another channel
/Reload - To reload the configuration
/Online - To show the room from the WPN
/Offline - To hide the room from the WPN
/Opmsg <Message> (/ ) - Operator message requires O access level
/Admsg <Message> (//) - Admin message requires A access level
/ me* or /Action <Message> - action/emote message
#\n# or #NEWLINE# - Newline
without the space*
Thanks for the update Zenar.