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Author Topic: what gives here... no smiles no icons... whats wrong?  (Read 3820 times)

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Offline White Stripes

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what gives here... no smiles no icons... whats wrong?
« on: August 28, 2008, 11:03:07 pm »
lookit screenshot to see what i mean....

its opera on linux in case you are wondering... and the little 'gimp' window isnt covering anything on the site... i just needed it to get the screenshot...

oh... and the checkboxes... while they can be technically checked dont show that they are.... they remain black....

and the white text on the grey button for 'choose' ? hope no colorblind folk with a config like this come around...

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Re: what gives here... no smiles no icons... whats wrong?
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2008, 12:01:36 am »
Seems fine here on my windows setup ?

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Re: what gives here... no smiles no icons... whats wrong?
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2008, 05:28:34 am »
found the problem for the lost images -and- the invisible checkboxes....

i have a stylesheet installed client side that gets appended to all pages with the intention of blocking ads... downloadable at ... says it works for firefox, camino and a bunch of other browsers but doesnt mention opera.... but it does work in opera.... havent seen an ad in a normal http page (https pages still show them) in a long time....

the first ad blocking line in the floppy moose stylesheet is;
Code: [Select]
A:link[HREF*="javascript:void"]  IMG

a -very- common use for ads.... so it hides the images that link to 'javascript.void'.... which is exactly what the smilys on this (post) page do.... javascript.smily perhaps? (i can include an exception in my sheet to fix it for this site tho... so such a change isnt needed but would be nice...)

now for the fubared checkboxes and choose button...

code found in;

Code: [Select]
/* All input elements that are checkboxes or radio buttons. */
  border: solid 0px #909090;
  background-color: #000000;
  color: black;

both the 'color' (of the check) and 'background-color' (of the box) are set to black..... this fault is on WMWs side... i had to disable styling of forms to see the checkboxes properly and to see the word 'choose' in black rather than white on the attachment button... this is the only button on the site that is not styled (it does the same in windows) so its getting its text color somewhere that i cannot find.... need to work on the stylesheet a bit and not rely on browser bugs (like IE), or quirks mode fixes, or any specific set of default browser colors.. to correct bad code... or put another way... dont just style part of it... style all of it... and correctly... opera on windows has the same problem with the checkboxes but not the choose button... if you wish to test this...

PS the page itself (without the css) fails validation with 39 errors as well (the code is actually much closer to html 4.01 transitional... only 12 errors ;) but with 112 warnings...  :lol: )

CSS fails with 2 errors (this doesnt include the checkbox bug or choose button bug... just the structure of and settings used in the code)

Offline White Stripes

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Re: what gives here... no smiles no icons... whats wrong?
« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2008, 06:43:57 am »
well... apparently i either cant or cant figure out how to add an exception for WMW.... but when it comes down to some missing smilies vs a lot of ads... ill take the missing smilies... at least i can see the check boxes now tho (and even -that- is a hack)...

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Re: what gives here... no smiles no icons... whats wrong?
« Reply #4 on: August 29, 2008, 07:46:30 pm »
hey Silver,

Im glad you sussed the smiley thing but Im still not sure the tick boxes arent down to your end as well for example,  here is what i have on both firefox 2.x and IE 6.x  and as you can see my browser is obviously overriding the css you showed.  I'll look into that further and see exactly what those are or are not controlling if i can.

As far as validation, I didnt make the theme so you should prolly take that up with BLoc  lol  We did customize it alot but really only with colors and some graphics.  Which im sure are not the cause of the validation failures lol

Offline White Stripes

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Re: what gives here... no smiles no icons... whats wrong?
« Reply #5 on: August 29, 2008, 08:30:07 pm »
try it in opera... not just IE and FF2 (you should really download FF3 btw)

Offline White Stripes

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Re: what gives here... no smiles no icons... whats wrong?
« Reply #6 on: August 29, 2008, 08:53:01 pm »
found it in the html;

its on line 478
this is only partial...
Code: [Select]
<input type="checkbox" name="notify" id="check_notify" value="1" class="check" /> Notify me of replies.

firefox is ignoring the attached css cos its erroneous and IE is partially ignoring it... (notice how IE has the dark border that is specified in the CSS but firefox doesnt?)

opera follows it as it is written so both the checkbox and its background are black... as specified...

could you forward this info to bloc?

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Re: what gives here... no smiles no icons... whats wrong?
« Reply #7 on: August 30, 2008, 01:33:08 am »
i have ff3 on another machine but frankly im not as brave of a tester as i seem on the outside, and have watied to give up my working arrangement for the same reasons im on SP1 and IE 6  lol   I might give opera a shot tho to test.

Ive contacted Bloc before about things with this theme and he's probably not going to be anymore inclined to want to continue work on this theme than he was before :/

I may change the background color in that css and see how that does as long as it doesnt change for the majority of users to not be able to use it and ppl on Opera able to if ya get me.. lol  But it wont be until next week when i can be around the pc for a time after wards to ensure ive not broken anything, I break everything (hence my reluctance to try new software, even official releases  LOL ) and when there is not soo much other stuff happening with new patches and fun stuff like that.


Offline White Stripes

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Re: what gives here... no smiles no icons... whats wrong?
« Reply #8 on: August 30, 2008, 03:10:13 am »
change 'color' to white -- or the same hex value that the 'Winmx World :: Forum... ...etc' line above uses and you should get a neat inverted look that i think bloc was originally going for ;)

btw, what happened to the other CSS theme that users could pick from? (am i showing my age or the forums?)

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Re: what gives here... no smiles no icons... whats wrong?
« Reply #9 on: August 30, 2008, 10:32:29 am »
I'd say 'yours' because the only theme we've had that users could pick from is the one your on now, dont tell me Opera has eaten those buttons too they are located directly under the bannerbar/navigation  and you can choose the color of this theme is all.  Same as its been for about 2 years now just moved the 'choose' buttons over... 


Offline White Stripes

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Re: what gives here... no smiles no icons... whats wrong?
« Reply #10 on: August 31, 2008, 06:04:20 am »
i know about the different colored buttons... they show at the top... squid has the 'silver' set of images cached as being 'used often' so switching colors increases load time....

i ment there was a whole nother 'default' look... like a generic one that shipped with the forums software... it was changable somewhere in the user preference section but theres nothing there for it anymore...

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Re: what gives here... no smiles no icons... whats wrong?
« Reply #11 on: August 31, 2008, 02:53:45 pm »
Nope hun we've alwasy forced users to use a current theme here, from the begining which I have pics of somewhere saved.  We have had two themes in use here since the site started.

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