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Offline White Stripes

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Re: Network Status Information - Important - Please Read
« Reply #60 on: May 31, 2009, 04:33:27 pm »
@tiny: deep appreciation of the honesty... and hope things... well.. i know a breakup.. esp with kids in the mix... wont end "good" persay but lets hope they proceed and end 'gentle'... if for nothing else than the kids sake....

@nilly: dont get anything in a bunch... cos;

@ghostship: when tiny posted what he posted it makes it feel like there are indeed ppl on this site... a 'calculated' and 'business like' "have patience" doesnt help things... ffs turn on '--verbose' mode... show the winmx world theres some living tissue pressing the keys.... and i dont mean be dramatic about it... last thing we need is drama and its probably what caused your computeresque take on things.... i remember a ghostship that would sneak a joke inbetween the lines of a post and a 'me here' that was just plain onry (the good kind)....

@wmw staff... i dunno whats been going on behind the closed curtain of the admin section but lets put the cold calculating thing to rest.... and the hostile thing to rest too.... hell the wmw help room has become a downright frightening place... and the forum just plain dead...

@all (yeah me included)... lets send 'good karma' (in whatever form you create it) tinys way (kids too).... and... if possible lets bring back some good ol times... or if nothing else... show that you are alive......

this place feels less like a 'community' and more like a stressful jobsite anymore... and thats probably whats happened to it and in turn everyone else....

Offline Bluehaze

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Re: Network Status Information - Important - Please Read
« Reply #61 on: May 31, 2009, 05:16:06 pm »
Some thoughts related to this:

I hope everyone is doing alright. God bless you Tiny and the children!

Best thing to do when someone feels frustrated is to get busy. No doubt you have heard it before, but it works. Get on the search engines, go through links, find some more good content to share with the others connected to the WPN. I think Silver Stripes suggested that doing some things with a community were like getting the earth to rotate in the other direction! Things take time. We were so ready to drop the WinMX Group patch in summer, 2007. Ghostship wisely held out for a new patch that was a subtantial improvement. :) 

Solutions are sometimes waiting for us. What needs to be done will be done, and GS and others have said that Sabre has lost interest in WinMX, so when he turns his peer caches off, a big door for the attackers will be closed. (But it will be closed before that.)
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Offline White Stripes

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Re: Network Status Information - Important - Please Read
« Reply #62 on: May 31, 2009, 06:33:23 pm »
Ghostship wisely held out for a new patch that was a subtantial improvement.

while the community patch is a good thing... being that v44 and wmw are now actually working tword the same goal... the old dll lockin was better for secondary users.... but then again when sabre is blocked winmx might work right again....

I think Silver Stripes suggested that doing some things with a community were like getting the earth to rotate in the other direction!

i ment it in the sense of the effort it takes... with so many users and so many voices... for everyone to get on the same page it takes a hell of an effort....

Solutions are sometimes waiting for us. What needs to be done will be done

but waiting for 'user/file not available' (when they just showed in a search result) and 'remotely queued 400' (saw '1082' last night and thought "is this for real?") and 'connection timed out' to get 'fixed' for such a long time gets a wee bit frustrating.... esp when there are many apps out there that do the job without those problems... and being a dial user i can only run one of those apps at a time so that basically means winmx is low man on totem pole since it... doesnt work...

Offline Forested665

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Re: Network Status Information - Important - Please Read
« Reply #63 on: June 01, 2009, 12:12:03 am »
while the community patch is a good thing... being that v44 and wmw are now actually working tword the same goal... the old dll lockin was better for secondary users.... but then again when sabre is blocked winmx might work right again....

Vladd grew tired of winmx sooner then sabre did but at least he took good measures.

I think Silver Stripes suggested that doing some things with a community were like getting the earth to rotate in the other direction!

i ment it in the sense of the effort it takes... with so many users and so many voices... for everyone to get on the same page it takes a hell of an effort....
This is where forums are handy. issues can be posted here and those who neglect to see what happens.... well your left out. You dont see an entire city show up at city hall for a planning commision meeting do you?

And finally @ tiny. Best of luck, i wouldnt worry too much, having been in your kids place the uprooting is the most trumatic thing but they will adjust in a few months.

If you would like to Pm me pages or email to and tell me what languages you need i will be more then glad to work on them.
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Offline MinersLantern

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Re: Network Status Information - Important - Please Read
« Reply #64 on: June 01, 2009, 05:52:00 am »
I may be ignorant but...
The issue I had a few days ago went away by itself, lousy searches, hardly anyone in my queue. Its back to 'normal' crappy traders (but that is normal) lol
Queues and searches are behaving again as usual.
Why? It wasn't my connection, nor the connections I was connected to. I refreshed at least a few trillion times, went both primary and secondary.
Did not reboot, not running any other software.
I did only one thing (and im sure someone will Grr at this), spent a few hours firewalling japanese ip ranges (out of desperation) even then, nothing changed till the next day.
They are still blocked because im lazy and or busy with other things, and it shouldn't make any difference anyway.
I've had no flood attacks while primary at least nothing that had any effect on this pc.
Today, I firewalled the ips as listed earlier that are sabres. It still is operating normally.
Now for the ignorant part...
How does blocking sabres cache servers eliminate flood attacks or any other attacks when all any cache does is create the initial connection?
Once connected, who cares about a cache server. The thing (winmx) automagically finds more connections by itself just fine after one connection has been established (as a primary).
And how does that all relate to chat listings? Esp since the same odd stuff happens when I don't do chat listings?
Not only am I ignorant, but also confused.  :baby:

Offline GhostShip

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Re: Network Status Information - Important - Please Read
« Reply #65 on: June 01, 2009, 08:55:51 am »
By Blocking sabre from indexing you Miners Lantern the current glut of flooding Japanese primaries can be minimised, we removed the KM style lock in less than a year ago and that allows sabre to use the community patched primaries as well as the host file using primaries to direct the unprotected to, the aim of blocking his cache is to ensure he cannot just willy nilly throw unprotected users into the community patched users pool and thus the connections formed at start up will be more likely to be blocking primaries and thus we achieve a modicum of stability.
Measures may need to  be taken at the peer caches to ensure the IP's folks receive are "non-flooding" ones to support this plan, although this is not envisaged to be necessary just yet as other options are in hand that should achieve the same result.

This is stage one of a plan to help restore a more stable network without locking the whole network into a closed group and impacting on all third party tools and toys, its not a instant cure but over some weeks we should see a general trend for community patched users connecting to other community patched users and this will ensure we are a more consolidated and thus stable network group, nothing is guaranteed in the way of how well all this will work but as mentioned previously we will be watching and studying all aspect of what is being undertaken and alter our plans as necessary.

The core issue here is unstable primaries, all adjustments that are being made are tailored to minimising our connections to them without breaking anything, stable primaries are the key to the smooth operation of the network.

@Stripes : Yes perhaps the "old" Ghostship was more fun and laid back but a lot of the fun left for me when I tried to get the folks rallied behind things that we need for the future and no one  stepped up to join with me in making them happen, this meant instead of an enjoyable experience for many I was put into the single user working on a big project corner and as I have made plain I view some things as vital to ensure we have a good future, in my mind doing nothing was never an option, so yes I have become more stressed and less care free but I know what I work on will bring us all the future I think we deserve and more importantly need.

What I do think we should all bear in mind however is that the community is us all and we can either work together in a positive frame of mind or do nothing and gain nothing. I have chosen the former because I believe the community is very much worth it and if yourself and others believe this too  then we can make anything happen, our limits are only those we impose on ourselves.

Offline White Stripes

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Re: Network Status Information - Important - Please Read
« Reply #66 on: June 01, 2009, 12:06:58 pm »
@GS i figured thats what happened to ya...

@miners try blocking oz (australia) to get rid of many of the 'traders' (unless you are in .au .... ) .... its not the aussies fault.. its their crappy isps..... they have to keep a stern count of how much data is transfered... so they end up trading rather than just sharing....

Offline Lagerlout666

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Re: Network Status Information - Important - Please Read
« Reply #67 on: June 01, 2009, 01:19:09 pm »
@ Silver, Most Countries suffer the same effects as Aus. Including my own. They run a block list to certain sites which annoy's me but the fact they are so open with their fair use, and no throttling of any traffic thats its a decision i made of which evil do i want. So UK isp's are just as bad.

Ive completed the block list too. Im hoping we will get to add that at some point today. An thanks guys for the support, ive kept most of it away from this place posting only basic news to the Sup's as to my time away, But you should should start to expect me back in the help room now.
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Offline Trestor

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Re: Network Status Information - Important - Please Read
« Reply #68 on: June 01, 2009, 03:04:53 pm »
I'm in Aus but I don't understand the description of the problem we have. What are we doing wrong, and what should we be doing?

Offline Lagerlout666

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Re: Network Status Information - Important - Please Read
« Reply #69 on: June 01, 2009, 03:15:13 pm »
Your not doing anything, i dont really know why it was brought up. Which was why i made my point that its not just aus that suffer issues. So i wouldnt worry about it.
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Offline White Stripes

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Re: Network Status Information - Important - Please Read
« Reply #70 on: June 01, 2009, 04:45:23 pm »
out of date infos.... apparently very out of date...

aus was metered by the meg transferred at one time and it cost more to upload than download.... so thats why most aussies were 'traders' instead of 'sharers' cos it cost them out the wazoo to upload.... so the 'once upon a time' trick for getting rid of the trader nonsense for those in other countries was to block (firewall) the entire continent...

i think 'winmxgroup' didnt exsist yet when this was applicable... winmxworld did tho... i think...

so yeah... one for the history book pages... lol...

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