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Offline GhostShip

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Program Removal Notice
« on: June 06, 2007, 06:57:44 am »
Following a request from the other admins of the site I have removed all copies of the zero upload hack, as it was noticed that folks where advertising it and utilising it on a larger scale than prevously thought and this is not good news for filesharing in general.

Whilst its been my policy to "hide" certain programs in plain sight I hope you all agree this is the best course of action, perhaps one day these and other programs will no longer be a problem and can be restored to their place in the history of the app we all love. 

Offline SamSeeSam

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Re: Program Removal Notice
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2007, 10:10:50 am »
I thought It's better to stiky this so that it catches someone'seye if they need to use it...

Cheers :P
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Offline Lagerlout666

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Re: Program Removal Notice
« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2007, 01:28:16 pm »
yes to be honest thats a better idea, it shall be removed from my archive also tonight.
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Re: Program Removal Notice
« Reply #3 on: June 06, 2007, 01:34:02 pm »
all i can say is:


Offline Bearded Blunder

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Re: Program Removal Notice
« Reply #4 on: June 06, 2007, 03:03:08 pm »
i'd like to add "& thanks" to KM's sentiment
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Offline Victim

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Re: Program Removal Notice
« Reply #5 on: June 06, 2007, 06:51:35 pm »

Offline Cobra

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Re: Program Removal Notice
« Reply #6 on: August 27, 2007, 09:35:55 pm »
What was this hack's function? I never really browsed and looked through the many tools to know what was available.
Downloading is an addiction I do not want to give up.

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Re: Program Removal Notice
« Reply #7 on: August 30, 2007, 01:01:00 pm »
The function of the 'hack' was to allow you to have 0 upload slots, meaning that in order for someone to actually download from you, you had to be at the machine and you have to manually start the transfers.  So baically its the ultimate leeching tool allowing those using it to advertise fake files (files that will never actually download unless your on the persons special list  lol )

Offline Cobra

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Re: Program Removal Notice
« Reply #8 on: August 31, 2007, 03:37:19 am »
Well no wonder it was removed. Given the regular arguments by some members here and anywhere else about people that download but never share, I'm surprised this wasn't taken down much sooner.

Thanks Me.
Downloading is an addiction I do not want to give up.


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Re: Program Removal Notice
« Reply #9 on: September 03, 2007, 01:36:37 pm »
I won't be removing either version of BugHunter's tool from TSC's site as there are responsible ways to use 0of0.

Additionally, when used along with mx monitor it can offer greater protection from the 'enemies' of P2P by allowing you to add certain permissions that will allow downloading by most real winmx users that have any sense in their heads. (I won't say what they are because I don't feel like telling the **AA's how to fuck all the responsible users of this tool)

As always, remember that WinMX is a social P2P network and that without the chat portion it would be completely useless. Use that to your advantage and think about what most of us have in common and you will understand what it takes to get what you want and how to use the tool responsibly so that the good guys can still get files.  :wink:

And if you don't understand what I am talking about then you are not who this tool is for. Do the whole network a favor and get a clue and figure it out before you use it.

By keeping it on the TSC site I am offering a defense against lawsuits from the **AA's. If you are a user of this tool and ever get sued, contact me and I will send you a notarized legal letter you may use in court that explains what the tool is and how it works. If you are local to me I will even happily testify in court in your person, if needed.

If the **AA doesn't have any actual files that they were able to download from you that they can produce as evidence of sharing and all they have is a screenshot of a file list, my letter will help you win the case and you can counter-sue them for damages for harassing you and filing a frivolous lawsuit against you.

Those that think this tool is pure evil have no idea how valuable it really is.


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Re: Program Removal Notice
« Reply #10 on: September 03, 2007, 02:05:46 pm »
And just for clarification purposes and proper credit to the correct person, I have to state that the BugHunter I was referring to that developed the 0of0 tool is NOT the bughunter from this forum that you all are familiar with.

The BugHunter I am referring to is a respected female, long time TSC member with programming skills, that people actually like. Not the fake one that posts on this forum, that took up using her name, knowing full well what he was doing. He knew her and knew her by that name before he did it. What he did was same as anyone of us deciding to call ourselves "Vladd44", "KM", "Sabre", "EaglE", "multi624", "Bender" , "NB" or any other name of someone that they know from a room in which they are a regular in.

You see, at one time the fake bughunter from this forum was a TSC member known as Kama. Now knowing that, I think you will understand exactly what he did.

So please don't ever make the mistake of thinking I was referring to him.

Offline bughunter

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Re: Program Removal Notice
« Reply #11 on: October 12, 2007, 02:09:08 am »
get your facts right april
ive been useing bug oohbug bughunter for years, in fact ppl who know me from rooms years ago know me as bug etc.....
ive had a domain with bughunter in it since early 2000.
the only reason when i used to hang out in those rooms you mention that i didnt use my orginal nic as there was already a bughunter there..............
and just for your information there are at least 3 or 4 bughunters that ive seen on winmx in my time and none were lvhc bughunter........
as usuall your mouth opens and only shit dribbles out..........
no one has a monoply on a nic end of story............
and as for respected what a joke lvhc is a black hat cracker that is solely responsible for destroying hundreds if not thousands of users computers on winmx............or do you conviently forget her little loop programme that you know full well destroyed hundreds of users computers on winmx alone , god only knows how many in bitch about km and his toys, lmfao hes a angel compared to lvhc fact it was bughunters loop toy that finally made you decide to form tsc as you were sick of the damage and destruction that surrounded lvhc at the time.....lvhc bughunter took great delight in passeing her toys out to the destrutive side of lvhc who systematically set about useing it to fuck users computers over............did you say anything about that you kept your mouth shut and said nothing..........and how do i know all this  BECAUSE I WAS THERE..............i remember moonbeam announcing to the room she had infected 100 users that single day.........and what was your laughed and said well done.............
so take your crap and go back to sad little vladd who you think is such a wonder, and you know why no one would ever want to use vladd in there nic, because its associated with lieing and scamming of winmx users, that pathetic little maggot left winmx in disgrace and winmx is the better for it..................
your personall vehndetta against me is just pathetic and shows what a truely sad little person you really are...........your just pissed off as the controil freak that you are i stood up to you and you didnt like not the 15 yr old boys you surround yourself  with that you can so  easily manipulate,................
i have never susgested, eluded too, masquraded as, or insinuated to anyone that i was lvhc fact i go to great lengths to distance myself from lvhc bughunter, as i wouldnt want the stigma of her ever attached to me.........
and if shes such a great coder how come she cant even get a client to work on winmx, had to hand it to hollow to try and sort out which even he couldnt get to work, i know i was in wmw when he kept trying to bring it in the room were it crashed repeatidly.......where as km can whip a client up in his sleep while haveing bad dreams about empty vodka bottles and the chocolate factory burning maybe a asshole but as a coder hes in a class of his own, right up there with nushi and multi..........
which really pisses you off as despite your bluster and use of termanology you couldnt code help in morse let alone a real programme, how many years have you know been fucking around with that stupid delphi clock ..........
if you want to continue this vehndetta then you will lose, as your not even remotely good enough to touch me, and as i said im not one of the 15 yr old little boys you surround yourself with because there easly manipulated and cater to your control freak personality...........
and dont bother showing up in wmw your stupidity isnt required and regardless of the consiquences to myself ill boot your lame ass out into cyber space where it grow truely one of the most pathetic people i have ever had the misfortune to run into..............

Offline ñòóKýçrÕôK

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Re: Program Removal Notice
« Reply #12 on: October 12, 2007, 04:44:44 am »
I won't be removing either version of BugHunter's tool from TSC's site as there are responsible ways to use 0of0.

The only persons I could see using the hack are those who wish to take advantage of the legit sharers of WinMX. Anyone using it in fact are in my opinion as bad as those who set programs that won't allow dialup users to download from them. Or those who will cut you off because your speed is too slow for their liking. Those that require you to be in their rooms before they'll leet you download from them. I can go on and on but you get my point I think.

And just for clarification purposes and proper credit to the correct person, I have to state that the BugHunter I was referring to that developed the 0of0 tool is NOT the bughunter from this forum that you all are familiar with.
You see, at one time the fake bughunter from this forum was a TSC member known as Kama. Now knowing that, I think you will understand exactly what he did.

So please don't ever make the mistake of thinking I was referring to him.

That won't be a problem because the bughunter you are reffering to as a fake wouldn't create that kind of tool to rip off the legit users of WinMX. Not to mention I have seen your "fake" bughunter be so painfully honest in his opinion that it has run people off.

As always, remember that WinMX is a social P2P network and that without the chat portion it would be completely useless.

I used WinMX for 6 months and never entered a chatroom. I still use WinMX to download. Obviously anyone wishing to use the 0of0 hack still uses WinMX to download as that is what it is designed for. For users using the hack to be able to download from pretty much anyone without them being able to be downloaded from. Remember where you are ok. Not everyone on WinMX are a bunch of braindead idiots who will believe everything you say. The "use" of the 0of0 hack is to mislead and fool users into sharing with you without you having to share in return. Now if it's not too much to ask of anybody here can we not turn this thread into an abuse thread and keep it civil. April you have said your piece on the removal of the 0of0 hack. It's noted and obviously quoted. Can we move on?
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Offline app103

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Re: Program Removal Notice
« Reply #13 on: October 12, 2007, 06:38:39 am »
Without the chat portion of winmx there would be no winmx today and you know it.

Regardless of whether or not you ever entered the chat for 6 moths...or even was the chat that brought people together and resulted in the tools, patches, peer caches, etc.

Had it not been for the chat, the day winmx went down, we would have all said 'oh well' and moved on to another network.

Being a social p2p is why it is still a network today. It gave us both a reason and a means for doing it.

Stop and think about that. Then think about why I said it in reference to 0of0...then if you still need help putting the puzzle pieces together send me a private message and i'll tell you how knowing that can be used to your advantage and how responsible use of 0of0 does exist.

I use 0of0 and mxm...and nobody that deserves files is ever denied them. It just takes the clueless a bit longer because they have to wait for a manual check of their shares. I am not misleading or fooling anybody into sharing with me, as I rarely do any downloading on winmx...but I do an awful lot of uploading.

Offline bughunter

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Re: Program Removal Notice
« Reply #14 on: October 12, 2007, 01:50:15 pm »
OMG are you really so stupid and ignorant ( no need to answer the question is rhetorical )........that you clearly dont even have a rudeamentry understanding of whats going on....your lame excuse for running the 0 of 0 hack is that it protects users from the cartel, ROFLMAO downloading isnt illegal you idiot shareing of files ie uploading bright spark please explain  even thou the 0 of 0 exploit prevents users from uploading your still shareing files, and as we are now seeing the american judicary is so far up the cartels ass there buying into even the most flimsiest of stories that the cartel are presenting, the jammie thomas case is a prime example of this. you can wave all the letters about bill clinton and the internet you like and it wont hold any weight with the judicary,the simple fact your shareing files ( and now as was posted in another thread the cartel are trying and will most likelt succeed in saying that even ripping of files from a cd is in breech of copywrite, even thou under law your actually allowed to make a back up of any music, operateing system, dvd etc that you have legally brought ) seems good enough to the american judicary to find you not only guilty , but to also lumber you with outrageous finanicial penalities that by far and away exceed the value of any files you may have been your claims of it doing so is as false as everything else that dribbles out of that hole you call a mouth......sooooo your pathetic excuse for running the 0 of 0 hack just got blown out of the water, you now have no excuse whats so ever to either run or promote this leeching toy, except of course your well known for supporting a certain black hat crackers toys.......

quote from what ever you are.........

I am not misleading or fooling anybody into sharing with me,

absolute garbage thats exactly what the 0 of 0 hack is all about.........end of story.........

and nobody that deserves files is ever denied them........

lol you cant be serious are you now so disllusional that you actually believe a programme that is designed to prevent shareing of files doesnt deny users...........

By keeping it on the TSC site I am offering a defense against lawsuits from the **AA's. If you are a user of this tool and ever get sued, contact me and I will send you a notarized legal letter you may use in court that explains what the tool is and how it works. If you are local to me I will even happily testify in court in your person, if needed...........

PMSL.....with such a poor understanding what kind of lunatic would want you testifying for them in a court of law, they would end up in jail for life, coupled with a multi million dollar damages suit awarded to the cartel...
for even a idiot of a lawyer for the cartel would be able to demonstrate by the use of this toy and your bullshit letter you knew exactly what you were doing and were indeed attempting to circumvent copywrite couldnt after all plead ignorance and ask for mercy from the courts for something that you didnt know or understand what you were doing......

i once used to think you had a small understanding of things computer and some technical nouse.....but every time you open your mouth you dont just shoot your self in the foot , you blow both your god damn legs off.......
you announced sometime ago you were leaveing winmx ( for roughly the tenth time i might add ) and made a big song and dance about it on vladds forum plus the tsc website if memory serves me correctly........pitty you came back, as its your kind of stupidity coupled with complete ignorance that winmx, its users and the community at large dont offer nothing, help no one,and like the predator that you are seek to surround yourself with young ignorant and innocent boys, solely to feed your control freak us all a favor and piss off...........

Offline app103

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Re: Program Removal Notice
« Reply #15 on: October 12, 2007, 08:56:18 pm »
I can give you 3 ways to prevent uploading of files...totally disabling it...and it doesn't require 0of0. And anybody can do it without any extra tools other than their router, firewall, or cd/dvd drive.

1. don't forward ports and don't use firewalled settings in winmx
2. don't give server rights to winmx in your firewall
3. put a disk full of files in your cd/dvd drive, share them, as soon as you have a list in your library take the disk out of your drive so the files aren't there to upload.

All 3 of these prevent uploading while still allowing you to download.

Most n00bs have discovered the first 2 within 5 mins of installing winmx.

0of0 isn't needed to do any of them.

So bughunter...what you want is for people to use one of the 3 other methods instead?

So why is my continuing to host 0of0 on TSC's site so evil when these 3 ways have always existed and been 100% effective?

Now that is what I call stupid & ignorant and overlooking the obvious that anybody else can see.

There is at least a way to responsibly use 0of0 alongside mxm.

Ok...we will do it your way...

I will pull 0of0 off my site and replace it with the list of the 3 ways you endorse instead, just to remind everyone of the problems they had with sharing back when they were n00bs that can be even more effective than 0of0 at preventing uploading.

BTW: there is actually a big difference between sharing and showing a list of actually requires uploading and the other does not. And the **AA's have to prove actual sharing by downloading from you and proving the files were actually available and not just a list of unavailable files. Otherwise their 'evidence' is no better than your list of songs you listened to on

Nobody has yet asked them to produce the actual files the **AA's have downloaded from them... using one of the 3 basic methods of not making files available...or 0of0 as a defense to prove they were not sharing. If they did, it would rest on the **AA's to produce the actual data they obtained from those people...the files they downloaded and not merely a list that isn't any better than showing off a text file list of files on someone's hard drive. Showing that doesn't prove sharing.

The only that way that it can be proven that the files were actually shared....they must provide the copies they downloaded from you.

Bottom line: don't upload to the **AA's. Learn how to recognize them when they are in your queue and employ some method of preventing THEM from obtaining your files.

bughunter doesn't want you to use 0of0 with mxm to do that...he would rather you use one of the other 3 methods and 2 of those make it impossible for you to run a primary connection that helps the network, or host a room with the winmx software....and all 3 prevent you from sharing anything, with anybody, even people you know are not  **AA. All 3 of them trick people into sharing with you.

And once again, I will state this:

  • I use 0of0.
  • I use mxm.
  • I upload files.
  • I do NOT download.
  • My mxm settings allow all smart people that understood what I meant by 'social p2p' to get auto-started. (The **AA' are not smart enough to understand)
  • I manually check everyone that isn't smart enough to get auto-started by mxm. You might have to pay a 1 hour penalty before you get started since I only check once an hour, but if you are not **AA, you will get the files when I check.

So who am I tricking into sharing files with me when I am giving files and not receiving any?

Offline GhostShip

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Re: Program Removal Notice
« Reply #16 on: October 12, 2007, 11:59:53 pm »
I hate to be the bringer of bad news April but at least 3 judges so far have stated that anyone merely having a shared file shows intent to infringe copyright, although I dont agree that this is the correct interpretation of the copyright act, for now its all they need to hang you out to dry or at the least demand money using their usual extortion racket.

How many people have settled rather than go to court to prove their innocence, it is after all cheaper to do so, a fact not lost on many after paying for an hour of a lawyers time.

I must also state that you listing above of 3 ways to fool folks into thinking you are sharing is not in the spirit of most of the sharers here, by making an open list as you did it has probably ensured folks who had no idea where to get the 0 of 0 can now follow your instructions and share nothing, this is a selfish and poor attitude for a filesharer to adopt, imagine if we all did the same, for years so far we have had to endure flooding due to other selfish users, when will it all stop ?

You can argue all you want about how "in your opinion" etc , the facts is this is a filesharing network not IRC, concepts such general leeching are not welcome on this network and will not protect anyone from a suit, and lets be even more factual given the size of winmx and the longeivity of the program coupled with the amount of folks sued and its pretty simple to state that having an irrational fear such as the RIAA are watching you is just that, and should not be encouraged.

Leeches are a detriment to the community, the RIAA are not spying on anyone as its impossible for them to do so, they can grab a list of files but its well known that those are merely indexed at the primary and they are prone to errors and spoofing, the chances are they can never prove definitively the list came from any individuals IP. same as in most courts they dont have to present any downloaded files, many have stated under oath that having a file that matches a hash they have makes it the same file, yes more bull but the courts are the ones lapping this up, evryone here knows the truth and their responsibilities regarding the law, this leads me to the further annoyance I have that you speak as though sharing open src items as I do is non existent, for this reason can I ask you to keep your advice and stop giving a poor impression of the network to those looking for reasons to attack it, many go to great pains to ensure anything from the bible to free ebooks and music are shared we do this to ensure anyone looking can see we have a legitimate use, using a leech tool not only is anti filesharing but reinforces the idea that you have copyrighted files you wont share but want others files copyrighted or otherwise, I believe the American term for it is "bait and switch".

I for one am not amused.

Offline bughunter

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Re: Program Removal Notice
« Reply #17 on: October 13, 2007, 01:01:10 am »
exactly quicks...........
but her continual defense of the use of such a tool just clearly shows what kind of person she really is........its all about me me me me me , and to hell with other people and the universally accepted p2p etiquette of shareing...........
her insistance that it will provide protection is complete garbage and truely so misleading im staggered by what apparantly is her blantant ignorance of what is happening in the courts.....

quote from ghost ..............

 at least 3 judges so far have stated that anyone merely having a shared file shows intent to infringe copyright.....

this is exactly what the jammie thomas case is all about........the cartel were neither required to prove that she downloaded or even uploaded a single file..........the cartels whole case was based on the INTENT to share so in there oponion breeched copywrite........
your tool and or letters wont save you or anyone else, and to continually insist that it will or does is BLANTANTLY WRONG..........

there is only one way to protect your self while on winmx that has proven its self time and time again.........and that is to use a blocking and filtering system as is promoted by winmxworld........the use of pg2 with only the winmxworld community block list as promoted by nobby is the only other method, for as slyics clearly demontrated bluetacs lists are so in accurate that they only catch 1 % ......anyone susgesting bluetacs lists are otherwise is just a fool, and zero creditabilty canbe attached to such peoples statements..........

this thread is now pointless.......aprils position on this subject has been blown out of the water, crashed and burned, and truely just shot down in flames..........the facts speak for themselves and are clear for all to see...........just a pitty someone who is blantantly aragant, ignorant, and so wrapped up in her own self importance cant see the forest for the trees.................

Offline Lagerlout666

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Re: Program Removal Notice
« Reply #18 on: October 15, 2007, 11:57:02 am »
Also showing a shared list, but notbeing able to dl is no better than what media defender and macrovision do. What you belive you may think is correct and i dont know where you are from but at the moment i see alot of paranoia like this mostly from americans, scared stiff by this "pay up or go bankrupt campain" that the copywrite morons are unleashing.

You are more protected than you think on winmx, as quicks has said, your primary is your saviour, an i can assure you your searches arent perfect, so neither will be the cartels. You are showing a healthy respect of what you are downloading/uploading which we all should do but the second you start getting paranoid they have won.
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