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WinMX World :: Forum  |  Discussion  |  WinMx World News  |  Michael Jackson Search Demand Explodes Across P2P Networks Worldwide

Author Topic: Michael Jackson Search Demand Explodes Across P2P Networks Worldwide  (Read 584 times)

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Brand Asset Digital, the distributed technologies company (P2P search marketing, P2P live streaming and P2P business Intelligence), today announced that search demand across all major P2P protocols for Michael Jackson and related keyword searches have far surpassed 250 million queries worldwide with an estimated 4 billion impressions on those searches since the singer's passing on June 25th 2009.

P2Panalytics™ data suggests that in the two weeks since Michael's untimely passing file sharing demand of the late artist is more than 100 times that of the reported 2-3 million downloads of tracks and albums on Itunes and digital download stores based on data from SoundScan (Nielsen Soundscan). There are over 500 million computers worldwide with P2P applications and growing.

"The explosion of demand and engagement across P2P for Michael Jackson is unprecedented. We've have been tracking the related demand of search queries and impressions as well as behavioral intelligence across all the major P2P protocols with P2Panalytics™", said Joey P. Brand Asset Digital Co-Founder, "Since June 25th the data has crushed any comparable major music or major film release we have ever seen across P2P. It is demand like this which continues to demonstrate why the P2P space is the next frontier of eyeballs for Search Marketing advertisers with technologies like P2Pwords™ (SEO and SEM both) to capture and leverage searches, impressions and clicks the same way Google did with Adwords™ on web search."

"Missy Hogan Brand Asset Digital's Head of Operations adds, "To see the daily demand go from a few hundred thousand queries a day to well over 20mm a day is more demand than any music, film, video-game, software file or search term we have ever encountered. We believe based on this growing trend that by the end of July Michael Jackson demand may break 1 Billion Search queries alone within a one month time frame making the estimated impression number across all P2P Search close to or well over 20 Billion Impressions."

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WinMX World :: Forum  |  Discussion  |  WinMx World News  |  Michael Jackson Search Demand Explodes Across P2P Networks Worldwide

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