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Author Topic: was the pirate bay really sold?  (Read 2170 times)

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Offline Forested665

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was the pirate bay really sold?
« on: July 22, 2009, 02:54:20 am »
I went back and was reading through the blog and everything in it including the headline is a "might" be sold.

so was the deal actually committed ad is it published by any reputable press?
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Re: was the pirate bay really sold?
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2009, 03:02:29 am »
New Pirate Bay Owners Named in BREIN Lawsuit

In order to purchase Old Pirate Bay, Global Gaming Factory needs to raise millions of dollars - quickly. According to reports the company is undergoing some changes in ownership structure but their lawyer in a Dutch court today didn’t sound entirely confident, after anti-piracy group BREIN named GGF in a lawsuit against Old Pirate Bay.

Casting doubt over the possible purchase, in court GGF lawyer Ricardo Dijkstra said that Global Gaming Factory that it is uncertain whether the sale will go through. The company would only buy The Pirate Bay if it can turn the site into a “legitimate business” and that, he said, depends on whether the assets they buy “can be used in a legal manner.”
The sale hasn't been finalized yet.

Offline Forested665

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Re: was the pirate bay really sold?
« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2009, 03:03:06 pm »
So alot of these news stories about the changes pirate bay is going through in a couple weeks are BS.
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Re: was the pirate bay really sold?
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2009, 03:23:49 pm »
If the owners to be are hit with a lawsuit before they have even bought the site, my guess is they will be reviewing the purchase, lol

I wonder what the PB crew are up to, seems stupid to announce your selling out, only to not and be left looking like failed sell outs? Odd.

Offline Forested665

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Re: was the pirate bay really sold?
« Reply #4 on: July 22, 2009, 04:44:26 pm »
they didnt announce they were selling out though.
They only said that the MIGHT be sold.

Only things happening on the blog is talk of them being on the moon.
And the legal threats page was updated.

everyone just assumed that it was already sold and now theres a bunch of news story, some even made it here about the official changes that were going into effect within a couple weeks such as tpb site being shut down and the trackers soon to go offline but since it hasnt been sold the site is back up and im aware of 0 full tracker shut downs.
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Re: was the pirate bay really sold?
« Reply #5 on: July 22, 2009, 07:02:10 pm »
Even the fact they disscussed a sale, is enough to draw the conclusion they sold out, i have no issue with that conclusion it remains, the only issue to be resolved is to finalise the deal, if they do, they sold out, if it all falls through, they tried to sell out and failed, which is just laughable. I remain irritated by the whole thing, what i really want is a resolution to arrive quickly or at very least some tidying up so we all know wtf is actually happening. Perhaps the guys are playing games, but by doing so, they risk alienating the very people who have given then the power to play such games on the global scale they are.

Offline GhostShip

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Re: was the pirate bay really sold?
« Reply #6 on: July 22, 2009, 08:05:10 pm »
If you both do a little more research you may find the answers you seek, the bay was actually sold in 2006 according to peter sunde and the final date for the proposed sale was 1st of august , you,ll remember that the new sale was hyped a bit by peter who told folks to buy shares in the gaming company that currently has little in the way of money to pay for the proposed purchase.

The latest news is that the gaming company have hired the ex grokster boss wayne russo to help ensure the site is more busines like and able to operate legitimately whilst turning a profit , the other thing to bear in mind is that wayne runs a cartel friendly service called snowcap and I,m sure this will feature in the equation somewhere.

The old pirate bay is dead as far as I,m concerned, I urge those who use the site to move on.

Offline Forested665

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Re: was the pirate bay really sold?
« Reply #7 on: July 23, 2009, 10:17:02 pm »
to be quite honest GS the reason i made this was because i dont trust those jack and jane sites. Those very sites are the ones that have spewed crap about it shutting down and that the site wouldnt be back online for months. It is still here and up though i would never use it.
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Offline GhostShip

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Re: was the pirate bay really sold?
« Reply #8 on: July 23, 2009, 11:57:05 pm »
I can see you know little of what sites are good sources and what sites are not, but regardless the brunt end of my post is based on a released conversation with peter sunde who covers the majority of the points I mentioned, if he isnt good enough for you then can I sugggest your grip on reality is slipping  :lol:

Offline Forested665

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Re: was the pirate bay really sold?
« Reply #9 on: July 24, 2009, 12:05:53 am »
i dont know who you are to say i had a grip on reality.
But as some of these subjects are quite news worthy such as the three strikes thing in korea i would expect to see a tidbit somewhere on one of LA or NYs papers the bbc nbc cnn or someone other then a p2p gossip site.
(yes i know the enquirer is a published paper full of improvable bull)

ive never heard of webketu before i started reading posts here and though some of the stories seem to be very reputable and some even easily provable such as this one about MS writing kernel level drivers for linux to perform on 2008 hyperv

Im still very skeptical to trust anything about subjects such as TPB in which people will release anything just because the readers are starving for more gossip and it gets them ratings.
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Offline GhostShip

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Re: was the pirate bay really sold?
« Reply #10 on: July 24, 2009, 02:14:31 am »
I cant fault you there Forester, the web is full of  b-rated gossip and every reader is forced to take their chances,  just as with everything else in life.

Btw the reason you wont hear anything truthful about P2P on any of the "big" news sites is that most of them are owned by the cartel or a cartel affiliate, even the bbc only reports anti filesharing news as they too are a producer of content and thus believe they have much to fear from us all, shame they seem as good at deluding themselves as they are at misleading the public as to their legal rights.

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