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Author Topic: Large Broadband Providers Pass Up Stimulus Funding (USA)  (Read 976 times)

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Offline DaBees-Knees

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Large Broadband Providers Pass Up Stimulus Funding (USA)
« on: August 16, 2009, 08:01:19 am » ... nding.html

Three of the four largest broadband providers in the U.S. say they will not apply for broadband deployment stimulus funding from the U.S. government, and a fourth said it is unlikely to apply as the deadline for the first round of funding nears.

Representatives of AT&T, Comcast and Time Warner Cable all said late this week that their companies will not apply for broadband deployment funding approved in a huge economic stimulus package passed early this year. In addition, representatives of Verizon Communications and Verizon Wireless said it was unlikely that they would apply for stimulus funding.

The US $7.2 billion in broadband stimulus funding was pushed by U.S. President Barack Obama and several consumer groups in an effort to provide universal access to broadband across the country. The first round of funding, in which the application deadline has been extended from Friday to Aug. 20, will distribute about $4 billion in deployment grants and loans, with awards scheduled for November.

So much for an improved internet service! Now you know who to blame and it's not the US government.  8)

Offline MinersLantern

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Re: Large Broadband Providers Pass Up Stimulus Funding (USA)
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2009, 04:21:11 am »
Not the first time, that was done before as a tax cut to send the US into the 21st century on fiber nationwide. They took the tax cut, then refused to change anything (but naturally kept the money from the tax cut). It would have been nice if the entire US had Japan-like access of 100 meg/sec. I guess if they had accepted the stimulus money, they would have HAD TO do it or else pay it all back.
Myself would be more than delighted if the phone companies would just replace all the crap lines hung as a spiderweb 50-75 years ago with new lines that are a real twisted pair, that have functional insulation made of a synthetic material instead of these (basically) coat hanger wires covered with recycled tire rubber that allows water in then retains it for months at a time that picks up 110 volts ac from the EM field of the power lines. Which is what at least me, has now.
Silly ISPs.

Offline Cobra

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Re: Large Broadband Providers Pass Up Stimulus Funding (USA)
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2009, 04:01:08 pm »
I blame the US government anyway.

It's the American thing to do. :lol:
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Offline Forested665

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Re: Large Broadband Providers Pass Up Stimulus Funding (USA)
« Reply #3 on: August 21, 2009, 10:09:00 pm »
If they did take the money they would be one of the handfull companies that could be blamed for causing the governments funding to collapse.
For whatever reason the government seems to have a problem promising more money then they can shell out.
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