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Author Topic: Isp`s unite against government plans  (Read 979 times)

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Offline birdman

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Isp`s unite against government plans
« on: September 03, 2009, 01:18:15 pm »

"Sir, We agree that the creative industries play an important role in the UK and understand the challenge that illegal filesharing presents (letter, Sept 1). We do not condone or encourage such activity, but we are concerned that the Government’s latest proposals on the “how” to reduce illegal filesharing are misconceived and threaten broadband consumers’ rights and the development of new attractive services. Experience in other countries suggests that pursuing such an approach can result in significant consumer resistance. Any new policy must be considered very carefully.

Any decision to move to harsh and punitive measures such as disconnection must be genuinely underpinned by rigorous and objective assessment by Ofcom. Consumers must be presumed to be innocent unless proven guilty. We must avoid an extrajudicial “kangaroo court” process where evidence is not tested properly and accused broadband users are denied the right to defend themselves against false accusations. Without these protections innocent customers will suffer. Any penalty must be proportionate. Disconnecting users from the internet would place serious limits on their freedom of expression. Usually, constraints to freedom of expression are imposed only as the result of custodial sentences, or incitement to racial hatred, or libel. The proposal that internet service providers — and by implication broadband customers — should pay most of the cost of these measures to support the creative industries is grossly unfair since the vast majority of consumers do not fileshare illegally. Further, this payment approach would discourage content industries from developing new services.

We hope that the Government will consider genuinely consumers’ rights in its endeavours to protect the creative industries.

Charles Dunstone, talktalk

Ian Livingston, BT

Jim Killock, Open Rights Group

Ed Mayo, Consumer Focus

Deborah Prince, Which?

Tom Alexander, Orange UK

Offline DaBees-Knees

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Re: Isp`s unite against government plans
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2009, 07:30:01 am »
It's nice to see that one section of the industry is showing some common sense. let's hope that the weight of their opinion has more inflence than that of one individual. Regardless of who he is !!!

Offline birdman

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Re: Isp`s unite against government plans
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2009, 08:18:00 am »
One wonders if its more of a loss of revenue that has spurred the isps  into action rather than considering its customers.

Offline GhostShip

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Re: Isp`s unite against government plans
« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2009, 09:15:15 am »
Your not looking to the big picture Birdman, its just a bad policy to allow disconnecting of users by accusation, without any legal protection as afforded by law, the revenue side is neither here nor there, common sense dictates this is wrong.

Offline ñòóKýçrÕôK

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Re: Isp`s unite against government plans
« Reply #4 on: September 04, 2009, 09:20:29 pm »
Well my common sence side of it says the isps are just covering their own asses by insisting that their customers be given a due process. They have failed to use any common sence in the past in regards to throttling or packet shaping their customers because of download behaviours. They promise one thing and deliver another because as business they really only care how they look to the customer when they start lossing customers. When I say this I mean it's kind of like saying "Rogers internet may be throttled but I know they'll tow the line and go the extra mile for me when it comes to filesharing." They do it to give their customers the appearance of "looking out" for them so they don't look so bad. As is the case with most generally every ISP. ISPs are businesses just like any other. They really don't care what their consumers think of them as long as they keep buying their product. This seems to be the business model of the future as you see it in almost every corperation around the world. "Oh you don't like us? Want some candy little girl??" Not to mention the fact that you remove a persons priviledges that they pay for out of their own pockets without presenting a shred of proof first and/or a warning to cease and desist all p2p activities the ISPs would face serious multiple cases of lible.
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