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P2P Site Coalition to Help Indie Filmmakers
« on: October 14, 2009, 03:33:27 pm »

Several of the largest BitTorrent sites including Mininova, The Pirate Bay and isoHunt have joined a coalition of file-sharing partners in an ambitious project to help filmmakers get their work out to the public. Founded by the director of Steal This Film, the VODO project debuts its first title today.

BitTorrent and file-sharing in general are often looked down upon, or even hated by Hollywood execs. On the other hand, most independent musicians and filmmakers see these new technologies as the ideal tool to publish their work at no cost, and reach an audience much larger than they could ever reach offline.

In an attempt to connect filmmakers with the distribution power of the file-sharing community, Steal This Film director Jamie King has launched VODO. The project includes partners well known to the file-sharing community like Mininova, The Pirate Bay, isoHunt, Miro, Vuze and Frostwire, who have pledged to promote the works of VODO films.

Today, VODO announced the first release titled ‘Us Now‘, a documentary that looks at how ‘user’ participation could transform the way countries are governed. It tells the stories of the online networks whose self-organizing structures promise to change the fabric of government forever. Needless to say this is an ideal debut film with obvious connections to the file-sharing community. ‘Us Now’ is currently featured by Mininova and the other partners are expected to follow shortly.

With a strong backing from the BitTorrent community, including former BitTorrent CEO Ashin Navin and former Pirate Bay spokesman Peter Sunde, VODO hopes to establish itself as a top brand for high quality film downloads that are of interest to file-sharers. The filmmakers on the other hand will have an audience of millions of users, and the ability to generate revenue through donations, which can be quite lucrative.

I can hear the big boys in the film industry freaking out at this development from here.  :yes:

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