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WinMX World :: Forum  |  OpenNap Help  |  OpenNap  |  Losing .wsx files whenever computer is restarted

Author Topic: Losing .wsx files whenever computer is restarted  (Read 4640 times)

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Offline jj007

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Losing .wsx files whenever computer is restarted
« on: October 11, 2009, 09:03:16 pm »
I know how to download and import .wsx files and don't have a problem with that.

The problem is, whenever I add .wsx files to my OpenNap Networks, they import properly and connect the first time (right after I've added them), but the next time I start up my computer and the WinMX program, most of them are gone and I'm left with just 15 to 25 in the "OpenNap Protocol Networks" window listing vs. the 40 or 50 I had originally.
So, why do I keep losing those OpenNap Networks everytime I restart the computer, is there some limit I'm unaware of perhaps? How can I add them and have them STAY from startup to startup?

I have re-imported the .wsx files from my Music Downloads file where they're stored, but it's a pain to have to do that everytime!

Offline Lagerlout666

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Re: Losing .wsx files whenever computer is restarted
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2009, 10:34:48 am »
you on vista or win 7? make sure winmx is running as administrator
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Re: Losing .wsx files whenever computer is restarted
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2009, 11:16:41 pm »
also in C:\Program Files\Winmx make sure your opennapconfig.dat file is not set to hidden or read only... when you exit the program, that's where the serverlist is saved

Offline jj007

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Re: Losing .wsx files whenever computer is restarted
« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2009, 06:30:22 pm »
Nope, my opennapconfig.dat file is not set to hidden or read only, I checked the file's Properties at the path you designated and both those options are UNchecked.

Any other ideas???

WinMX World :: Forum  |  OpenNap Help  |  OpenNap  |  Losing .wsx files whenever computer is restarted

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