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Author Topic: A Spamming Problem  (Read 7670 times)

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Offline tig

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Re: A Spamming Problem
« Reply #80 on: November 16, 2009, 01:16:32 am »
Oh Come on it is fatty...
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Re: A Spamming Problem
« Reply #81 on: November 16, 2009, 02:37:57 am »
MX isn’t real GhostShip, people don’t really get hurt, they don’t pay taxes, and they don’t stay if it’s not fun (unless they’ve lost touch with reality). MX is about fun and fantasy, which is why we have user names like Goddess, Ghost and even Fatty (although I am really fat) And it’s okay for a bloke to hug another bloke, so long as they’re both consenting adults and they don’t swap spit; however I’ve changed my mind now Bluey.
But spamming, this is what this thread is about, spamming. Got to love the people that do servers, but I think they are lost. So if the spammer is reading this, and I’m sure he/she/it/they is/are, you know where my room is, come in and give us all a laugh. When you come in with someone else’s name, and try to demean someone’s room, nobody notices, and if they do, they don’t care cause they know it’s just some oik trying to get a thrill.

So, important things are ……  Family, mum’s, respect, taxes, homes, clothes and feelings
Essential things are  ………… Food, air, water, friends and love
Fun things are ………………..WinMX, cars, sex (with someone else), beer, fluffy kittens, theme parks and  chocolate
Unimportant things are ……… Spammers, being first in the bus queue, shaving on a Sunday, who’s server is better then who’s and being arrested for wearing a rubber nun suit with the bum cut out while trying to open a bank account in an Oxfam shop

Offline Bluey_412

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Re: A Spamming Problem
« Reply #82 on: November 16, 2009, 02:47:13 am »
lol at rubber nun suit...
What you think is important is rarely urgent
But what you think is Urgent is rarely important

Just remember that...

Offline RReactor

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Re: A Spamming Problem
« Reply #83 on: November 16, 2009, 09:00:53 am »
i do have a request to make  can you keep your little incogneto  ppl out of my room  and i state the facts on what i say  nooky crook needs to show ppl respect especially ppl that have been around longer then him I'm not talking on winmx I'm talking about on this earth  you are not gonna scold me like a kid get that out of your head if you dont like my post when you ppl are the real problem acting like you are the big cheese here on mx   then ban me from it i really dont care i dont go in that room of arrogance anymore as i was starting to get sick its hard to believe i sat in there as long as i did cause now being out and about on mx i see alot better ppl  and have met alot of the ppl from the help room from years back they are starting to drop in to my room now and as far as raven is concerned  i have no motive being around her i didn't pump her head with anything  about you ppl  actually i dont really care one bit about any of you ppl the ones that think you above others i could mention names but i wont but i will say this about raven she is probably one of the nicest ppl i have met on mx  and there again nooky crook show some respect boy to ppl that are older than you and are wiser your lectures don't impress ppl just makes you look like a ass i will say this about you most ppl that know of you don't have really to much good to say about you  except your a asshole that word comes up alot not good well in closing i will get on the subject you ppl should hire a guy that does lie detector test and run through that room there and get the spammer and have them locked up its funny the person always has the most recent issues of the day to spam about  the person is probably sitting in the room amongst you and laughing  because all this is directed at winmx world  so get with it and get rid of the person that is amongst you doing this  and with that love and kisses  to all of you  i cant wait till the spammer is caught and was in your room the whole time ...

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Re: A Spamming Problem
« Reply #84 on: November 16, 2009, 09:24:09 am »
Thanks for the laugh Fatty,
you are right, real life matters, and having a good laugh matters, its what keeps us young at heart, a good laugh is free, i like free things, they are cheaper than cheap things.

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Offline DaBees-Knees

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Re: A Spamming Problem
« Reply #85 on: November 16, 2009, 09:30:13 am »
Reactor get a grip. The hate and vitriol shown in that posting really does show where you are coming from. Can't you have a tiff with someone and move on. You should be man enough to take it in your stride. Running your own room is a good thing if it gives you enjoyment. Running it to to promote the hatred that you feel towards certain people will eat you up.

I wish you good luck with your room, but reflect on the hatred thing.

Offline ñòóKýçrÕôK

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Re: A Spamming Problem
« Reply #86 on: November 16, 2009, 02:25:25 pm »
RReactor I call it like I see it and if you act like a child I'll treat you like a child and that goes for even a scolding my friend. Age does not always = intelligence and doesn't always make right as we all know. And I think it's funny how I never said you or anyone inparticular when it came to Raven but you assumed I meant you. Nuff said?
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Offline RReactor

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Re: A Spamming Problem
« Reply #87 on: November 16, 2009, 04:27:30 pm »
and i call it like i see it to and your a asshole quit taking so many pills its eating you up and knees why do you always have to be saying anyhing to me i have never disrespected you in any way i have no beef with you at all  if i lived close enough to nook i would enjoy meeting him cause in my observations ppl that are big and tough on the net are nothing in real life i will leave you alone now nook you can get back to your trailer or whatever you rednecks do im tennessee but on closing i actually think all this control the big shot or whatevever you want to call yourselfs  there is monitary plans in mind i would say  using ppl to get control of the net and winmx and hope the RIAA  comes along and offers a big chunk of cash to buy this place straight out  you all would be sitting pretty  i mean really you ppl are not shelling out cash to run this cause you love everyone  your not fooling me on this  so really you all are no better than vladd was only he didnt hide the fact on it as you do and with that i bid you a happy thanks giving and a merry christmas   and dont worry nook  i still love you  buddy   :lol:

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Re: A Spamming Problem
« Reply #88 on: November 16, 2009, 05:42:52 pm »
All right, that is it. You all have been asked several times to keep it on topic, and since you all cant do that, I am locking this thread.

Offline GhostShip

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Re: A Spamming Problem
« Reply #89 on: November 16, 2009, 10:59:54 pm »
Sorry for having to post this Omega but it needs to be said:

This site is run by volunteers and is paid for by those volunteers, the connection domains and the caches are also paid from their operators own pockets, we dont have any advertisements here and have been keeping winmx rolling for 4 1/4 years now, we as a group will never charge users for something that is free we hope our actions are clear for all to see on this matter based on the history of the site and that fact that not once has anyone asked anyone here for money, those who say different should hold themselves up to the candle and mirror a little more to see what they have become, hate filled and childish.

We may not always be the most popular site with a small minority of disgruntled folks but we will always be here to help winmx users for free and because we want to.

Offline Bluey_412

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Re: A Spamming Problem
« Reply #90 on: November 17, 2009, 02:20:08 pm »
how absurd does it look when you see someone make an assumption, then, based on that assumption, make another, and another, ad infinitum, until the original basis for the assumption has almost ceased to exist...

Commonly known as making a mountain out of a molehill...

i have watched 2 people doin it a lot lately, and i feel sorry for them, its taking them over, and theres not a thing that WMW has done to be the true cause...
What you think is important is rarely urgent
But what you think is Urgent is rarely important

Just remember that...

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