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Author Topic: Uk News - Virgin Media To Spy On Its Customers For Media Cartel  (Read 806 times)

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Offline GhostShip

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Uk News - Virgin Media To Spy On Its Customers For Media Cartel
« on: November 27, 2009, 10:50:28 am »
Just when you thought Virgin media couldnt get any lower in their cosying up to the overseas media conglomerates who call most british internet users theives  :/

With entertainment cartel plans to use world governments as copyright enforcers in the background, Britain’s Virgin Media says it plans to try a DPI (deep packet inspection) system called CView.

“CView is the first commercially available solution to provide a metric highlighting the volume and nature of Peer to Peer (P2P) file sharing activity on an ISP network,” says its owner, Detica.
Detica says it “specialises in collecting, managing and exploiting information to reveal actionable intelligence”.

Interesting term "actionable intelligence", just what does that mean ? It seem virgin is so hot for the cartels it is planning to use this tool soley to provide the cartels with information data on which they can base further lobbying efforts that impact on both the consumer and their rights, and dont worry virgin will not be informing any of its customers they are being spied upon as that is termed "sensitive commercial information" but your privacy isnt it seems.

Offline DaBees-Knees

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Re: Uk News - Virgin Media To Spy On Its Customers For Media Cartel
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2009, 11:57:08 am »
“The only accurate way of providing a ‘digital piracy’ index to both ISPs and CPs is to measure the actual P2P activity taking place within an ISP network.”

The presumption by Virgin Media, and others, is that all file sharing that takes place is of copyright material. What next? They count all emails on the presumption that we are all terrorists contacting each other? There couldn't possibly be a legitimate use for file sharing could there? This is typical of a lot of the presumptions that are being made at the moment. It will probably provide figures just as inaccurate as those that we have seen in the past. It is of course no surprise that it's Virgin Media doing this as Virgin has another of it's divisions in the music industry. This is just another measure to provide the entertainment industry with a set of false figures to bamboozle both the public and politicians with.

The presumption that ISPs have the right to do this is all wrong and I hope it is challenged. No one has ever suggested that all internet banking transactions should be counted and then taken as a cast iron proof of money laundering on a large scale.

Privacy, what's that? Both governments and institutions keep telling us that they protect our privacy. Reality proves that the reverse is true. The public really do need to wake up to what is going on.

Offline Bluey_412

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Re: Uk News - Virgin Media To Spy On Its Customers For Media Cartel
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2009, 03:13:27 am »
perhaps its becoming time to think of old packet technology, and not share 'identifiable files' but rather, simple packets of anonymous data that can be reassembled into a usable file with application of the right assembly tools...
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