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WinMX World :: Forum  |  Discussion  |  WinMx World News  |  Leaked BPI Email : Proposed Anti-P2P Legislation Status Report

Author Topic: Leaked BPI Email : Proposed Anti-P2P Legislation Status Report  (Read 661 times)

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Offline GhostShip

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This important document has recently been leaked to boing boing and shows the disdain those at the BPI have for those who oppose its monopolistic methods aimed at attacking the UK consumer and their rights to privacy and justice.

In this leaked, six-page email, Richard Mollet, the Director of Public Affairs for the British Phonographic Institute (the UK's record-industry lobbyists), sets out the BPI's strategy for ramming through the Digital Economy Bill, a sweeping, backwards reform to UK copyright law that will further sacrifice privacy and due process in the name of preserving copyright, without actually preserving copyright.

In the memo, Mollet identifies Britain's top spies as being a stumbling block to the bill's passage -- worried, apparently, that creating a Great Firewall of Britain will make it harder for spies to spy on naughty sites

It seems pretty clear that the current government have sold the UK consumer down the river and the opposition parties have signed up to do the same, the effects of this attack on the creative consumer will of course be felt by many who share and create their own content,  but at this time all is not lost as it seems there are two weak spots in our enemies armour, one is that they believe  MP's will not ask questions when this legislation arrives in parliament and the second weakness is that the UK security services are not happy to see folks turn to uncrackable encryption as it makes it harder for them to ascertain just who are plain folks and who are terrorists plotting, it seems in their efforts to attack the rights of the public they may also be hindering detection of terrorist extremists, that at least is one message we can all push to anyone who will listen and the other is of course to write a letter to your MP with a link to the Boing boing leaked letter asking why is it that the BPI suggest MP's are unlikely to do their job in representing their voters ?

It seems there is a list of recipients of this mail, one can only feel sympathy for such lobbyists when their email addresses are destroyed by spam as is likely to happen when the less respecting elements of the P2P community set to work.

Offline DaBees-Knees

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Re: Leaked BPI Email : Proposed Anti-P2P Legislation Status Report
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2010, 04:59:10 am »
It seems the implications of a potentially bad law are slowly sinking in. Being guided in to law making by vested interests never was the best reason to create new laws. Rational thought counts for a lot before you decide to create a new law.

WinMX World :: Forum  |  Discussion  |  WinMx World News  |  Leaked BPI Email : Proposed Anti-P2P Legislation Status Report

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