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Author Topic: primary or secondary connection  (Read 6443 times)

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Offline dabud

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primary or secondary connection
« on: April 08, 2010, 02:09:19 pm »
asus p5kc c2d   3.0gHZ  3.0GB ram  opensuse 11.2 kde4.3.5  wine 1.0  winmx 3.54b

It has been suggested [to me] that using a primary connection is not good on winmx under linux.  Can anyone tell me why this might be?
Machine # 1 - Asus Prime Z390A, i7-9700k 3.6GHz, 32.0 GB ram, openSUSE Leap 15.0 64-bit, KDE Plasma 5.12.8
Machine # 2 - Asus P8Z77-V Deluxe, i7-3770k 3.5GHz, 16.0 GB ram, opensuse Tumbleweed KDE Plasma 5.17.0

Offline Pri

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Re: primary or secondary connection
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2010, 06:31:55 pm »
I run WinMX primary under Linux using Wine. I've had a few issues. First of all WinMX doesn't crash. However the user interface can become very unresponsive if the amount of blocked connections starts climbing rapidly (which is does once in a blue moon when running primary) at which point your WinMX becomes completely unusable until you forcibly close it. This doesn't happen on Secondary.

Personally I use Primary on my WinMX under Linux (Via Wine) all the time and the freezing issue only happens once every 2 months I'd say. So I continue to run it as primary, to me it's not a big deal.

Offline nylly444

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Re: primary or secondary connection
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2010, 06:32:35 pm »
My experience has been the opposite actually. (darn, Pri beat me to it, lol)

WinMX on primary somehow seems to use less cpu recources than on secondary on here (core2duo / 4GB ram with debian unstable).

There used to be some issues with winmx losing it's primaries over time some years ago but that hasn't been an issue since long before the release of the community patch.
I've had less issues with winmx under wine than under windows itself, so you can certainly run with whatever you like  :walk:

Since we've got mostly japanese primaries on the wpn nowadays though I suggest you give running it on primary a try if you're on 24/7 with a reasonably stable connection.
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Offline dabud

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Re: primary or secondary connection
« Reply #3 on: April 08, 2010, 11:32:53 pm »
ok  ty Pri & Nylly
I will continue to run as primary.  I have been having some troubles at times with people unsuccessfully trying to enter my room or download from me.  I know it may not necessarily be my problem, but was wondering if the primary on linux might be the problem.  I know it could be many things, or combination of things.  Pretty hard to track these things down at times, especially when there does not seem to be a pattern .  My dsl tests all claim I am above average speeds.  well I guess I will do a bit more searching and checking.  Thanks
Machine # 1 - Asus Prime Z390A, i7-9700k 3.6GHz, 32.0 GB ram, openSUSE Leap 15.0 64-bit, KDE Plasma 5.12.8
Machine # 2 - Asus P8Z77-V Deluxe, i7-3770k 3.5GHz, 16.0 GB ram, opensuse Tumbleweed KDE Plasma 5.17.0

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