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Offline GhostShip

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IFPI Caught Using Misleading Statistics ...Again
« on: May 01, 2010, 06:04:39 pm »
Same old Cartel tricks folks :
Make up piracy figures and release erroneous data to the press and then bring the misleading articles to the politicians who it seems are lacking in brain power or need a cash donation that week.

The IFPI, the global RIAA, this week released its annual Recording Industry in Numbers report that tracks global record sales”, said internet expert Michael Geist, a world-famous law professor based in Ottawa. “In its release, it chose to target two countries — Canada and Spain –– for declining sales and linked those declines to copyright law”, he said, going on:

“As it no doubt intended, the IFPI release succeeded in generating media coverage, including two Globe and Mail stories that dutifully reported that Canada was perceived a piracy haven and was being criticized (again) by the global recording industry.

“Yet it doesnt take much digging to see that the IFPI targeted the wrong country. Canadian sales declined by 7.4 percent last year.  That is obviously bad news for the industry, but it is almost identical to the global average of 7.2 percent. “Moreover, while the IFPI chose to target Canada, the reality is the declines were far bigger in the United States (10.7 percent) and Japan (10.8 percent) yet neither country is described as a piracy haven.

It would be sensible of Canadians to refuse to purchase such anti Canadian newspapers at least until they apologise for their attempt to mislead the Canadian people and its politicians at the behest of other copyright orientated commercial parasites.

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