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Offline DaBees-Knees

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With many countries considering a three strikes law, it’s interesting how privacy and copyright can go hand in hand online. With China’s notoriety for online censorship, it’s only interesting that a new product is out in the Chinese market that allows for easy Wi-Fi hacking.

There’s a number of objectives set out when a country considers a “graduated response” or three strikes law if you believe proponents. One of those objectives is to simplify the ability to go after alleged file-sharers when all that is available is an IP address and a time stamp. Another objective is that it’s suppose to reduce file-sharing. While, on the surface, a new product known as network-scrounging cards doesn’t seem to do much for file-sharers, it really puts another dent in the robustness of a three strikes law.

Networkworld describes the network-scrounging cards as a USB device that allows “a user with little technical knowledge can easily steal passwords to get online via Wi-Fi networks owned by other people.”

The USB item comes with two CDs – one for installing the drivers and the other being a live Linux CD for the purpose of using BackTrack. Once installed “the user can run applications that try to obtain keys for two protocols used to secure Wi-Fi networks, WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) and WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access). After a successful attack by the applications, called Spoonwep and Spoonwpa, a user can restart Windows and use the revealed key to access its Wi-Fi network.” The bundle, according to NetworkWorld, sells for 165 yuan ($24). In other words, it’s not much more complicated then installing the drivers for a mouse or webcam.

Here’s why this is so significant when looking at this through the perspective of a three strikes law. The three strikes law depends on an IP address accurately identifying an individual. At best, some countries mandate that a WiFi access point be secured (protection that seems to be all but destroyed with this product). If one were to access another persons Wi-Fi, the only person that authorities could possibly track copyright infringement to is the owner of the Wi-Fi point, not the individual using it without authorization practically speaking.

As for efficiency, NetworkWorld had this to say about the set-up:

One of the kits took over an hour to crack the WEP key equivalent to the password “sugar” in a test attack on a personal router set up for the purpose using 40-bit encryption. Still, when someone is, say, living in an apartment building with 20 some access points to choose from right from your own living room, an attacker has all the time in the world to crack the passwords. How often to Wi-Fi owners, on average, change their passwords anyway?

Unfortunately, such a product only exists in China currently, but who knows? It might come to other countries who are determined to pass such a flawed law in the first place.

As for the developer of BackTrack, they aren’t happy that their product is being used in this fashion because BackTrack was meant for penetration testing more than anything else.

Still, it shows another example of why tightening copyright laws will never solve anything with regards to file-sharing. Functionally speaking, this has resemblance to the “HADOPI router” which was actually a fake ad (more recently, another company released a similar product), but this iteration seems to be more portable. Perfect for the growing use of laptops.

It’s easy to say that this alone makes a three strikes law obsolete because even if a hacker is tracked down, the resources spent on tracking him/her down pretty much obliterates a lot of the objectives set out by a three strikes law in the first place.

It was only a matter of time.  8)

Offline Pri

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Re: Chinese USB Wifi Crackers Make Three Strikes Laws Obsolete?
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2010, 09:54:52 am »
There is one user who visits my room daily who uses WiFi all the time. He doesn't own his connection he lives in the UK and he changes WiFi 5-6 times a day sometimes more. He uses secure WEP / WPA protected routers by other people in his neighbourhood. This is a guy who is not very technical he simply Googled how to crack WEP/WPA and found a virtual treasure trove of guides with all the necessary tools with step-by-step instruction.

My point is, his been stealing WiFi now for _years_ you would expect that the British politicians who thought the DE bill up would have investigated the ease of which WiFi can be cracked and how the effect of banning it would create a black market for USB devices such as the one in this topic. What the government has basically done is label one group as criminals while creating a dangerous 2nd group of criminals at the same time.

With devices like these on sale all over Britain soon real hardened criminals will use these devices not just the average pirate. Child pornographers, Credit Card fraudsters and so forth. They've created in my opinion a much bigger problem than piracy ever was with the DE bill.

As I've said previously, WEP, WPA and WPA2 can all be circumvented. You can brute force them all and in the case of WEP (which is still very popular when it comes to wireless security) it can be cracked technically due to poor key propagation. You can Brute Force WPA/WPA2 incredibly fast with the latest processors. MAC addresses can be cloned easily thus MAC Address Filtering does not work and passively sniffing packets reveals routers that are not broadcasting their SSID.

To give some of you Wireless Router owning users an idea of how easy it is to break in to your router here are the numbers.

WEP 64/128-bit = 1 to 11 Seconds
WPA = 1 to 2 Minutes
WPA2 = 5 to 45 Minutes with a CUDA compatible GPU (8, 9, 200, 300 or 400 NVIDIA series graphics card)

And these are the only 3 encryption schemes accessible to consumers at present.

Offline Blitzen

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Re: Chinese USB Wifi Crackers Make Three Strikes Laws Obsolete?
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2010, 10:19:25 am »
WPA2 with AES encryption has not been cracked yet .............    WPA2 with TKIP can be cracked

Offline Pri

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Re: Chinese USB Wifi Crackers Make Three Strikes Laws Obsolete?
« Reply #3 on: May 08, 2010, 10:31:27 am »
Both AES and TKIP can be brute forced which is exactly what I said in my post. The time limits were also accurate.

But don't take my word for it. Top result on Google:
"Cracking WPA2 AES with pyrit and aircrack-ng suite"

I haven't watched the video, but from what I understand he uses a dictionary brute force on previously collected (sniffed) packets.

Offline Blitzen

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Re: Chinese USB Wifi Crackers Make Three Strikes Laws Obsolete?
« Reply #4 on: May 08, 2010, 10:46:05 am »
It is not as easy as it looks for a start you need specific network cards and it works mainly with Linux o/s  also people need to start using more secure passwords that include uppercase, lower case, numbers and symbols to make a hackers job that little bit harder.

Offline Pri

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Re: Chinese USB Wifi Crackers Make Three Strikes Laws Obsolete?
« Reply #5 on: May 08, 2010, 11:52:21 am »
That is just one example of how it can be done. I myself have access to Windows based programs that will work with almost any WiFi card including the USB ones which use CUDA and are able to make 840,000 attempts per second on my graphics cards.

I have thus been able to get the keys to all 16 access points within range and this program I speak of is a 1 click affair with no technical knowledge required although it does have a high price tag.

Offline Blitzen

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Re: Chinese USB Wifi Crackers Make Three Strikes Laws Obsolete?
« Reply #6 on: May 08, 2010, 12:08:27 pm »
Sounds interesting Pri what is the program called ?

Offline Pri

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Re: Chinese USB Wifi Crackers Make Three Strikes Laws Obsolete?
« Reply #7 on: May 08, 2010, 12:40:07 pm »
That's classified.

Offline Blitzen

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Re: Chinese USB Wifi Crackers Make Three Strikes Laws Obsolete?
« Reply #8 on: May 08, 2010, 01:24:22 pm »
In other words you mean it does no exsist but maybe one day might....................

Offline DaBees-Knees

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Re: Chinese USB Wifi Crackers Make Three Strikes Laws Obsolete?
« Reply #9 on: May 08, 2010, 01:46:21 pm »
Please don't pass specific hacking details in here. Talk to each other using pm's by all means, but not in here with hack details as this will build up problems for WinMx.

Offline Pri

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Re: Chinese USB Wifi Crackers Make Three Strikes Laws Obsolete?
« Reply #10 on: May 09, 2010, 01:05:12 am »
In other words you mean it does no exsist but maybe one day might....................

It exsists I have it right now. I simply do not want you to have it. I think that was obvious.

Offline Bluey_412

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Re: Chinese USB Wifi Crackers Make Three Strikes Laws Obsolete?
« Reply #11 on: May 09, 2010, 02:02:22 am »
Birdman, dont argue with pri...

You will lose
What you think is important is rarely urgent
But what you think is Urgent is rarely important

Just remember that...

Offline Pri

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Re: Chinese USB Wifi Crackers Make Three Strikes Laws Obsolete?
« Reply #12 on: May 09, 2010, 02:12:24 am »
Birdman, dont argue with pri...

You will lose

I must admit I did get a chuckle when I read this  :oops:

Offline Blitzen

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Re: Chinese USB Wifi Crackers Make Three Strikes Laws Obsolete?
« Reply #13 on: May 09, 2010, 06:51:33 am »
yeh me too Pri i had to chuckle at the same comment. And as regards the program firstly i did not ask for it i asked what it was called, and not wanting me to have it thats fine as unlike you obviuosly are i do not hack into other peoples wifi and before you say you don`t you have already stated you have 16 local wifi`s decoded. I do not want to be a criminal like you Pri and hope one day you are brought to justice. And bluey your just an ass kisser that offers nothing to anything so as Raven use to say shut the hell up....................

Offline Pri

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Re: Chinese USB Wifi Crackers Make Three Strikes Laws Obsolete?
« Reply #14 on: May 09, 2010, 07:16:08 am »
yeh me too Pri i had to chuckle at the same comment. And as regards the program firstly i did not ask for it i asked what it was called, and not wanting me to have it thats fine as unlike you obviuosly are i do not hack into other peoples wifi and before you say you don`t you have already stated you have 16 local wifi`s decoded. I do not want to be a criminal like you Pri and hope one day you are brought to justice. And bluey your just an ass kisser that offers nothing to anything so as Raven use to say shut the hell up....................

Again you don't understand what you are talking about. Decoding someone else's key and then using it to break in to their network are two separate things. I pay for my own internet and use my own internet. Decoding wireless data that enters my own home is a passive act and I don't use these keys to connect and steal anyone's internet. I used the program as a technical exercise to see if it could be done. And just to make it clear this involves merely saving packets that enter my home. Storing them and then running the program on that data. There is no connection made from my equipment to theirs only passive listening to packets they are always broadcasting.

Anyone who knows me knows I pay for 50Mb uncapped internet. I don't need to steal internet I have the fastest internet of anyone I know.

And I really don't think you are anyone to be getting up on a moral high ground saying how you would like me to be brought to justice and so forth. And you asked for the name so you could check it out obviously. I don't want to give you the name to any software that you will abuse. We all know how much you like masking your identity.

Offline Blitzen

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Re: Chinese USB Wifi Crackers Make Three Strikes Laws Obsolete?
« Reply #15 on: May 09, 2010, 07:27:01 am »
You know how i like masking my identity  and your proof is ? and do you think anyone would believe a person would obtain a program to decode other peoples wireless passwords just to see if it can and then not try to connect to them! yeh right Pri you may have the mother of all broadband but that does not mean to say you would not use those people around you internet connection for your own means for example to also hide your identity for what ever reason. I was merley intersted to know what the program was as from what i had read and understood WPA2 with AES had not been cracked and indeed was still used by the US government. The difference here is you have used a hacking program and i have not so please do not throw stones if you live in a greenhouse.

Offline Pri

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Re: Chinese USB Wifi Crackers Make Three Strikes Laws Obsolete?
« Reply #16 on: May 09, 2010, 07:29:59 am »
Everyone knows you mask your identity Birdman its no secret. Your reputation proceeds you. Nothing else really needs to be said.

And just for the record my 'Hacking Program' is not a hacking program it is a security auditor that is sold commercially to security companies by a security company.

And again you keep using the word 'Cracked' I have never said anything has been cracked. I said you can brute force WPA and WPA2 (even with AES). And the program I have simply facilitates hundreds of thousands of attempts a second.

Offline Blitzen

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Re: Chinese USB Wifi Crackers Make Three Strikes Laws Obsolete?
« Reply #17 on: May 09, 2010, 07:36:38 am »
I have no such reputaition Pri but it maybe in time everyone will have to mask their real identity and theres no crime in that its a wise move.

And decoding someone elses wireless password is not hacking and stealing ?  regardless of what the program is you have bought iam certain that it is not for that purpose, and now you have said it was purchased from a security firm i now know exactly what the software is, do you have the hand held version ? lol

Offline Pri

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Re: Chinese USB Wifi Crackers Make Three Strikes Laws Obsolete?
« Reply #18 on: May 09, 2010, 07:42:55 am »
I did not buy it. Never said I did. And there is no handheld version. So you do not know what it is at all.

Decoding someone elses wireless password is not stealing. I have not taken anything from them. The data was always being broadcast. I do not and have never connected to a wireless access point that does not belong to me except when I was on holiday and the little bed and breakfast we stayed in had an unsecured WiFi router in range (lol) which I connected to with my Pocket PC (good ol Windows Mobile 2003)

I regularly spend my free time programming and I do dabble in some black hat scenes from time to time but I'm not a criminal and I certainly do not steal other peoples internet or destroy data or hack in to resources that do not belong to me. What other people do with anything I write is up between them and law enforcement but I personally do not partake in such activities.

Offline Bluey_412

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Re: Chinese USB Wifi Crackers Make Three Strikes Laws Obsolete?
« Reply #19 on: May 09, 2010, 07:45:15 am »

And I repeat:

Birdman, Don't argue with Pri

You WILL lose...
What you think is important is rarely urgent
But what you think is Urgent is rarely important

Just remember that...

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