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WinMX World :: Forum  |  Discussion  |  WinMx World News  |  When Recording Everything We See Is Standard, What Happens To Copyright?

Author Topic: When Recording Everything We See Is Standard, What Happens To Copyright?  (Read 1149 times)

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Offline DaBees-Knees

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We've discussed in the past how technology can advance much faster than the law can handle. For example, we've recently had a few posts about the motorcyclist who was arrested for violating Maryland state wiretapping laws, after his helmet cam captured an off-duty cop jump out of his car with a gun drawn to stop the cyclist. That certainly raised some questions about an age when people more regularly film things going on around them. But, it goes way beyond that as well. Over the years, we've written about various experiments in building tools to let people record absolutely everything you see. Some might find this excessive, but there are some interesting applications -- including helping people with their memory.

However, if such things become more common, laws are going to have to adjust -- and copyright law is no exception. David Levine points us to a story about a guy who lost his eye in a hunting accident, and has replaced it with a prosthetic eye that doubles as a video camera, which can also broadcast what he's seeing. Levine, in mentioning this, queries what happens when he goes to the movies? Or, what if he goes to a sporting event with an exclusive broadcast right? We recently wondered how long it would be until some enterprising team of folks all attends a sporting event with smartphones and broadcasts an "alternative" stream of the game.

Now, I'm sure defenders of the current copyright system will immediately dismiss these examples as being either one-off cases or situations where copyright law should apply and these people should definitely get in trouble or be stopped. But it's really going to become overwhelming. As these tools get better and more useful and actually provide additional utility, along the lines of aiding memory or being able to do data lookups, it's going to seem sillier and sillier for people to turn them off just to make some copyright holder happy. It could actually be a key point in making some reconsider the state of copyright law today.

I'll leave you, and the cartels, to think about that one.  :gum:

Offline White Stripes

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...why do i have a funny feeling they arrested the cyclist for 'wiretapping' cos of something the cop did wrong...
(after reading the article apparently i was right... lol..)

Offline GhostShip

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The cyclist need only have made a claim of assault with a deadly weapon and the video would have been then entered in as evidence, the only way to fight abuse is to not turn a blind eye when you witness it and if they have corrupt cops in maryland then getting one locked up for brandishing a loaded pistol at folks for no reason is surely a potent weapon against corruption, no wire-tapping statute trumps a potential homicide event.

For those that are not aware of the scope of the term "assault"  this need not be an actual assault but simply just the threat of an assault, as long as the victim believed the officer was going to commit an assault the offence has been committed.

Offline Joshua203

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David Levine points us to a story about a guy who lost his eye in a hunting accident, and has replaced it with a prosthetic eye that doubles as a video camera, which can also broadcast what he's seeing. Levine, in mentioning this, queries what happens when he goes to the movies?
:/ he s allowed to blink or just blink with one eye??  :crazy: eheheheheh
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Offline White Stripes

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Quote from: ghostship
no wire-tapping statute trumps a potential homicide event. should come visit the states for a while sometime... what goes on...

or just read the websites for local news for various cities in the us... pick a mid-sized city and keep an eye on things...

for more entertainment pick a city in whats considered the 'bible belt' and watch bass-ackwards thinking at its best...

Offline GhostShip

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I''m sure one of the religious commandments states its a sin to kill, wiretapping is not mentioned and thus conceivably is not considered a sin, the "bible belt" states should agree on this matter. 

You Shall Not Bear False Wireless Against Your Neighbor

wait I think thats a typo

Offline White Stripes

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ok ok... lemme give you a hint as to the type of ppl in the bible belt; they are the ones that "born again christian" george bush reached out to for votes.....

want more?;

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