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Author Topic: Urban Dictionary for Metis  (Read 11441 times)

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Offline Blitzen

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Re: Urban Dictionary for Metis
« Reply #20 on: July 20, 2010, 10:37:52 am »
And just to respond to why did we not release our web based scripts, that was due to people removing the writers names from the games scripts and putting their own names in place trying to take the credit for its creation.

Pri please! i have my opinion and you have yours as others do to, you really do not need to keep trying to justify what you do as there will be many who will appreciate your efforts ;)

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Re: Urban Dictionary for Metis
« Reply #21 on: July 20, 2010, 11:25:02 am »
Great work Pri for giving us a link to another great source for the community to use.

Now this thread is meant to be about an Urban dictionary for metis not an attacking match on each other.

As all of you well know I dont step in very often. Their is 3 of you guys that are meant to be banned from this forum and don't worry I have been keeping a close eye on you 3. You all may think we are stupid however, we are not! Sometimes we think people need a second chance (in some cases maybe more!). You might all think we don't know who you are but we do.

Consider this a warning and a final warning under your current names that you are using. I will not tolerate anymore nasty's towards each other. No one on this forum should need to put up with abuse and justifying themselves because things turn nasty.   
People become really quite remarkable when they start thinking that they can do things. When they believe in themselves they have the first secret of success. BY Norman Vincent Peale

Offline Blitzen

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Re: Urban Dictionary for Metis
« Reply #22 on: July 20, 2010, 11:40:23 am »

I know iam one of the 3 but i have never hidden who i was and never considered anyone to be stupid here, i do not see where the attacking angle is coming from as i felt it was just expression of ones opinion which is what i thought forums were about opinions etc, and i can honestly say in most cases i have only replied in defence of myself against others who comment here unhindered regardless .......

Offline Blitzen

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Re: Urban Dictionary for Metis
« Reply #23 on: July 20, 2010, 11:49:02 am »

Hmm as the modify button seems to have gone again ........

Tig please  delete my account and i shall just visit here from now on as a guest i think i have had enough of the hypocracy and bullshit  thnx

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Re: Urban Dictionary for Metis
« Reply #24 on: July 20, 2010, 12:36:05 pm »
You know we do not delete accounts. I will add you to ban as it is the easiest way possible as you have requested for your account to be deleted.

If you would like it to be reactivated please speak to one of the admins.
People become really quite remarkable when they start thinking that they can do things. When they believe in themselves they have the first secret of success. BY Norman Vincent Peale

Offline RebelMX

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Re: Urban Dictionary for Metis
« Reply #25 on: July 20, 2010, 04:10:32 pm »
I'm sorry Simba if it offends you that i query and even assisted Pri in pointing him in the direction of some fixes for his scripts!  Everything i said is 100% true and accurate and is in no way a put down.  I was simply querying why he was not releasing stand alone scripts.

I am not hiding behind a name, unlike yourself who has recently "joined", and have assisted the community with my own selection of scripts.  I am working on other things other than metis scripts now, and was attempting to provide my metis scripting knowledge for others, likely to be more assistance than you yourself have provided.

Amazing how a thread can go so totally off topic when it was originally a discussion over the pro's and con's and possible improvements of this particular script.

Offline ¿Åliçe

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Re: Urban Dictionary for Metis
« Reply #26 on: July 21, 2010, 08:44:11 am »
Well I have followed this thread from start to here.  Seems to have gone in a logical progression no matter how many times i re-read it.  Without disrespecting anybody who provides these tools for the WINMX community,  ....  as an 'end user'  I am quite happy to use Pri's scripts without a 'working knowledge'  its not my forte and certainly not most of winmx users either.   As for it running on his server,  for the added speed that he mentioned, well im happy to live in the here and now.If he should chose to stop running his server, that's up to him.

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Re: Urban Dictionary for Metis
« Reply #27 on: July 21, 2010, 09:19:36 am »
The only scripts that go through my server for functionality are as follows:

IMDB - Gets the Movie ID Numbers from my API
Pulse Protection - Saves and re-distributes data from your room
Proxy Blocker - Downloads a Definition file and a Proxy List from my server

The other scripts such as Wikipedia and Urban Dictionary only contact my server for 2 things. 1. To check if a new version of the script has been released. and 2. To download two characters (& and ") which I was unable to get to work reliably when placed in the code itself. And I'm not the only one who had that problem as Fireblade from 5* who used my IMDB API like a year before I even released the IMDB script had the same problem getting them to work in his room and he instead loaded & and " locally from a text file on his Hard Drive. And he didn't do that from Advice from me, he came up with that solution.

One of the problems when releasing things for Metis is everyone has a different version. When I say my scripts need version 2.8 there is like 5 versions of that and they each react differently to scripts. There is even a build floating out there where the %PARAM% in <in></in> doesn't work. If everyone used the same version which works 100% with the character replacements I would stick the replacements in the code as there would be no need to host them anymore. But I wouldn't remove the update notifications as I feel they are very useful. Only yesterday did I release an updated IMDB, Proxy Blocker and Wikipedia and thanks to those update notifications people were using the latest versions with the latest fixes and feature additions in minutes instead of weeks or months.

Now obviously having update notifications presents a problem because of the way that Metis handles offline servers. If my server was to go down all the scripts would break because as soon as it gets to the piece of the code that checks for a new version my server wouldn't respond and Metis would lockup, crash or present an error to the user and not continue with the rest of the script. This is a shame obviously but this is a worst case scenario it's not like I'm going anywhere as I said previously my domain and hosting is paid up until 2012 and I don't intend to forcibly remove what these scrips need to run. Even my own software in my own room relies on these online services. These include my own IMDB (I use the API for that and have done for the past 3 years) and I use the Proxy Protection and Proxy Blocker API as-well.

Now obviously people here have concerns that if I go the scripts will be worthless and that is just the chance your gonna have to take if you choose to use the software, I've given you my assurances and I can't do more then that, I won't be altering the scripts to make them poorer in quality just so they outlast me. And ya know I'm not the only one doing this sort of thing (supplying software that requires online servers to work) the current WinMX Peer Cache system is similar right now it is hosted by a few people but it is possible to give every MX client a cache server for it to be self sustaining but no one is causing a fuss about that. I'm just pointing out some hypocrisy here.

Now I hope this kind of controversy is not going to follow everything I do as I am going to be releasing some more stuff in the future which will also require my server to be online as that approach I feel delivers the quality I want the users who use my releases to experience. I think it is not a stretch to say the stuff I release is very high quality and no-nonsense.

When you download something by me you can expect a few things:
1. Easy to install, creates its own database if it needs one
2. Central location for all the data it stores on your PC so you can easily backup or move it to another computer
3. Always notified of the latest version so bugs you experience are fixed quickly and you are notified fast
4. High degree of customization allowing you to change the colors of scripts, private or public viewing and so on
5. Full server support, my scripts all have specific code to work in Ouka, FXServe, WCS, RCS, RSWCS and ZCS - Without the admins needing to do a thing

I'll continue to deliver the above in all my future stuff. I'm planning a few new things which I won't discuss today but one of them is really special and I think a lot of people will enjoy using.

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Re: Urban Dictionary for Metis
« Reply #28 on: July 21, 2010, 09:55:39 pm »
Thank you Pri for all the scripts you have, and may continue to provide for the community.

I would also like to thank all those who are constantly developing for the network. Without all you, the network would be dead.

As for a new bot, Metis is open source. It doesn't take much for a developer to take a look at the source and build a new bot from it. Now, taking all the code and calling it yours is wrong, but using it as a reference is not. Everyone is developing new chat servers and everything else. When will a new bot be on the list of things to improve? I would love to make one, but I am very busy with work, and now my home business. I try and do coding and programming in my free time, but lately the only free time I have is to sleep. If someone would like to work with me on a project, or needs help with one, please let me know. I am always willing to help when I can. Just drop me an email at

Offline Pri

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Re: Urban Dictionary for Metis
« Reply #29 on: July 30, 2010, 05:22:35 pm »
Just an update, based on Richy (RebelMX) suggestions I have gone back to the code and tried putting the characters ( & and " ) back in to the code. It works on the latest Metis and thus the Wikipedia, IMDB and Urban Dictionary scripts have all been updated to put those characters directly in to the code and remove the need for them to be downloaded from my server. Thank you Richy.

Re: Urban Dictionary for Metis
« Reply #30 on: August 05, 2010, 12:12:28 pm »
I've split this post at this point as none of the posts after this point seemed to contain any material relevant to the original post.

Keep the posts after this related to the topic, otherwise post on the other portion.

Offline Pri

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Re: Urban Dictionary for Metis
« Reply #31 on: November 11, 2010, 02:24:23 pm »
Just a note, this script stopped working late last month due to them changing some parts of their web page (just minor code change behind the scenes on their site) so I've updated the script today to work again. You can get it at the above URL to my website as normal.

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